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Urinating after chemo (Carboplatin)
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22 May 2014 - 11:49 am
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Has anyone experience with chemo (Carboplatin specifically).

My dane for the first 24-48 hours will be either laying or up and her urine just runs out.  I stay awake with her and change towels and those throw away pads. (My oncologist just told me on round 3 that we should not use bare hands a little late right.)  Anyway, my concern is today is round 4, Bailey is a 4 week chemo patient because of her blood count goin down in the 680. 


Has anyone heard or experienced this?


I know it's late to ask, but it's been a week from heck with disability paperwork.


Thank you in advance.


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22 May 2014 - 10:33 pm
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Tracy, hopefuly Dr Pam cam give insight.

When you go in tomorrow, go fully loaded with questions snd write down the answers.

I think the number ne questin is why do they thinkg this constant urinating...apparently no bladder a "side effect" of carbo.
I know you've checked out the responses to your other thread, vut I would really, really consider just doing four.
Of course, I'm not a vet.

My Happy Hannah only had four. Atlas, another Great Dane who jusr celebrated a thirteen month ampuversary only ad four rounds.

Is Bailey dehydrated as a result of this? Should she have some fluids? Should you wait even one ore week vefore proceeding? I know she's already spaced out every four weeks, but it may jist be too strong for her.

I think o e more question I would ask the onco.....If she was not on chemo and had all these issues...what tests would they be doing to identify the problem??

Sending you best wishes and keeping all paws crossed for a good outcome.

Love and hugs!

Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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23 May 2014 - 11:29 pm
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So how did tje visit with theonco go today? Thinkingof yo!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 May 2014 - 9:39 am
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Ditto, I'm curious too.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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25 May 2014 - 1:41 pm
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I am also curious to see what the oncologist says, since I have not noticed this.  Certainly large and giant breed dogs are prone to urinary incontinence issues as they age so maybe she has a weak sphincter that she can normally control but she gets wiped out from the chemo and gets so relaxed that she leaks.


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4 June 2014 - 11:05 pm
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tazziedog said
I am also curious to see what the oncologist says, since I have not noticed this.  Certainly large and giant breed dogs are prone to urinary incontinence issues as they age so maybe she has a weak sphincter that she can normally control but she gets wiped out from the chemo and gets so relaxed that she leaks.


The oncologist says she's never heard of it.  I called Colorado University where her leg was shipped and they never heard of it but someone was going to call me back. 

Round 4 went the say way basically but it happened two days later...

My vet did say that she could be so relaxed that she has no control on the sphincter?  She hates car rides and hates to be forced down.  If Bailey doesn't want to do it, it takes a army to get her to do it... she trusts m but they won't let me back there.

Thanks so much for all the information.  I'll post again and tell the rest of this fourth round.

Be right back!


Tracy and Bailey

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4 June 2014 - 11:16 pm
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The rest of round 4 May 27th:

Tonight we have another issue… her bum is bothering her.  The other area cleared but now her bum is bleeding from licking.  Not sure if it's a gland or yeast infection???  I'm calling tomorrow.  This is the time her blood count drops so low and her immune system is down after chemo. I make notes on a desk calendar every time something comes up or not eating etc.

Does anyone know if grain free dog food could cause yeast infections… I'm starting to think the redness and blisters from licking are a yeast infection that irritates the heck out of her???  I know I try and try to figure things out.

For now Bailey is sleeping on her bed after I did a warm washcloth on her bum.  She did eat 2 cups of kibble but with chicken noodle soup on it about a 4 tablespoons of the broth and a few little chicken pieces, then for snack she did eat whole vanilla yogurt along with two tablespoons of pumpkin… 

THIS IS THE BAILEY I WANT, I NEVER BEEN SO AFRAID TO MAKE A DECISION BECAUSE IN MY HEAD I'M DEALING WITH THE WHAT IF'S.  But she's so funny when she gets over the hump, she is so jealous of anyone giving Bella our older Dane loving… she comes over and grabs your arm, she never use to do that! The she gets a deep growl playful bark going and pouncing… 

I just don't know I'm so confused.  I know my husband hates to see her like this and gets mad and always says and why do you want to keep putting her through this.  I guess in my heart I don't I don't like to see her like that but then I second guess myself on the… what if?  crying

I appreciate EVERYTHING FROM THIS SITE AND I WOULD LIKE ANYONE TO CHIME IN PLEASE!!!  Do I want to do 5 rounds in my head yes in my heart NO.  But I'm so worried she won't handle the pill form… she's so sensitive.  Bailey carrying her blanket outside to go potty makes my day… seeing her lay there with small eyes and not those big round eyes makes me want to cry.

I love you guys and without this web site and support I'm sure I would be on more medications than I'm already on… Xanax sure does help at night!  blush

HUGS and God Bless everyone for supporting us.


Tracy and Bailey

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4 June 2014 - 11:31 pm
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I wanted to share with everyone how Bailey is with her kibble…  it's always a game… but Campbells Chicken Noodle soup broth and a few pieces of chicken did the trick tonight... but she does this every time.  Has anyone every had a dog that did this?  It's not the kibble we did switch to grain free but did it gradually and even offered her other food she use to be eat the Lamb and Rice side by side and she did it to both the bowls… she' a little stinker.




She never did this before her amp.  It started after her amputation… silly girl

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4 June 2014 - 11:42 pm
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Looks like you and I are the only late owls tonight! I'm jist gon a add to the PM I sent you.

Re: second's jist what we humans do! And we domit with almost every decision we make with our dogs! Did I push the enveloe too far? Did I not push it far enough? These are endless loop questio s that jave no answers!!

I'm "assuming" your vet has checked her for UTI when this first started, right?

Okay, just my 2¢ worth...Bailey is communicating with you. She is lettng you know the chemo is to harsh for her She is lettng you know the treatment aparenty is causing her more harm than good.

Chemo is NO guarantee one way or another! This site is absolutely full of examples where dogs did not lve very long after amputation and didn't even get to complete ore than two rounds of chemo! There are dogs n here who have lived for years with NO chemo! There are dogs on here who lived fourteen months wth four ronds of chemo and no side effects (Nappy HannahQ). There are dogs on here who lived fourteen months with NO chemo Q(Libby). You've see the liks were four ronds is what many oncos. go with. Even IF a fifth is supposedly a little "bonus" that "bonus" being underdmned because of Bailey's quality being compromised, thus depressing her immune system.

I completely understand why you feel conflicted! My heart hurts for you. I wish you didn't have this hard decision to make......but think Bailey is trying her best to help you make the decision.

A decision about quality is always the right decision.

We all wish this was black and white. It's not. Everything about this stupid piece of crap disease changes with every dog. It makes it's own rulles snd switches them up all the time

You re a brave, strong woman! You are such a wonderful advocate for Bailey! She is so lucy to jave you as her mom!
Listennto your heart......I think that's Bailey speaking to you

Sending you love, clarity and peace!

Sally and Hapyp Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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4 June 2014 - 11:51 pm
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Jist want to add.....thanks for lettingis get to kow more of Bailey's personality when she's feeling well! I knowmyoumlve her like crazy! And she loves you!

I anquished for almost a month about whether to amputate.....secnd guessed myself everytime I tried to make a decision......I i derstand the fear and co fusuion and how lonelymit feels! I really feel like Happy Hannah let me know she was ready to "proceed"......again, "listen" to Bailey. This is a decision you, Bailey andnyour husband will make. The "burden" does not jist rest on your shoulders-

Now go find some chocolate and do your B R E A T H I N G exercises!!

And feel our group hug!!!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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