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Swim Your Tripawd to Better Health

One of our Tripawd members, Chuy, does swim therapy sessions to help him recover from a major surgery on one of his good legs.

Many dogs are feeling better thanks to swim therapy. We thought we would ask one expert in New York about how post-surgery Tripawds can benefit from swim therapy.

Introducing, K9 C.A.R.E.,Inc.

Based in Spencerport, New York, K9 C.A.R.E.’s owner Jill says “Swimming is awesome at any time in a dogs life but, it is especially helpful in the all important time just after surgery. Not only for the body, but for the mind. A dog’s mental health is also important to assist in their speedy recovery.”

“Swimming makes them whole. They can move in the water like they cannot on land. With swimming being non weight bearing, it helps condition muscles without any impact. Some paralyzed dogs can actually move their limbs when they get in the water!

We asked Jill if she had suggestions for Tripawds who have never done swim therapy before.

“My advice is find a pool and get in!”

But, she adds, that the pool should be a proper doggie pool. “Water temperature is so important, and this applies to any injury or recuperative situation. For effective therapy, optimum water temp. is between 92 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. There is almost no risk of further muscle injury with warm water, unlike cold water.

Jill says that pawrents can actually do more damage swimming a recuperating dog in a lake or backyard pool, unless it’s at the right temperature. Once a Tripawd is fully recovered from surgery and rehabilitated, then cold water swimming should be fine.

A World Class Facility

“Everything we have done we did with the dogs in mind. We have a salt water generator that purifies the water using salt. There are no added chemicals, no bromine, no chlorine.

We have non-slip, heated porcelain floors because the warmth is wonderful for joints. Unlike a concrete floor, if dogs lay down on it to rest, their bodies are not drained of heat. Also, porcelain is non porous and will not transfer any disease (unlike ceramic floors). These are just a couple of the lengths we went to, to ensure all was as it should be.”

K9 C.A.R.E.’s 60 minute sessions are just $25.00 each (many other swim therapy facilities run upwards of $85 an hour). A first visit is $35.00, and includes a 90 minute orientation, to ensure the dog is relaxed and comfortable with the facility and instructors.

Jill says they believe in keeping their cost affordable because “we want to ensure that all dogs are able to benefit, especially those whose pawrents have just spent thousands on surgery. Financial difficulty should not inhibit the dogs ability to enjoy a speedy recovery.”

Pawrents can call K9 C.A.R.E. at (585) 352-SWIM, or visit their Flick’r site. K9 Care is located in Spencerport New York, just outside of Rochester.

NOTE: Always use a flotation vest like the Ruff Wear Float Coat to make the most out of rehab swimming and aqua therapy for your dog!

7 thoughts on “Swim Your Tripawd to Better Health”

  1. Looking for advice and medical help for my sons husky who is a tripod at birth, she tries to walk but when excited she runs too fast and falls and her back legs and hips twist and she cries from the pain , its like a charly horse or something like that, I feel so bad for her. I think they took on too much and the dog should have gone a home where they have the income and the time to help her to learn how to walk or even run she needs something better for the pain she is in , the vet has given them a pain pill I don’t know the name of it but they say it helps with the pain , they had put down rugs so she won’t slio but she chewed them up. She still plays with everyone and is a good dog but she needs more like a cortisone shot or nerve blockers if there is such a thing for a dog. I want to know if putting heat or cold on the legs and hips when resting would be a good idea. I know that the Essex vets has a rehab center and I think that she should be going there to help build up the muscles in her legs so the pain will sub side, what do you suggest they do. They don’t walk the dog only because she is not use to it and I feel like she I harming herself more when they try to walk her and they said that as far as a new leg she would be too young because she is still growing and leg braces or something for the back legs and hips I’m lost please help. Thank you

    • Hi Debra, thanks for writing. You’re a pawesome grandpawrent for being so concerned. It does sound like she’s overdoing things and can benefit greatly from rehab therapy. Have your son download our e-book, “Loving Life on Three Legs” for all sorts of ideas about how to keep her strong and fit for years to come. Without paying attention to her physical condition and being vigilant about not overdoing things, she will pay the price with premature arthritis and joint problems. Yay for you for being so conscientious about all this! Tell your son too that if our Discussion Forums are full of lots of help where he can ask as many questions as he likes. Good luck and keep us posted.

  2. NIce article. I sure wish pools for canines were more common, even for dogs who have “only” undergone amputation without additional limb surgeries. With winter approaching, Tazzie is going to lose all opportunities to swim until next April. There is no therapy pool nearby. I’m wondering if some place might have a pool and not mind a dog using it, but I can’t imagine who that might be. Just mentioning it in case anyone else has a bright idea (not a lot of homes with indoor pools here).


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