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Q and A with a Tripawd Fashionista

After reading the USA Today article, Working Like a Dog: Pets Brighten Up the Biz for Owners, Tripawds contacted New York fashion designer John Bartlett for a quick Q&A with Tiny Tim the adorable – and quite lucky – three legged mutt who who brightens up his Greenwich Village shop and adorns labels on the designer’s line of haute couture.

TRIPAWDS: What’s the most craziest thing someone has said to you when they noticed you are a Tripawd?

TINY TIM: They asked my owner why I didnt put him to sleep. I always get asked as well why I didnt have a prosthetic leg in front..they dont realize I am doing just fine.

TRI: Does your Dad design a custom wardrobe for you? What’s your favorite item to wear?

TT: My dad hasn’t made me anything yet… I like wearing my different coats when it is cold outside and a cool bandana all time

TRI: Will your Dad ever design a clothing line for Tripawds? Please tell him we need fashionable, Tripawd specific clothing for front and rear leg amputees, OK? And we’ll sell them in our Gear Blog!

TT: I told him that even tripods need great style. He and I want to collaborate on a collection of great items for tripods.

TRI: What’s your favorite way to stay in shape?

TT: I love to swim when it is summertime and I exert a lot of energy playing with my brother Huff and sister Millie.

TRI: Tell us about a day in the life of a three legged Manhattan socialite… you!

TT: Typically I find myself into my dad’s bed in the wee hours of the morning and sleep in until he gets up. We run around the block and then I join him back in bed while he reads the New York Times… If my dad is working I may go with him to the shop or hang out with my two siblings. I like to walk around the West Village where we live and see all of my admirers… Oh, and if I can chase a squirrel, it is a good day.

TRI: If you could say one thing to humans who don’t believe in Tripawd Power, what would it be?

TT: I would tell them that diversity and being different is beautiful and that I am a reflection of god’s omnipotent beauty.

TRI: Well said, Tiny. You truly embody the Tripawd Spirit.

Read more about Bartlett

2 thoughts on “Q and A with a Tripawd Fashionista”

  1. OH MY DAWG!

    And I thought I was the only one that lived in a world of men’s fashion and 3-legged dogs! I had no idea!
    Now I have to see if can get my hands on some his line!
    Thanks bunches Admin!

    P.S. admin you have an error on your entry here that messing with the blog feed – A semi colon character was expected. Line: 18 Character: 15
    Q&A with a Tripawd Fashionista


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