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Kuri: experience with Cat Osteosarcoma and post-amputation recovery?
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23 November 2023 - 1:51 pm
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My baby Kuri was vaccinated in July.

In August, I noticed her limping. When I picked her up, I felt a small lump in her right front armpit. By the time I got her in to do a CT scan, it was the size of a small orange. By the time of the surgery, the lump was the size of my hand. Her right front leg was amputated, and the tumor was removed. However, the intubation created tracheal damage, and as a result, she had to spend 4 nights in the ER as she couldn't breathe. I even rented a 02 chamber and purchased the 02 cage (because you must) to bring her home. I'm in debt up to my eyeballs now.

It's been over 6 weeks since her surgery. While she no longer needs the 02 cage to breathe, she has stopped eating completely. Even the smell of food near her makes her visibly gag. Today, I gave her Pedialyte in a syringe because she wasn't drinking water. She immediately got up and went to her water fountain but just stood there, watching me sideways, pretending to drink. When I refused to leave, she finally relented. I think she did it just to please me. She's the most intelligent and loving animal I've ever had. I rescued her from Japan and brought her home to the US. We've been through so much together...

So, I am tapped out, over 15k in debt from the vet bills, and can't afford Oncology treatments. My question is, how do I know when she has given up? I don't want her to suffer anymore, but I don't want to give up on her!

I feel so guilty forcing her through all of this pain and anguish, being butchered and damaged just to suffer and die? She hasn't eaten in four days. This happened before, after the surgery, and when I took her to the vet, the vet shot her up with some valium and fed her half a can of Fancy Feast. The vet called this a "Kitty Party." Apparently, cats get the munchies on valium. Well, I can't afford to drop 200 bucks for this little trick. I don't know what to do.

The Osteosarcoma could have metastasized to other areas, but I have zero funds to throw at finding this out. I would greatly appreciate any information if anyone has any experience with Cat Osteosarcoma and post-amputation recovery times, expectations, or even failures. I am in the dark here and have no idea how to help her. 

Any at-home remedies or homeopathic ideas are welcome! 

Thank you kindly in advance. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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23 November 2023 - 4:36 pm
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Hi Susanne and Kuri, welcome. I hope you don't mind I moved your post here but I wanted to make sure Kuri gets her own topic so we can help you better.

I'm sorry things are so tough right now. Tell us a little more like: 

  • What is your vet's plan for helping her get her appetite back, other than the "kitty party"? 
  • Is she on any pain medications? 
  • How is her mobility otherwise? Is it only her appetite that is the problem or is it her ability to get around too?
  • Is she using the litterbox?
  • Did she have other health issues before this?

Generally, cats with osteosarcoma usually don't succumb to it, it doesn't behave as aggressively as it does in dogs. 

Here are some appetite tips and medication tricks you might want to try. 


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23 November 2023 - 5:21 pm
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One thing for sure, Kuri could not have a better advocate  than you.  You clearly love her and you have given her care far and above what many could,  or would,  do.

Can you get your Vet to give you some anti-nauseua med?  I know for dogs Cerenia is often  prescribed. 

Actually, Jerry has asked all the questions that can help us help you more.

You did what needed to be done to give your sweet Kuri a chance at a quality  life.   You would  have regretted  it more of you didn't  try.  You have not "butchered " her, you have given her the sirgery she needed.

Is it possible you could fet a second opinion and, at the least, maybe get her started on subQ fluids at home to help perk her up and maybe pique  her appetite. 

A trick I think I read here was to put a dab of chicken  baby food (or something  yummu) on her fur.  She will naturally groom herself  and maybe the taste  of the food woild entice  here to eat from a plate....maybe??   Maybe syringe  a bit of baby food in the side of her mouth.

Getting  fluids in her is important.   So good for getting her to drink a little.  Also try truna water if you haven't  already.

Read the links Jerry gave you and give us your feedback when you can.  We'll help you and Kuri in any way we can.  Hang in there!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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23 November 2023 - 9:57 pm
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Thank you so much for your responses and the links.

I've ordered some products from Amazon that aren't delivered for two days. Tomorrow (today is Thanksgiving, so stores are closed), I will get some chicken baby food and try to syringe feed.

