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Six month Angelversary
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Rock Hill, SC
Member Since:
28 November 2011
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15 March 2013 - 8:32 pm
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I considered writing a blog entry for this sad occasion, but I just didn't feel up to it.  Instead I will write this short post in hopes that some of you remember my boy and his incredible spirit.

Six months since he left.  Six lonely, sad months.  The sadness still creeps in and I cry often.  We have tried to honor his memory by caring for the precious pups at our local shelter and lately we have even started to feel the need to bring new furkids into the family.  Our hearts will never fully heal and he will certainly never be replaced, but I know what he would want.  He had a pure heart and the sweetest disposition in the world.  Everytime I see this story, I think of him:


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My Little Gentleman,

I will love you always.  I am so proud of you - not just for how brave you were and how hard you fought but for the way that you lived every day of your life with happiness and a genuine desire to bring happiness to every being around you.  I hope that we can make you proud of us.  I know you are with your brothers.  You loved each other so much and I find peace in knowing that you are together again.  Rest well, play hard and meet me with that special smile when my time comes to join you.  Until, Baby Boy....

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Zeus was a Husky mix diagnosed with Osteosarcoma at age 11.  A visible lung met and suspicious spot on his liver meant a poor prognosis-six weeks was our vet's best guess. We decided to fight for our boy and his right front leg was amputated on 12/1/11. We did six rounds of chemo, changed his diet and spoiled him completely rotten. We were blessed with 10 great months after diagnosis. Against the odds, the lung met remained a single met and grew very little over those months. A wonderful furbaby with the most gentle spirit, he fought with a strength that we never imagined he possessed. We have no regrets...

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16 October 2012
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15 March 2013 - 8:42 pm
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RIP Zeus.  Your mommy is a very special lady and know how much you loved her.  Thanks for sending that special boy on Tripawd day for her to remember you.  We know that you did that as a special way to let her remember you. 

Run free and have fun til you meet your mom on that beautiful Rainbow Bridge. 


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

Orange County, CA
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28 November 2008
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15 March 2013 - 9:05 pm
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Zeus won't ever be forgotten!  He was a special boy, with a very special smile!  Zeus was an inspiration to all those who read his blog and were just starting their own journey.  Zeus's story will continue to inspire for years to come.

In your heart, where I belong.
Member Since:
9 February 2011
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15 March 2013 - 9:46 pm
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There is no way Zeus will be forgotten! He has so many fans here that it's amazing. People won't know who you are, Lisa, but they know Zeus and they always will!

We miss him. We talk about him. We enjoy seeing his smiling face. He was a poster boy for grace and dignity, for perseverance and accepting without complaining. Zeus was magnificent, and I look forward to meeting him some day.


From abandoned puppy to Tripawd Warrior Dude, Dakota became one of the 2011 February Furballs due to STS. Our incredibly sweet friend lived with grace and dignity till he impulsively raced over the Bridge on 12-15-12.

Dakota's thoughtful and erudite blog is at


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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15 March 2013 - 10:26 pm
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When I was first searcing this site and didn't even know how to sign in, all I could do was keep trying to browse this site and read others' stories and hpoe to find answers. Magnificent pictures of various dogs would be the banner  across various home page.    And evertime Zues showed up, I would gaze at that adorable mug and actually chuckle out loud!!  What a face!!  Loce and sense of humor written all over him!

Your respnses to people and to myself have always been full of ki dness and compassion--always  aring for others even during your own gur wrenching grief.  You are proud of Zues and he is equally proud of you.  He knows jis spirit still lives through you and that's a lovngbond that can never be  broken    Thank you Zues for being born and living a life of meaning.

Surrounding with Zues's grace,  Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Fort Wayne, IN
Member Since:
25 January 2013
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16 March 2013 - 8:50 am
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I have to echo what Sally said...every time I see Zeus's cute mug on the banner at the top of the page it brings a smile to my face. 

Your tribute had my tears flowing.   You have honored his memory so very well.  (((hugs)))

Liberty (Libby) was diagnosed with OSA on 1-22-13.  Right front amputation on 1-31-13. No IV Chemo. Metronomic Therapy started 2-19-13 along with supplements and some home cooking. Lungs clear until 1-06-14.  She's still her happy, hoppy, bossy self.  Living the dog life to the fullest and a proud Winter Warrior. :) RIP my Libby 4-21-03 to 3-19-14

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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16 March 2013 - 10:33 am
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Oh Zeus, you will always always always be such a part of Tripawds. Your sweet smile and all you did to share your journey here continues to bring hope to everyone who joins us.

I know you miss him dearly Lisa, he was a once in a lifetime doggie. But I'm glad to hear you're thinking of bringing another one home eventually, you have lots of love to give and that would make Zeus really happy to know you are.

