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New try add some photos of Penny and a short video.
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22 August 2012 - 4:10 am
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 I didn't managed to get these pictures larger.      Why isn't it possible to play this video?! I tried both chosing flash and

                                                                       Windows Media player. Anyway it's a very short video of Penny and

                                                                       Wilbur playing smiley


Orange County, CA
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28 November 2008
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22 August 2012 - 8:32 am
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Well, the video didn't work, but the photos are great!  Penny looks wonderful!!

22 August 2012 - 9:39 am
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Nice pictures!

Here are instructions for Adding a Video to your post.  It's title had YouTube in it but there are instructions on how to add from other sites.

I can't see where this video is residing- it does have to be somewhere on-line I think, not just on your computer. 


Karen and the pugapalooza

El Dorado Hills, CA
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13 April 2012
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22 August 2012 - 10:09 am
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Wow!!  Penny looks awesome.  Thanks for adding the pics.  She is a beautiful dog and I'm so glad she is feeling good.  Where abouts in Sweden are you folks?  Stockholm? Malmo?  Just wondering....


Alll our Best,

Suzie and Rizzo

Jack Russell born in 2001. Mast cell cancer found Dec 2009 and right rear amputation. Five rounds of chemo done before all treatment stopped. Living life to the fullest!! Read my story at

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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22 August 2012 - 10:41 am
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Awww, she looks GREAT!!!! Wow!

If your video is on YouTube, you can just paste the "Share" link that's found below the video player, right into your post here. See if that works. Hope so!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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22 August 2012 - 11:12 am
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Suzie and Rizzo, We live about 20 minutes outside Stockholm. Yes Penny is really doing well so far. I'm so happy smiley!


Jerry, Both pictures and video are from Photobucket, and I thought I did as the instructions say, but obviously not way-confused.

I pressed the Embedded media button, pasted the url. Tried with Flash once and Windows Media player once. I also tried to paste directly here, and then you can just see the link. Maybe if you copy that and paste in the webb adress field you can look at it. I don't know. Haven't tried that. Anyway it would be nice if you just can click on it here. But it's not a big deal, because the video is just about 3 sec long, ha ha smiley.

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22 August 2012 - 11:18 am
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Karen and the pugapalooza, Thank you! I shall look at the instructions again.

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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22 August 2012 - 11:24 am
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Photobucket does not make it very easy to embed their videos. If nothing has changed since we we started the topic below, the instructions there should still work in forum posts too.

Embed Flash video files from PhotoBucket, etc

Or, just give us a link to view the video on your Photobucket page!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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22 August 2012 - 11:44 am
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Give us a link to your Photobucket page with the video and we'll try adding it for you.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

El Dorado Hills, CA
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13 April 2012
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22 August 2012 - 12:20 pm
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You live in a beautiful part of the world and admire your very good English.  I loved my trip to Sweden and would love to visit again.  Enjoy Penny and Wilbur and I look forward to seeing your video!


Suzie and Rizzo

Jack Russell born in 2001. Mast cell cancer found Dec 2009 and right rear amputation. Five rounds of chemo done before all treatment stopped. Living life to the fullest!! Read my story at

San Diego, CA
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29 October 2010
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22 August 2012 - 3:16 pm
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She looks awesome! (I was always video-challenged too on here... I found the youtube route the easiest to go.)

Keep up the good work, Penny!


Abby: Aug 1, 2009 – Jan 10, 2012. Our beautiful rescue pup lived LARGE with osteosarcoma for 15 months – half her way-too-short life. I think our "halflistic" approach (mixing traditional meds + supplements) helped her thrive. (PM me for details. I'm happy to help.) She had lung mets for over a year. They took her from us in the end, but they cannot take her spirit! She will live forever in our hearts. She loved the beach and giving kisses and going to In-N-Out for a Flying Dutchman. Tripawds blog, and a more detailed blog here. Please also check out my novel, What the Dog Ate. Now also in paperback! Purchase it at Amazon via Tripawds and help support Tripawds!

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