I have tried every food at Petco. She had been eating the salmon mousse by Tiki for a while but now gags at it. I even went to the Asian market to get her dried Katsuo, dried fish, a product she ate a lot in Japan, and she gags. So, I think the syringe is my only shot (no pun intended) at getting her strong again.

In answer to your questions.

Yes, I tried an appetite stimulant from the vet. It did nothing. After my last visit to the vet, I won't be returning. There really is no "plan" for recovery. All the vet said was, "We can refer you to oncology." Unfortunately, I can't take on any more debt. (tldr; we are facing homelessness if I can't find work in a month. Returning to America has been brutal after 13 years in Japan. I'm baffled.)

Kuri can walk, but she is very weak. She mainly sleeps curled up on my bed but will move to the floor or other favorite places when the sun shines through the window during the day. I stopped pain meds the second week after the surgery (Gabapentin) because she wasn't eating. Then she started eating a little bit, and I thought she was on the road to recovery. But starting this week, she has taken this turn. She has stopped grooming as well. But so far, she is still using the "tripawd" litter box I made for her. 

After the surgery, the vet said he got the entire tumor, and the X-rays of her lungs were clear. She isn't showing any signs of pain or trouble with her lungs. I think she is just nauseous, the way she gags when I put food in front her... 

I will definitely keep everyone posted on the effectiveness of the three supplements I ordered when they arrive. 

Virbac Rebound Recuperation Formula for Cats, Clear

MIRACLE VET High Calorie Weight Gainer for Dogs & Cats

Under the Weather Pet | Ready Cal for Cats 100cc | High Calorie Supplement


Thank you for being here. Initially, I had support from online friends and even tried a GoFundMe (much to my shame, ugh.) But updates on a sick animal get really old after a while, and I feel really alone with this. I hope I can save her. icon_cry


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24 November 2023 - 9:27 am
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YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  We will support uou as vest we can, okay?  We KNOW you are soing everything ppssible for your sweet Kuri.  

So the Vet didn't  offer  any anti nausea  meds, just the appetite stimulant?    I'm sorry your Vet has not been more proactive.  At least fluids and blood work.  

As far as you know, was a y blood work do prior to surgery to check kidney levels, liver, etc?

I understand  all too well how financial constraints  limit to what  degree we can pursue, treatment, diagnostics, etc. As I mentioned earlier, you have already done  more ror Kuri than many are able to do.  So just know you are doing the best you can, okay?

The supplements you've ordered seem like a good plan.👍   Kuri is so loved and its apparent  to all of us.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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24 November 2023 - 10:27 am
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Hi Suzanne,

Im so sorry you and Kuri are going thru this. How old/young is she?

It sure sounds like she is nauseated, and as Sally posted, Cerenia (maropitant) and or Zofran (Ondansetron) is used for cats. We have used both individually and together successfully. Cerenia is cheaper than Zofran, but the Zofran was close to a miracle for our Saxton. An antinausea alone can sometimes make all the difference. There are many appetite stimulants, and Xanax is not usually the go-to, but I can also attest to it working in that manner. Our Saxton was given Xanax for anxiety & agreed it's an appetite stimulant.  

Can you phone the vet for scripts and explain what is happening? I am hopeful your vet will prescribe Cerenia or Zofran without seeing her, but that depends on your vet. I also agree with Sally on Fluids would be life saving right now!!!

Four days is too long for a cat not to eat and drink. I can give you a link for Slippery Elm to try for antinausea. I used to use that for my Saxton, BUT but when things are this dire, Ideally, you get a SCRIPT for the antinausea. Slippery elm won't hurt to try; I would make the syrup and syringe that. If she is on ANY meds, you need to give slippery elm 2 hours or more part as it can absorb meds.

Got a kitty with an upset tummy? Treat nausea with healthy supplements and natural alternatives.