We are thinking of you on this occasion, and always.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

New Jersey
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27 December 2011
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16 March 2013 - 11:25 am
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I think of you so often-wondering how you are doing. I could never forget your handsome Zeus-he was a hero to us!! I smile everytime I see Zeus's pictures-I remember you posting them and thinking what a remarkable warrior he was with such a photogenic face. We have smiled, laughed, and cried with you--thinking of you and keeping you and Zeus in our hearts.

Joan and Lily

Our beautiful Lily was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her front leg on 12/14/11 at age 8 and had amp on 12/16/11. She completed 5 rounds of carbo. She was so brave and kicked cancer's butt daily! She lived life fully for 4 years, 3 months, and 15 days after her amp. My angel is a warrior princess. I miss her so much.

My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
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28 November 2008
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16 March 2013 - 12:11 pm
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What a beautiful tribute to a very special boy.  Zeus will live forever for those of us who were here for his journey, and he will give hope to others forever through you.

I know how hard it is to accept that NEW dog into your life.  Trouble had been gone 6 months when we got Emmi.  I was not ready.  Fortunately, Bob was.  For without that little push to help a rescue dog have a chance at a great home, I may have never gotten there.  It is important for us to share our hearts.  The new dog will never replace your faithful friend - it will simply find a new place in your heart to live.

Thank you Lisa for having the courage and the strength to share, and for giving us the opportunity to smile once again when we see a picture of Zeus.

Hugs to you!

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

New York, NY
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3 December 2012
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16 March 2013 - 12:59 pm
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What a beautiful post and tribute to your Zeus.  It's been such a pleasure getting to know you here and seeing your Zeus' picture every now and again on the banner at the top of the page.  Zeus' smiling face brings a smile to my face everytime I see it.

Your shelter work is such an honor to his memory and I am so sure he is looking down on you smiling and so proud that you are his mama.


All my love,




Jill is a 9-year-old tuxedo kitty. She was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in June 2012 on her toe in her right hind leg. Her leg was amputated on 12/12/12 and she completed four rounds of chemo (2 of Carbo, 2 of Doxy) in April 2013. "Like" Jill's facebook page: https://www.fac.....tty?ref=hl Proud member of the WINTER WARRIORS!!!! Her blog can be read at xoxo

Sydney, Australia
Member Since:
13 September 2011
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16 March 2013 - 8:51 pm
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I can't believe it has been 6 months.  Zeus touched the lives of so many of us.  I couldn't read your post without the tears running.  

I love the "last will and testament".  Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Giving a home to a rescue dog was what I needed to do to make sense of Magnum's untimely death. And it doesn't diminish the special bond we shared.  She was, is and will always be my heart dog as will Zeus be for you. Loving another dog honours those who went before.

Many hugs to you. 


Karen and Spirit Magnum

Magnum: 30th May 2002 to 5th May 2012. Lost her back left leg to osteosarcoma on 5th Sep 2011. Lung mets found on 20th Mar 2012 but it was bone mets in the hip that ended her brave battle. Magnum's motto - "Dream as if you'll live for ever, live as if you'll die today" (James Dean). Loyal, loving, courageous and spirited to the end. My beloved heart dog, see her memoirs from Rainbow Bridge ......

Oakland, CA
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20 December 2008
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17 March 2013 - 10:01 am
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The Tripawd Nation will never forget Zeus. Thank you so much for sharing his sweet self with us! Zeus was indeed a very special spirit. Love the tribute poem. In honor of my heart dog I have opened my heart and home to 4 rescues over the six years since she left me. I love each of them but they will never, ever take her place in my heart.

Reaching out to other pups in need is probably the best therapy there is for a broken heart. Thank you for sharing your time and love with shelter dogs!


Martha and the Oaktown Pack

Woohoo! Tripawds Rule!

Regulator of the Oaktown Pack, Sheriff of the Oaktown Pawsse, Founding member and President of the Tripawd Girldogs With 2 Names ROCK Club, and ... Tripawd Girldog Extraordinaire!

Visit Codie Rae's Blog!

New Haven, CT
Member Since:
27 December 2012
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20 March 2013 - 5:58 pm
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Lisa, Zeus has one heck of a following and legacy.  His face and spirit are charmers, for sure.  He is missed every day, but he has left quite a mark in the world and most certainly, in this community.  Run like hell, Zeus!

~ Katy

ACL tear in right hind leg 12/5/12 and scheduled ACL repair surgery 12/21/12. Pre-op xrays revealed osteosarcoma. Amputation 12/28/12.  Chemo (carboplatin) started Jan 10, 2013 and ended on April 5, for a total of 5 doses. He handled carbo like a champ!  No side effects.  We started metronomic therapy at his third chemo and have been also doing some holistic treatments.  He's a lively, playful 10 year old huskie-boarder collie and a very proud member of the Winter Warriors!  Our love. Our funny little guy!

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