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Tripawds Foundation wrote: Front Leg Tripawd Mulan Benefits from Free Rehab Evaluation
Front leg Tripawd Mulan benefits from free canine rehab evaluation and at-home therapy thanks to Tripawds Foundation Rehab Grant #183. The consultation, and rehab exercises help Mulan stay strong and love life on three legs. Read her story, and lear (More)
Tripawds Foundation wrote: Senior Tripawd Booey Benefits from Free Rehab Consultation and At-home Exercises
Senior Tripawd Booey benefits from free canine rehab evaluation and treatment thanks to Tripawds Foundation Rehab Grant #182. The free consultation, and at-home rehab exercises help Booey stay strong and love life on three legs. Read his story, and (More)
Tripawds Foundation wrote: Free Rehab Helps Tripawd Blue Heeler Zeek
Tripawd Blue Heeler Zeek benefits from free canine rehab evaluation and treatment thanks to Tripawds Foundation Rehab Grant #181. The free consultation, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and at-home rehab exercises help Zeek stay strong and love life on th (More)
Tripawds Foundation wrote: Rehab Helps Senior Tripawd Doodle Sadie
Senior Tripawd Doodle Sadie benefits from free canine rehab evaluation and treatment thanks to Tripawds Foundation Rehab Grant #180. The free consultation, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and at-home rehab exercises help Sadie stay strong and love life o (More)
Tripawds Foundation wrote: Acupuncture and Rehab Exercises Help Tripawd Pitbull Astrid
Tripawd Pitbull Astrid benefits from free canine rehab evaluation and treatment thanks to Tripawds Foundation Rehab Grant #179. The free consultation, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and at-home rehab exercises help Astrid stay strong and love life on th (More)
Selina wrote: New Wheels!
Can you feel the excitement? haha Today for Boo's physio appointment he will be getting further laser rehab and a fitting for his new wheels! This week I noticed his back paw was bleeding from the wear on the cement, which was sad. We hope th (More)
jerry wrote: Understanding and Treating Nerve Pain After Amputation for Dogs: Tripawd Talk Radio #124
Welcome to Tripawd Talk Radio #124, a conversation all about helping your Tripawd feel less nerve pain after amputation surgery. Try easing nerve pain after amputation with these tips Nerve Pain After a Cat or Dog's Amputation Surgery is Commo (More)
Selina wrote: Rehab Life
Heat then flex. Through physio, we have discovered that Boo's wrists are stiff! A common problem with Tripawds. He can now bend at a 46-degree angle, but we want to increase that. After his walks, he also gets an ice pack on his back knee j (More)
Nellie wrote: Her New Fourth Leg
We think that for most of her life, Nellie has been unable to do many things that three and four legged dogs can do. When we adopted her, vets couldn't tell how long she had a "carpal flexion contracture," but they knew it had been at least a couple (More)
jerry wrote: What is UC-II and How Does It Help with Osteoarthritis in Dogs?
It's time for Tripawd Talk Radio #125: What is UC-II and how can it help osteoarthritis effects in Tripawd dogs? Today you'll find out from veterinarian, Dr Christine, co-founder of an innovative joint supplement called Jope. What's the best way (More)
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