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Last night was terrible, cat freaking out
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11 November 2023 - 6:24 am
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DITTO - On any medications -If you're contacting Ellevet, tell them about Discovery's current meds. Purrkins is on an antiseizure med, phenobarbital, and they have experience with meds. I gave all of Purrkins meds and asked for specifics. We were fortunate we did not have any adverse reactions, sedation, or GI upset (which is temporary if it happens) it was beneficial to him within days. He has some altered lab work, as I mentioned before. Our integrative vet has seen the same in some of his patients.

However, this does not mean Discovery is the same cat. Im just sharing our own experience.

Ellevet can direct you on safety and such. Don't hesitate to ask everything in your email; & after they respond, thats is what they are there for. If you go with the Jerrys group - Tripawds Needed for Veterinary Cannabis Case Studies they will also direct you. There are many reasons I say, please do not do it alone and get expert advice. 

I will paste some of the responses from the tech who helped me. It may be helpful for you. I disagree on the tic tac size it's a little wider. I can get you a pic of the actual size if you wish.

"The OIL will be more cost effective but the taste and fragrance can be unappealing to cats so it is often mixed with canned salmon or part of a CHURU type treat to make it more palatable. The PASTE is a chicken liver flavor base and approximately half of the cats will eat it readily or mixed in food.

The SOFT GELS work great as they hide the taste and fragrance of the hemp oil.

The GELS are about the size of a Tic Tac and many cats will eat them in a Pill Pocket or similar product.

The only side effects we tend to sometimes see when first introducing CBD are some drowsiness and/or some stool. These should be temporary and mild and correct self resolve in the first week."

"The Soft Gels are a nice sturdy little gel cap that saves you from having to fill capsules. The capsules that we send, for you to fill yourself. are much more fragile and more difficult to handle. It is also very difficult not to get some oil on the outside of the small and extra small capsules because the diameter is so small. The Soft Gels are also designed to dissolve lower and slower in the digestive tract, so they are the least apt to cause GI upset such as nausea or vomiting."

Hope that helps

I hope your weekend is uneventful and peaceful!


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11 November 2023 - 12:34 pm
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Thank you guys so much! I've been emailing with Ellevet and have a call with Discovery's vet Monday or Tuesday when we'll discuss CBD. 

Kitty girl is so much better today. She slept with us all night last night, no hissing, has been happily accepting her gabapentin in Fancy Feast the past 2 full days, and has really seemed like herself today. I feel like we're coming out the other side of this!


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11 November 2023 - 12:58 pm
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This is all Brilliant to hear👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😍 I believe you are on the other side, and if it were me, I would leave her dosage for some time. Try the Miralax; that will solve the other issue;) I'm glad you're talking to Ellevet and the vet.
Scratches and smooch to Discovery, please

The Rainbow Bridge

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11 November 2023 - 7:35 pm
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Jennifer_11 said
Thank you guys so much! I've been emailing with Ellevet and have a call with Discovery's vet Monday or Tuesday when we'll discuss CBD. 

Kitty girl is so much better today. She slept with us all night last night, no hissing, has been happily accepting her gabapentin in Fancy Feast the past 2 full days, and has really seemed like herself today. I feel like we're coming out the other side of this!


smiley_clapsmiley_clapsmiley_clapI'm so happy to see this, you are an amazing advocate! You would be surprised that most people don't take the steps you have already done with Ellevet and your own vet. GREAT JOB!

Let us know what your vet says this week. In the meantime don't forget to check out our Vet Cannabis articles so you can have some info in your head (and questions on paper) when you chat.

And I agree, you are coming out the other side for sure. Stay strong, this is going pretty well considering everything you've been through together. 


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11 November 2023 - 8:26 pm
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This is good news!  Okay Dscovery, keep the good days going from here on out👍

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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17 November 2023 - 2:04 pm
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Finally caught up with the vet. She is experienced with Ellevet, has done some of there trainings, and agrees that it is worth a try. And, she gave me the information for a veterinary sports medicine practice, so I can look into that for massage and physical therapy.

Discovery is doing well, generally happy and her normal self just still having phantom leg spells. We were letting her have access to the stairs when we were home with her but have started blocking them off again out of fear of her having a phantom leg attack and falling on the stairs. 

So, now with her Dr's blessing I'm going to order the CBD from Ellevet and see how it goes 🙂 


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17 November 2023 - 3:02 pm
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Brilliant, she is familiar and trained with Ellevet! Meant to be!!!🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Most excellent on rehab. Tripawds will even help pay for your first visit. 

