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zofiava wrote: I'm all good on the bad news, but thanks for the offer!
Turns out it doesn't work that way. Three months back, my friend DeeAnn told me that her dog, Jenna, had been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma.  This was heartbreaking news, as you can imagine.  Jenna and my older mastiff, Kingston, had been totally in (More)
jerry wrote: Three Steps to Help Our Pets #GetHealthyHappy and Stay That Way
If you're a Tripawds community member, odds are good that your vet's amputation recommendation was a real wake-up call to become more informed more about health care, physical and mental fitness for our pets (it was for us!). Sorting through online i (More)
neka03 wrote: Neka's Begining Journey
My girls name is Neka, she is a large breed mix/ridgeback/Shepard/ hound...and whatever else God gave her. She is currently 10 months post op amputation with OAS. Above pic is july 14-2014 I want to share our journey in hopes that it may help othe (More)
boone wrote: Coming up on his 1 year tripawd anniversary
Greetings to all!  Boone is approaching his 1 year Tripawd anniversary and I'm happy to report that he remains cancer free and is loving life as a tripawd.  He is back up to his normal speed (might even be a little faster now!) and can strike the fea (More)
Unknown wrote: Sandybear and Osteoscaroma
A few days ago, Sandy, my eleven year old golden retriever, started limping  on her back right leg.  After a day or two of observation, the problem wasn't going away and I decided to take her to our vet.  Upon examination he discovered her knee was s (More)
Charley's Mom wrote: Charley's 47th Month Ampuversary a bit late....and a BIG surprise!!!
I'm a few days late but Charley’s 47th Month Ampuversary was on 9/28, so Happy Belated Ampuversary!!!   YIPPEE!!!  YAY!!!  WOO HOO!!!   HIP "HOP" HOORAY!!!   We are getting very close to celebrating 4 years on 10/28/14!  To put 4 years int (More)
jerry wrote: Have a Jerry (Birth)Day!
On this day in 1998 (we think), a little dog was born, then abandoned in a shelter for unknown reasons. For us it was love at first woof, and so we named this happy boy Jerry G Dawg. Little did we know he would grow up into a sweet, loving ramblin' p (More)
jerry wrote: Dogs Can Be Happy on Three, Says University of Minnesota Vet
Let's hear it for vets like Dr. Sara Fritz from the Oncology Department at the University of Minnesota's Veterinary Medical Center! Dr. Fritz  sent Melissa and Tucker to our community when they were facing amputation, and she was kind enough to send (More)
r2florida wrote: Rocket Dog Poodle Osteosarcoma Battle
  We confirmed Rocket had Osteosarcoma on Friday September 19th when the results of a needle biopsy came in. A bone biopsy had been performed on 9/9/14 by our Vet due to a lump on his left front leg and x-rays showing bone irregularities  on (More)
jerry wrote: Tripawd Tuesday: Galahad's Joyful Journey
The weekly Tripawd Tuesday celebration gives a standing ovation to the lives of our three-legged heroes, so please join us in applawding Tripawd Galahad and his amazing life on three legs! His beautiful story is accompanied by a fun video produced by (More)
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