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The Tripawds Auction Action Starts Sunday. Please Share! Share! Share!

The 2024 Tripawds Dog Art Auction action starts Sunday, May 26, and we really need your help to get the word out about this incredible, one-of-a-kind event!

Preview the 2024 Tripawds Dog Art Auction

How to Share the 2024 Tripawds Dog Art Auction Action

The Tripawds Foundation’s most important fundraiser of the year is almost here. Have you seen our incredible roster of talented dogs who paint?

Check out the talent that’s joining us

Check out our newest non-canine artists:

Meet Charlotte the Pig Who Paints and Koa the Painting Parrot!

These generous animal artists and their people donated their paintings to raise funds for the Kaiserin Pet Cancer Care Package. Each month this program delivers helpful goodies to two lucky amputee pets fighting cancer. This auction keeps the program alive. Here’s how you can help keep it going.

Promo Idea 1: Share with Your Local Media and Pet Influencers on Social Media

Please help us share the news about the auction! We need every single Tripawd parent sharing the word. Here’s the FAQs:





Sunday, May 26 through Saturday, June 1

The Tripawds Foundation Auction Headquarters

13 original paintings by animals who paint.

Talented animal artists from around the world, even one painting pig and a parrot who paints, too!

  • Tag your local news media to let them know this auction is raising $$ for amputee pets and their people!
  • Want help finding media to tag? Comment below and we can locate some for you.
Order Tripawds 2024 Dog Art Auction Greeting Cards

Tags you can use on social include:

  • #tripawdsdogartauction
  • #dogswhopaint
  • #artbydogs
  • #artbyanimals
  • #dogart
  • #talenteddogs
  • #tripawds
  • #tripawdsfundraiser
  • #tripawdscommunity
  • #dogsofinstagram
  • #tripawdsdogartauction2024

Tag the artists on Instagram

And tag Carmine and Q on Facebook!

Preview the 2024 Tripawds Dog Art Auction

Share Our Dog Art Auction Images and Videos!

We are so grateful for any promotion you can do for this important event. Feel free to snag any of these images to share:

Animal artists help amputee pets with cancer at the 2024 Tripawds Dog Art Auction
Animal artists help amputee pets with cancer at the 2024 Tripawds Dog Art Auction
Share our Tripawds Dog Art Auction video
Tripawds 2024 Dog Art Auction Starts Sunday May 26
Tripawds 2024 Dog Art Auction Starts Sunday May 26

Be sure to tune in to the Tripawds Instagram channel and Tripawds Facebook Page for live chats about the auction.

See you next week!

Preview the 2024 Tripawds Dog Art Auction
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