The Maggie Moo Fund for Free Tripawd Rehab

I'm sorry she is still having spells, and hopefully, rehab can help further. These phantom spells pop up out of nowhere and are very wise, blocking off the steps. Great job! 

Are you ordering the oil, gel caps, or paste? Im just curious. We did the oil first & made our capsules, then moved to the gel capsule. I believe it will help Discovery in many ways.

Thanks for the update!

Scratches to Discovery, please



The Rainbow Bridge

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17 November 2023 - 8:07 pm
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Oooh I love that she is not averse to giving both a try! What a terrific vet to have on your side.

Glad to hear Discovery is mostly alright. Smart of you to take precautions with those stairs. I haven't heard of a cat falling down stairs after a phantom leg attack but you just never know.


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27 November 2023 - 6:06 am
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We hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and Discovery is doing well! Did you get the Ellevet? 

The Rainbow Bridge

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27 November 2023 - 10:44 am
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Ditto! We are wondering too, hope Discovery's recovery is still on track.

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29 November 2023 - 9:22 am
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She's doing really well! We did get the Ellevet (soft gels) but haven't actually given it to her yet because she doesn't like the pill pockets. Trying to work out the best delivery method, I've ordered a different flavor so we'll see... Also, she started getting a little rash on her temple by her ear and we want to get that cleared up before introducing anything new to make sure she's not having an allergic reaction. The rash is just some redness in the thin hair in front of her right ear. We thought she might have just rubbed it on something trying to scratch where she can't with her missing leg, but it hasn't cleared up on its own so now Vet has us trying Duoxo Mouse to see if that helps it heal.

That said, even without the Ellevet, her phantom leg attacks have reduced! It still happens here and there, mainly when she's really excited (meal time) or just waking up. Over all though far less frequent, and as usual she recovers quickly. I've been making a point of playing with her every night for an hour or so with her wand toy. I really think that is what is helping her the most. She's wild with it, trying to jump and rolling around to catch it. We're still going to try CBD to see if makes any difference but so far exercise seems to be helping a lot.  

Overall she is so sweet, cuddly and playful. Just her old self trying to steal your food, and constantly wanting to be the center of attention 🙂


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29 November 2023 - 10:35 am
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Excellent update on Discovery overall, im glad they are becoming less frequent, and she bounces right back. Do these happen in one area of the house? Something else to maybe note. 

Yes, I never rely on pill pockets. If they work the first time, they will not likely continue. That's just my experience, anyway. Once they chomp down on the pill and get a nasty taste  - never again. 

This is the piller with which I have had the best results. VetOne Pet Piller for Dogs & Cats, 12 count

 I get behind Purrkins and wiggle the piller in his mouth to open his mouth; then I put the piller as far back as I can and plunge. It works 97 % of the time. I noticed one works purrfectly for about a week, and then the efficiency declines, which is likely why they sell in 12 packs. Our Vet (cat only) sells the same brand. I have tried several pillers, and this one is my choice. Purrfect, NOPE, but it gets the job done. 

I think the CBD will help with the rash, too, but it is a good idea to have one issue resolved before starting. That way, you KNOW what is what. Good for you!!

Thanks for updating scratches & smooch to Discovery, please.



The Rainbow Bridge

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30 November 2023 - 11:55 am
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I am SO HAPPY to see how far Discovery has come over the last few weeks. YAY!

Over time, phantom pain lessens and we all hope that it completely goes away. I know it doesn't feel that way in those early stages, it's very upsetting. But it sounds like she's on the right track to get rid of it for good.

You manage her needs so well. I love that you are trying one thing at a time, taking new therapies slowly. Hopefully the piller Holly recommended will help. I agree that animals are too smart for Pill Pockets after the first few times. Sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do.

Sweet news, thank you for sharing!

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30 November 2023 - 12:04 pm
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jerry said
I agree that animals are too smart for Pill Pockets after the first few times.


So true! Its funny because generally she is extremely food motivated, and will do just about anything for Greenies. But, the Greenies pill pockets she has absolutely no interest in even if there is no medicine involved. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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30 November 2023 - 12:05 pm
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Yep, even our Wyatt, who would eat ANYTHING (literally!) was too smart for them. I think there's a lot of open bag Greenies that get donated and shared in the pet parent community lol!

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