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When to be worried
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8 October 2024 - 8:12 pm
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Alright so first day after amputation Pebbles isn't home just yet, we carpeted the whole house and got her a nice big twin mattress to sleep on next to the couch me and mom will be camping out on. We're getting regular updates from the oncologist throughout the day but from what we're being told is that the amputation went well and she was needing just a little bit more time to get the meds out of her. But being the stubborn dog she is she refused to get up at all on the night of the operation, which honestly I expected because she just went through major surgery. 

Supposed to pick her up this morning but they recommended another night as it took two people and two harnesses to even get her to stand up. She did get some food but seems to be taking a little longer to understand that she lost a leg. I am honestly a tiny bit worried but this is a big adjustment for her so I'm not in panic mode just yet but did anyone else have any like big signs of something wrong to look out for? Pebbles last weighted was 95 pounds so any advice from anyone that's handled big breeds is appreciated! 


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8 October 2024 - 9:22 pm
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Already, surgery is done and, even though it doesn't feel like it, pebbles is on the road to recovery! The fact that she ate some is a good son!

It's Not Unusual at all for a dog to stay an extra night or even more. As your vet mentioned, Pebbles is shaking off the anesthesia and I'm sure is still pretty zonked out from all the hospital meds. At 95 lb, she's a pretty big gal and may just need a little more time to get her sea legs. Again, This Is Not Unusual at all. Especially for a big pupper..... and, a bit of a stubborn gal!

She's where she needs to be right now and can sleep off some of the medication and anesthesia. It's a sign of a good vet as they don't usually like to send a dog home until they can get at least a little bit mobile even if it's with the help of a harness

And yes, some dogs who are stubborn and don't want any help from anyone well sometimes just freeze up if you try to use a harness. Sounds like pebbles is just being pebbles!

Get some rest and update us tomorrow, okay?


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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9 October 2024 - 9:52 am
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Hi Sybil, I hope you are able to bring her home today. Don't panic, this is not unusual at all, especially for bigger dogs. I think your vet is awesome for recommending she stay a little longer. This will help her, and you as well, so that you aren't experiencing the hardest days of getting her more mobile.

It sounds like you are well-prepared for her homecoming, great job!

Please keep us posted OK?

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9 October 2024 - 4:21 pm
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We brought her home! She seems like her ol natural self so far. She was taken off of a med but she's on the one with a G, I can't remember how to spell it and some anti inflammatory meds. 

Though they used staples. Is it normal for them to use staples? The last time she had staples they kept falling out, though that was after the first vet tried to remove some of her tumor on her elbow. It was a nightmare to try and keep closed, I had to wrap it with doggy diapers and tons of gauze and even then it would never stay in place. So far they look fine but I would have preferred stitches. 

We managed to get her down the stairs and outside, it took a while but she went pee. Still hoping to find a decent ramp to use instead so it's easier on her. 

But she's hopping alright! A little fast but she's hopping. Right now I qgve a cut up shirt draped over her like a cape and a cone on her. Girl is tired 💙

The Rainbow Bridge

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10 October 2024 - 7:22 am
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Welcome home Pebbles! Yay! smiley_clap

She is already showing such good signs like urinating and going outside. That's awesome! How did last night go? I wouldn't be surprised if it was a little rough with some restlessness maybe? Or did she sleep well? Hopefully she slept, and you did too. Sounds like they gave you Gabapentin. What is the dosage and how often? 

I wouldn't rush too fast to get her a ramp. Many dogs are afraid of them because they have poor depth perception. A good harness with a top handle, like the Ruffwear Flagline , is something they adapt to a whole lot better, and it lets you help her better too. 

As for stitches versus staples, it's really a matter of surgeon preference. Yes I could see why they would be difficult to manage on a leg wound since there isn't much skin there to hold them together. Staples for amputation incisions are easier because there's a lot more surface area and skin to grab, so she should be OK. Just watch it carefully and don't let her do too much too soon.

Keep us posted!

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10 October 2024 - 7:56 am
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Last night went well. A little worry here and there but she made it through. She was a bit restless with just sitting up and looking around, she hasnt quite worked out how to stand up on her own and until those stitches are out I'm not gonna push her. Small miracles of her just laying down all day. 

The Gabapentin is every 8 hours, 1/2 pill, while her Carprofin is every 12 hours.  We do have the one that starts with a T but we were told to just kinda use it if she's being too active and not to actively give it to her for now. Just something to make her sleepy if she won't settle down. 

She did bark a few times, her usual indicator to go out or wanting attention but she didn't end up going pee which made me feel like the worst person in the world. Her staples did bleed like a little tiny amount but nothing seems to have been moved at all so I believe its fine. 

She did come home with a bit of a pocket of fluid that they had covered and handled there. I think we're supposed to remove the bandage for that today but we'll be calling to double check.  

See the stairs wouldn't be so bad if ours were slightly wider. