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Still following my people.

jerry's flats Road Gold beach OregonAfter staying in Portland a week, my people headed south down the coast in their RV desperately seeking some more remote surroundings. I continued to follow them.

They found a free camping spot on the Rogue river called Jerry’s Flats and just had to stay a few days. I would have loved it – nothing around but a big river bed to run and play on.

So I joined them in spirit once again, and even let them know I was there …

jerry's flats rogue river rocksWalking one day in the drizzle, they happened upon my name scribbled on a rock, among so many others on the huge gravel bar.

What are the chances? And who’s Grandma? Deep in their hearts, Jim and René know.

9 thoughts on “Still following my people.”

  1. Dear Rene, Jim, Spirit Dog Jerry, and Vicki Tankersley and kids,

    Thank you for your kindness and responses. I ended up very “misty” while reading your messages. I will eventually post on the Coping with Loss forum (once I can gather my thoughts). With aloha, Holly

  2. As i read this, I felt a chill and warm tears…jerry continues to leave me speechless with the way he communicates to you and all of us. He is truly larger than life itself.

    Love as always…
    Heather and Zeus

  3. I truly believe that Jerry is right there with you…and these “signs” are amazing! The messages will continue to come on through if you just look for them and even when you’re not looking for them!

    Sandra Thomas and “Angel” Luna

  4. Hi again, Holly! Now, see what an idiot I am? I didn’t see that Jerry had already replied to your post. If I didn’t have a good sense of humor, I’d be crawling under those rocks at Jerry’s Flats! I just zeroed in on your post and forgot to read the others… big oops! Honestly, don’t be shy! They let people like me on here and I swear, I’m harmless. Hahahaha Love, Vicki, Blazer & Kitty Kimber

  5. Wow, Jim & Rene, what a great place to find! That is really amazing that Jerry’s name was on that rock and we can only guess who Grandma was.

    And, to Holly: Gosh, I’m so sorry to hear about Dakota’s problems after his surgery & chemo. My deepest condolences to you. Please, you should not be so shy that you won’t share your feelings on I am just another contributor and I had to screw up my courage too when I started answering posts, but I overcame that fear with encouragement from Jerry, Jim & Rene. They let me know how much they welcomed me to their community and made me feel so good, I just kept coming back. You, too, would be welcomed with open arms and I know when Jim & Rene see your post here in this blog, they will want you to participate your feelings and thoughts as you are very, very welcome here. Your friend, Vicki Tankersley & the kids (Blazer & Kimber) Here is my email address if you would like to talk: and, anyone else on this site is more than welcome to email me, as well.

  6. Holly, we are honored that you wrote to us, and send our love and condolences to you and Spirit Dakota.

    The both of you were so brave to go walk through the osteosarcoma battle together. We know it is a difficult, highly emotional thing to do. But we hope you find comfort in knowing that you gave Dakota extra pain free time with you, an opportunity for more love, and extra time on earth to show you and other humans the many blessings that can be found even during the hardest of times. What an amazing thing it is to see how dogs cope with adversity, isn’t it?

    Please feel free to write more about Dakota in our Coping with Loss forum. We would love to hear more. Meanwhile, thank you for your beautiful comments about Tripawds. It wouldn’t be what it is without the thoughtful feedback and participation from good folks like you. Many, many hugs.

    -Rene, Jim & Spirit Dog Jerry

  7. Jerry my friend you will always be with your family no matter where they are. I for one know for sure that their hearts and souls are filled with memories of you and the wonderful times you had together…but man….SPOOOOOOKKKYYY to find your name like that. What a trip, I think if my pawrents go somewhere and see Kellie’s Flats or Bed and Breakfast they would trip (cool!!!) You made me laugh while in earth and my friend you make me laugh even louder in heaven…

  8. Hi Jim and Renee, I have been lurking on your website since March 2008 or thereabouts. In late February, my best dog ever Dakota, was tentatively diagnosed with osteosarcoma of his left front shoulder, and amputation was recommended. After agonizing for some time and getting a confirmation of the cancer, Dakota’s leg was amputated in late March. What helped me to come to that decision was reading the forums and getting so much hope and encouragment from all the tripawd lovers. It broke my heart to lose Dakota on September 3, 2008 after he fought so hard. The recovery from the surgery was great but he developed hind leg paralysis after his third round of chemo, along with a slew of other mysterious ills. It also broke my heart to hear of Jerry’s passing. I felt like I knew him too! I finally screwed up my courage to e-mail you to tell you how sorry I am about your loss and to thank you for all that you have done and continue to do to support the tripawd community. You are truly angels on the web. May you continue to feel Jerry Dawg on your journeys. With aloha, Holly


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