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Foster to 4-5-month-old Ria, 2 days post-amputation
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7 October 2023 - 10:32 am
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[Image Can Not Be Found]

[Image Can Not Be Found]

Ria went out to her first adoption drive today! Yesterday, I gave her a bath since all her scabs have fallen off and the wound is completely dried up. It was probably her first bath ever! I'd just cleaned her up a bit with wipes before. She's not officially up for adoption yet since she won't be vaccinated till Monday, but it was great for her to have a chance to get out and get used to people. She loved hanging out on a comfy blanket in the wagon they had there.

She's going to be going to Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB)'s home for dogs with special needs. MDDB has a large no-kill shelter with over 400 dogs and a smaller, separate home for dogs with special needs. They have sent dogs to the US and Europe before if anyone is interested in her.

(Hope the photos post; I tried using a link to photos in my Google drive and made the link public)

The Rainbow Bridge

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8 October 2023 - 2:21 pm
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Oh how cool! Did anyone show interest in her? Paws & fingers crossed! MDDB is a terrific org, I'm really familiar with them. When her profile shows up can you please post it in The Tripawds Rescue Forum for us? We'll help get the word out!

Oh drats the photos didn't show. Try right clicking and choosing "copy image url" then coming back here, choosing the little photo icon tool in your post editor, and pasting in that box. If that doesn't work PM me and I'll post for you! Can't wait to see her.

The Rainbow Bridge

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8 October 2023 - 3:14 pm
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LOVE this pup! She is a little bundle of pure joy!

Ria1.jpegImage Enlarger

Ria3.jpegImage Enlarger

Ria2.jpegImage Enlarger

New England
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8 October 2023 - 3:33 pm
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Awww. She looks so sweet! 

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9 October 2023 - 9:44 am
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Thanks so much for posting the photos for me! I just took her for her first vaccination today, and she's doing well, no side effects.

The Rainbow Bridge

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9 October 2023 - 12:59 pm
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You are so welcome. That look of pure joy on her face just says it all. What a gift she has been given! Incredible girl, wish we could take her in!

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22 November 2023 - 7:57 am
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I've started a blog for Ria now! She's still with me and I'm going to try my best to find her a good home. Even though she has a place in the disabled dogs' home if she really needs it, it's not the same as having a family. I went to the US for 2.5 weeks, and she couldn't go to the disabled dogs' home yet since she'd only had one vaccination, so another rescuer took her in while I was away and that ended up being a disaster! People underestimate what she can do on three legs. She wasn't too happy about being in a new place and she wasn't getting the attention she gets here with so many cats and dogs there. So she decided to escape by climbing over the back gate!

Search parties went out looking for her every day, and fortunately she was staying in the same area and hiding on some school grounds. But everyone was shocked at how fast she could run! No one could catch her for more than 10 days until finally someone caught her in a humane trap and brought her to a vet, where she stayed till I came back. It wasn't a vet I knew, and they acted like she was some kind of wild animal (she does tend to bark at strangers, but she isn't aggressive). It was so sad to see her in the cage, but as soon as she saw me, her eyes lit up and she wagged her tail. She was so happy to go home with me. I got her second vaccination that day, but I think I'll keep her safe with me for awhile. She now sleeps in bed with me and my other three dogs!

She went to an adoption drive a couple weeks ago and was more comfortable with people, but no interest in her so far. 


The Rainbow Bridge

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22 November 2023 - 9:53 am
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OH MY DOG! She was on the run for 10 days? YIKES! So so so glad she is back at your place. What a story.

 People underestimate what she can do on three legs. 

LOL this had me smiling. Ain't that the truth?! Yes, they run even faster than quadpawds, and they have just as much drive and energy and all the quirks that come along with any doggie, especially a rescue one who has been through so much.

I am loving her blog, thank you for starting it. We will do our best to help get the word out. Are you ready to start doing that? If so we can let folks know, and don't forget to post her in the Tripawds Rescue Forum too!

Thank you for all you do Susan. The dogs and cats are so fortunate to have an angel on earth like you looking out for them.

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24 November 2023 - 10:43 am
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Thank you so much for the support! I'd appreciate anything you can do to get the word out. I saw you shared her in the newsletter sp_hearticon2. I've just posted in the rescue forum here.

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21 May 2024 - 10:16 am
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Ria has a potential adopter visiting tomorrow! I'd almost decided she's going to be a foster fail, but since someone's interested, I'll let her meet her and see. The potential adopter has three cats and 4-5 foster cats, so Ria should enjoy that. She sounds very nice, but I don't know what Ria will think of her. She's still not exactly friendly, very feisty when anyone comes into the house, so we're going to meet outside. Not sure how I'll feel about letting her go icon_cry But it's just a visit for now!

The Rainbow Bridge

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21 May 2024 - 11:14 am
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Oooooh thank you for the update! I hope she likes the person and it goes well.

Being a foster is so hard! You love the dogs enough to keep them forever but if you do, it leaves one less foster home out there for the next dog in need. I'm so in awe of what fosters do for the rescue animals out there!

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24 May 2024 - 10:08 am
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The potential adopter seems great! Ria wasn't so sure about that though She was very happy and excited to get treats, then would back away. She would lick the adopter's hand, then sit up and bark. She allowed brief head pets, then barked a bit more and went back to a safe distance, about 6 feet away and smiled happily from there. If I moved a bit closer, she would move closer with me.

We're having another meeting tomorrow. The adopter is very patient and says she'll visit as many times as she needs to for Ria to get comfortable. She's American, part of a cat rescue group, only has cats for now but her family always had dogs, so I'm confident she'll give Ria a good home if Ria can accept her.


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24 May 2024 - 10:57 am
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Okay, just ignore me....kinda' glad it didn't  go very well!  I know....that is so wrong of me to say!!  RIA clearly  has the best home with you she could ever want.  I cant imagine she could thrive anywhere else.

I'll stop now!  So wrong of me to say what I jist did!  I know you jave to jave sich mixed emotions eight now.

I understand  this is the only way to make more room for fosters.  You are such a Saint to do what you do. 

Thank you again for doing what you do.  and espec f0r wjat uou jave done for sweet Ria♥️♥️♥️


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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24 May 2024 - 11:13 am
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LOL Sally! You are bad!

Ria is very particular about who she chooses to live with. And now that she's lived with the best dog mom EVER, well, she'll be extra picky! She definitely has an awesome home with you, but if she can warm up to the new person, it will be hard to let her go but knowing she's in such good hands would be a relief. Does the woman live near you?

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25 May 2024 - 8:07 am
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Haha, yeah, I will be so sad to let her go! But if she gets a really great home it's for the best. icon_cry The meet-up today went much better than the first one. It's the first time Ria's let another person pet her so much. At first, the adopter (Della) said Ria looks like a princess when I carry her. Ria shoved her with her paw! At the park, Ria sniffed Della's hand, no treats yet, so she backed away and barked.

After several treats, she started to warm up a bit, sitting much closer than last time. Then Della started petting her back, but Ria backed away when she realized it wasn't me touching her. But after some time, she let Della pet her and even gave her some kisses!

The next plan is for Ria to visit Della's place. A friend will take us next weekend, so we'll see how it goes. It's about 30 minutes away, so it's not like Ria would be too far away if Della does adopt her.

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