Screenshot-2023-11-23-at-10.55.24-PM.pngImage Enlarger

You have chosen a few EXCELLENT things I would have suggested trying. The Under the Weather is excellent. The hope is she will lick that for you. Try putting some on your finger and then asking her. It's not a sure thing. You can put on tiny dab on her nose, their instinct is to lick that off. Sometimes that gets the process started.  The Rebound is also life-saving, and you could syringe it. I assume from your post you are comfortable syringing. And know that consistency matters, so you don't aspirate her. The thicker it is, the less likely aspiration will happen; I would put the Rebound into a churu tube or baby food Gerbers Baby Foods 2nd foods. Chicken and Gravy, Turkey and Gravy. The baby food would be my first choice right now because they're higher in calories. Tiki Cat makes a high-calorie sachet for kittens, Tiki Cat® Baby Thrive 25 calories a sachet, very easy to syringe & gold! I think all cat owners should have this on hand for such times. Petco has this, but it is not always in stock. Punch in your zip code and check your local store to ensure it's in stock. 

My concern is being so nauseous; she might throw all this up, but you won't know until you try. 

I would also try warming wet foods, stinky fishy wet foods, and different textures of wet food - Pate, Gravies, mousse, minced, shredded, etc. A mousse, you could syringe easily. Wet foods can be put in a food processor so you can syringe them. I have used the food processor, not a blender, but a blender MAY work fine. 

Fresh, warm chicken is gold at times. Everything is warmed to help entice them to see if she would readily eat for you. Otherwise sryringing. 

I use these Miracle Nipple for Pets, Large - 2 pack  and cut the tip off as shown below. 

IMG_4527-scaled.jpegImage Enlarger

Also, try cat broths, tuna water, as Sally suggested, and sardine water. 

PLEASE phone the vet and see if they will prescribe a anti-nausea & appetite stimulant other than the Xanax.


Holly, Purrkins & Saxton in the sky💫



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24 November 2023 - 10:44 am
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Thank you Holly.  I was about to email you....and of you are♥️♥️♥️

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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24 November 2023 - 10:46 am
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You know you can email me anytime Sally!!💝😘🫂


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27 November 2023 - 6:04 am
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We are thinking of you update us when you have time, please.


The Rainbow Bridge

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27 November 2023 - 10:42 am
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Ditto, we hope things are getting better! sp_hearticon2

Member Since:
25 October 2023
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28 November 2023 - 6:15 pm
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Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the delayed response. It's been touch and go.

In answer to your questions, Kuri-chan is only five years old.

For the last couple of days, Kuri has been able to hold down some of the liquid supplements. But still has an aversion to even her favorite foods, whether pate or mousse. 

I've been giving her a mixture of the Rebound amino acids and tasteless Pedialyte in a 3 ml syringe and warming it up first at intervals throughout the day.

Yesterday was a good day because she kept everything down.

This morning was not so good, but later, she could keep it down. 

I will reach out to the vet about Cerenia or Zofran. I hope they come in liquid form.

We haven't given up. Still fighting! 


Kuri & Suzanne sp_hearticon2


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28 November 2023 - 6:50 pm
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Oh my, Im sorry she is very young. Purrkins was 6 when diagnosed with his C.  I was hoping you got the meds already. Neither Cerenia or Zofran is a liquid, but please get it anyway. You can crush the Cerenia (maropitant), add your liquid, and slurp that mixture into a syringe to syringe to Kuri. The Zofran (Ondansetron), I cut the pill, put it into a blank gel cap, and pilled it. It's bitter and nasty. The gel cap hides that taste. I used a Churu tube, but any liquid or treat tube will work.

Please try other foods that are not favorites. You might be surprised by trying different textures and tastes. Pick up 3 oz cans and/or pouches of different textures and flavors and try Gerber's baby food.
Thanks for updating 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


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28 November 2023 - 8:00 pm
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Okay, there IS some improvement…even if it didn’t take hold and last longer than we hoped yet…it’s still improvement !!

Good for you both for  still fighting and stayIng determined to move forward.  You are really committed to helping Kurt heal doing a exceptional job of figuring out ways to help Kuri.👏

Thanks for  for the update. What you have been  doing the past couple of days seems to be helping.👍


Saly and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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30 November 2023 - 11:59 am
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Thanks for stopping by with an update. I agree that the more novel foods you can try, the better. Slowly integrating them into what you are already doing may encourage her to keep eating (and not upset her stomach). The anti-nausea meds can make a huge difference if you can get them in her. Did you see Holly's post in Discovery's thread, with the piller recommendation?


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7 December 2023 - 6:24 am
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Thinking of you and Kuri! 



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