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Power Mushrooms
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1 November 2009 - 8:19 am
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I was going to label this post "Pam's Power Mushrooms" but wasn't sure she wants that much notoriety. You should hear what people say when I tell people that Tazzie is on Power Mushrooms!

Tazzie 2 started Power Mushrooms about 4-5 days ago. These are made by Health Concerns (obtained from Acupuncture Atlanta website, they were swift in sending them). Pam has mentioned these periodically, because she used them for her Tazzie since the cost of K9-immunity is somewhat prohibitive for a really large dog. In our case, we had run out of the initial K9-Immunity supply and I wanted to try these as an alternative. As you know, Tazzie 2 also has hair-loss issues following the Doxy chemo, so I am hoping these might help.

Before starting these, Tazzie 2 was absolutely FAMISHED, RAVENOUS. We are not talking a food-loving dog, which he also has been. We are talking a DESPERATELY hungry dog who suctions his food to the point of coughing while he is still filter-feeding. Because his weight has been stable, I did not want to give him more food. I think he went from a normal state of food-loving to extreme desperation for food around the time the K9-Immunity ran out, so that suggests the K9-Immunity was filling a need (I decreased the number of pills he got each day as the supply dwindled the last week).

As soon as he took his first mushroom pill, he became superdog and that has continued. He has always been a happy dog (well, except for a few weeks following amputation), but now he is a ridiculously happy and energetic dog. The only worry is that I can't hold him back when he hops up or down three steps at a time when he hears someone in the kitchen or to greet trick-or-treaters (over and over and over again last night). He also seems more sure-footed (the previous week he was stumbling), although I can't explain that, given the subQ met lumps on his right hind are thriving, and are hard and hot to the touch, yuck. He does settle down to rest or ask for cuddles, so he is not behaving inappropriately all day or anything.

Even though he still devours his food, he does not have that extra edge of hunger that seemed pathological last week. It is hard to believe this is all is related to these mushrooms, yet that is the only change we made on the day this change in behaviour was observed (we did start Artemisinin a few days earlier, but I don't think it would have that kind of effect).

He is only on one Power Mushroom pill per day. I think he should be dosed at 2-3, but this seems enough for now. I was under the impression that it takes weeks for the effects to kick in, so I might be off my rocker to suggest these changes are related to this supplement. But this might be something for people to consider if their budgets do not enable them to spring for K9-immunity.

The change is good (other than risk of orthopedic injury), although one does wonder if these are Magic Mushrooms rather than just Power Mushrooms.

Susan & Tazzie 2

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1 November 2009 - 9:36 am
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I would agree that I saw a definite boost in energy with both my cancer dogs within days of starting the mushrooms. Tazzie had a large patch of hair over her amputation site that had still not grown back even 6 months after her last chemo but a few weeks after starting the mushrooms her hair had completely regrown.

I wish I had heard about these sooner.  My holistic vet recommended them and she uses them for all dogs instead of K9 Immunity because she thinks they are just as good and much cheaper.  We did not use Transfer Factor although it probably wouldn't hurt to add that.  I think I am going to try my Dogue de Bordeaux on these mushrooms because he has chronic skin disease and maybe they will help.


On The Road

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1 November 2009 - 2:12 pm
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So glad to hear the magic mushrooms are working well for Tazzie! Thanks for sharing your erxperience with them and K9 Immunity.

Interested readers might want to check out this other topic about mushroom derivative therapies for canine cancer.

We also found Health Concerns Power Mushrooms available online here:

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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6 November 2009 - 9:52 pm
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I was going to post this in the other thread where the discussion began, but it seems to make more sense to keep it here. 


My bottle says the same as yours, Debra, although it appears that is a recommendation for people (I had thought these were specifically made for dogs, but I guess we can also take them, although they say not if you are pregnant, just in case any of you are going to steal some of your dog's meds).

I had asked tazziedog about the dose since she used these, but the response is ambiguous because of our dogs' names. It says "I would give Tazzie 2 tablets twice per day". It did not seem ambiguous at the time, but now I wonder if she meant that is what she gave her Tazzie or what she recommended for my Tazzie! I also thought the Acupuncture Atlanta website suggested 2-3 per day, but have not looked back to confirm that.

In any case, you should probably start with one pill and if Emily tolerates it fine, add a second on day 3. Or, call the company and see what they recommend.

One pill sort of seemed to be enough in my Tazzie's case, so I wasn't sure I should add more. If Emily is about the same weight as Tazzie (75 lbs), I'd probably try to get her up to three since she is having so many limb problems right now. I know you want to get things going, but what about adding an additional pill every second day until you get to 3?

Jackers - you are doing so well on your current regime - why change anything. We think you are pretty cool even if you don't take 'shrooms.

Susan & Tazzie 2

Kirkland, WA
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6 November 2009 - 11:09 pm
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ha!  my "shrooms" are in the mail 🙂  I did my budget today and discovered that I can't afford to have Jack on a protocol.  It just about broke my little heart.  So I ordered a bottle of the mushrooms to make me feel better, but needless to say, it's been a rough afternoon in my head 😛

My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
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28 November 2008
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7 November 2009 - 4:19 am
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ldillon81 said:ha!  my "shrooms" are in the mail 🙂  I did my budget today and discovered that I can't afford to have Jack on a protocol.  It just about broke my little heart.  So I ordered a bottle of the mushrooms to make me feel better, but needless to say, it's been a rough afternoon in my head 😛

We all have limitations.  Do not beat yourself up because you cannot afford to have Jack on a protocol.  I believe all things happen for a reason, you will soon discover why your story plays out this way.  What is important is that you give Jack the best possible care you can afford, and all the love in your heart.    Hugs to you and Jack!

