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Paralyzed Pet Care Tips on Tripawd Talk Radio, this Sunday 10/12 6pm EDT

Coping with limb loss in a dog or cat is difficult and scary, but if your dog, cat or other pet has been diagnosed with a neurological or orthopedic condition that has left them paralyzed or partially immobile, the road ahead can be filled with even more worry and fear.


Thankfully Sharon Seltzer created the awesome, one-of-a-kind blog “Lessons From a Paralyzed Dog,” and she will be our special guest this Sunday on Tripawd Talk Radio!

Date: Sunday, October 12, 2014

Time: 6:00pm EST (3:00 Pacific)

Duration: 30 min.

Call In Number: (646) 716-5450*

Tune In Here: How to Help Dogs and Cats with Pet Paralysis

Sharon is an animal rights writer and co-founder of Heaven Can Wait Animal Society. When her 10-year old dog Sophie gradually became weaker and then lost all use of her limbs, Sharon was at a loss for what to do. Several specialists, rehab therapists and treatments yielded little to no success to help Sophie walk again; that’s when Sharon’s pack began a new normal way of life and learned how to make the best of Sophie’s disability.

What you’ll learn:

  • Causes and treatments for pet paralysis
  • The most important lessons to remember when living with a paralyzed pet
  • Products and at-home care tips that can make life more manageable.
  • How veterinary clinical trials are helping to alleviate and some day eliminate pet paralysis

If you have a pet coping with paralysis, you are welcome to call the show at (646) 716-5450 and ask Sharon your questions.

Recommended Reading

Paralyzed Dog Tips, Lessons and Support from Sophie and Sharon

Tripawd Talk Radio

1 thought on “Paralyzed Pet Care Tips on Tripawd Talk Radio, this Sunday 10/12 6pm EDT”

  1. Talk about turning a “negative” into a meaning that empowers and changes lives….WOW!

    Applause to you and Sophie for showing the courage and determination to find a way to continue enjoy life and soak up all that loving and spoiling!! Well done!! Bravo!

    With admiration,
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!


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