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Member Since:
30 November 2023
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5 February 2024 - 9:38 am
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Hello ! 

Our dog boo-boo is 2 1/2 months outside his amputation. The amputation itself has healed and we have pain management under control. what’s unfortunate is that he had hurt his other leg about four years ago pulling his CCL. that leaves him with the one back leg that he uses alongside his two front legs.

With a not so great back leg we are definitely noticing that his recovery won’t look as well as others. The leg that he does use on a daily basis is supported with a full harness and we are working on getting that tailored in a way that we can help take the pressure off of that back leg so he can still move forward.

We were looking at the bark ranger stroller however when all sudden done it will cost us around $1200 Canadian. Boo-boo is nine turning 10 in a month. Living on the coast and being active people I would like to be able to have boo-boo come on trips with us so he can enjoy the smell of the outdoors and see all of the things that he used to see when he would run alongside with us.

Considering the cost of the bark ranger although it does look like an incredibly good product. What would folks suggest as an alternative? And alternative that would be just as good but perhaps a little bit more affordable.

We have already spent around nine grand within the last few months supporting his health. Any tips, thoughts or wisdom from you? Folks would be very appreciated.


selina, boo-boo and Andrew

The Rainbow Bridge

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5 February 2024 - 11:28 pm
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Hi Selina! Your topic post title caught my eye, wasn't exactly sure what you meant. But I think you meant to type "Bark Ranger Cart" maybe?

I'm sorry that Boo Boo is having some mobility challenges related to that weaker remaining rear leg. I know you probably see this a lot here but has he been to see a physiotherapist yet? If not, it really sounds like he can benefit from seeing one. And Tripawds Foundation can pay for your first visit too, even in Canada.

Regarding the Bark Ranger we have for Nellie. It is really the best dog stroller we have found that can navigate a variety of terrain. I also get that it's not inexpensive.

Burley does make a less expensive model called the Tail Wagon, for small to medium dogs.

There are other strollers we have tried and my second runner up would be the Booyah, which costs less and does really well on different surfaces from bumpy roads to asphalt. Another one, the Pet Gear, is nice but it's really for hard surfaces like streets and sidewalks. It's also better for smaller to medium dogs.

This post also mentions one that another member really likes, the Ibiyaya Hercules:


Smaller dogs generally have more options for strollers out there. Just remember the smaller the wheels the more difficult it is to push the stroller on uneven terrain and dirt. Don't forget you can always look on Craig's List and Ebay. We got Nellie's previous stroller, the Booyah, for a very good deal as a used model.

What size and breed type is Boo Boo?

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30 November 2023
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12 February 2024 - 10:35 am
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Well we decided to just eat the cost and went for the Bark Ranger, purchased the ski's as well ! Though, we know Boo would much rather be walking beside us, or in typical Husky fashion, ahead of us, he is at least with us, which I have come to realize that is what is most important for him. Our reviews on the quality is good! very well made. We also ordered TRIPAWD patches to place on the outside from the Tripawds website. We are proud to represent 🙂 Great quality skis as well, with a fun pattern on them too. Boo-boo currently weighs 66.3 lbs. When he was well and had 4 legs (last august) he was around the 70 lb mark. Vets said his weight right now is most ideal, as his other back leg is not in very good condition. We are doing our best with pain management , and treatment for the weaker leg. I enjoyed watching and reading on Wyatt, the older Tripawd. This was comforting as Booey is looks very similar. He will be turning 10 in a couple of weeks. I would love to submit a photo of him! Where could we do that ? 




Member Since:
22 February 2013
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12 February 2024 - 3:15 pm
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Hi Selena  and Booey

Your boy  doing so well👏   He clearly  has a devoted hooman family making sure he has the best life as a Teipawd possible.  You've done an excellent  job of keeping  his weight at a good place.

I'm going to PM you my email address.  That way you can send me some photos of Husky Boo proudly displaying his Tripawd Badge of Honor and other photos 😎  Cant wait to see him.

Also,  here is a link for adding images .

Okay, cant wait to see is cute self!  


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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12 February 2024 - 8:33 pm
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Selina that's awesome! I think you will be very happy with it. If Boo is unfamiliar with strollers, go realllll slow when you start showing it to him. Many people set them up indoors and then allow the dog to use it like crate. Then they add the wheels, then then after a while if the dog looks comfy inside, they go outside with it. Just don't be surprised if he is a little nervous about the motion at first. Many dogs are but most will acclimate as long as it's introduced slowly, with lots of enthusiasm and some food bribes too.

I can't wait to see your guy! We also have a special place in our hearts for Huskies, as we are in Huskyland right now in Willow, Alaska, surrounded by mushers and dogs everywhere we go. sp_hearticon2

We miss Wyatt Ray . He was a handful and a ball of fire his whole life. Our gentle and sometimes a little feisty Nellie was definitely arranged in the heavens by him. We think he wanted to pay us back with a mellower dog for living with 12 years of his fun loving mayhem and madness lol!

Great job on the weight loss for Boo! How did you do it? If you'd like to share our Eating Healthy Forum is a good place! I know others are curious too. It's tough to maintain weight on a Tripawd because they need to stay slim but we still need to bribe them with training time and such. Sounds like you've got it down! Great job! 

Mailed your patches out today, thank you so much for your generous support! 


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22 February 2013
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20 February 2024 - 9:46 pm
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Okay, when you look up the word "handsome" in the dictionary,  you will see a picture  of Nr Booey. Boo Boo. Isn't  he stunning?  His eyes, his fur coloring..... I just love everything about this dog!

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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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21 February 2024 - 6:13 pm
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Oh this boy melts my heart! I love that snuffle mat. Is he enjoying it?

That last photo of him in the snow with the bluebird sky just makes me smile so big! 

Thanks for sharing these Sally!

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