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

Kirkland, WA
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7 November 2009 - 8:09 am
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Thank you.  I still feel horrible today Way Confused

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7 November 2009 - 11:07 am
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Hi all - I have started to read the various comments on the use of mushrooms as a dietary supplement. Fin and I have just received our first batch of k-9 Immunity capsules and K 9 transfer factor, we have not broken the seals yet as I thought it prudent to do a little more research before starting him on them. It was recommended by the supplier to start him off on the full dose right away, have other users of this product started out in this fashion without any negative side effects?

A friend recommended the product, she gave it to her dog after leg amputation due to bone cancer. She had her wholistic vet look at the product and she thought highly of it.

It is quite costly though, especially since Finnigan is 110lbs. I might just give him this first batch of capsules (almost a months worth) and hope that this will activate his immune system to it's full potential and from then continue on with a wholesome diet with emphasis on quality protein and fats.

Presently, Fin is full of energy and in very good spirits. He is taking a product called Recovery SA along with his daily feedings of brown rice, meat, fish oils and cottage cheese (oh yes - and horse manure when ever he pleases).

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.

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7 November 2009 - 12:56 pm
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You are right this is a human product so the dose on the bottle applies to people.  Your Tazzie should be okay with 2 twice daily.  My Tazzie was on 3 twice daily.  The only risk appears to be diarrhea but it might be wise to try a lower dose first and work up to the full amount after 1 week.

This product is an excellent way to boost the immune system and is comparable to K9 Immunity .  I found K9 Immunity to be just way too expensive for my giant dog so I went with Health Concerns on the recommendation of my holistic vet.  Anyone doing well on K9 Immunity could stay on that product if they can afford it, but the mushroom mix looks similar to me.


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7 November 2009 - 1:31 pm
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Hi all

Tazzie 2 is doing so well on two mushroom tabs per day (one tab twice a day) that I don't know if I want to increase it. He can't be any more energetic and be sane. But it probably makes sense to adjust the dosage to the dog, don't you think?

A friend came from Alberta to visit Tazzie this weekend. This person was present when I adopted Tazzie 7&1/2 yr ago and during the amputation period. Although he was shocked at the lumps that have developed on the right hand the last four weeks, he is also stunned at Tazzie's energy, calling him a dopamine dog. We walked and romped at the park this morning (Tazzie was running around trying to drag 15' 'sticks' and clearly wanted to swim and was rough-housing with other dogs after walking a few kilometres). We just got home and Tazzie is raring to head back out. So, I hate to think what an additional 2 'shroom tabs per day would do! He might burn out too quickly.

His motto: Life is short and there are things to do and places to see. (Great until I have to leave him home alone, which is horrible. But, he makes do given the right bag of trash.)

Anyone know specifically how the 'shrooms affect dogs, in terms of how they boost their energy? I guess that is a question I should ask the company.

Susan & Tazzie 2

Fin - When using K9 immunity , we worked up to the full dose gradually, although I never went as high as specified (4 rather than 7 for my dog). I was just reading your blog and will probably respond to something you wrote there. Now that you are on the forums, we can 'talk' to you  here.

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7 November 2009 - 2:19 pm
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Oh my gosh!  I have been given Emily three pills at a time, three times a day!  Yikes.  She has not had diarrhea so I guess we are lucky.  Unfortunately they have not helped her energy either, unless you count she lifted her head to look around.

Debra & Emily

Debra & Emily, a five year old doberman mix, who was diagnosed with an osteosaecoma. She had a right rear leg amputation on May 19, 2009. On November 10, 2009 she earned her wings and regained her fourth leg.

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7 November 2009 - 5:11 pm
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I am so glad a blog was started this... I hope they help Em out soon!! I just ordered them last night so we should get ours in a week I guess. I sure hope they help Shilo fight!!! Shilo just got weighted today and was 71 pounds so I geuss the 2 2x's daily should be good. I think I will start her with 1 2x's daily only because she seems to have more of a sensitive system... We look forward to posting our results soon... So glad to hear Tazzie is doing so well on them.

Shilo diagnosed with osteosarcoma 9/4/2009, amputation 9/9/2009. ShiloAnne lost her battle 11/23/2009 where she regained her fourth leg and is patiently waiting for her parents to join her. We will always love you baby girl.

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7 November 2009 - 6:25 pm
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Tazzie is taking two per day. He is so energetic that I can not imagine giving him more. But maybe he is sensitive to drugs. He was a bit sensitive to chemo, losing hair and things like that. But he will settle down so the energy is not a problem.

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9 November 2009
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9 November 2009 - 9:03 am
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Could you please tell us how many milligrams are in each tablet? The website where you purchase the power mushrooms doesn't seem to specify.

I have a 100lb dog that was recently diagnosed with bone cancer. She's only 4 years old. K9 Immunity is a bit too costly for us, so I'd like to try out these mushrooms, it seems to contain most of the ingredients the k9 immunity has.

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9 November 2009 - 10:25 am
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Hi "dhthwy". Welcome.

I do not have the bottle with me. As for dose, a very large dog (English mastiff also named Tazzie, weighed something like 180 lbs) took something like 3 pills twice per day. Her owner, who is a vet that is active on this website, suggested that my dog (75 lbs) take 2 pills twice per day. My dog seems energetic enough on 1 pill twice per day, so I will stay there. If your dog is 100 lbs, I would guess that 2 pills twice per day might be a good dose to work up to.

Maybe start with 1 pill twice per day, then add another after four days or so, and then maybe one more after another four days.

I suspect Pam (tazziedog) will pipe up if she has a different recommendation. She is more knowledgeable and is the one who first put us on to this supplement at the advice of her holistic vet.

Em and Debra - I hope you see some improvement soon.

Susan & Tazzie 2

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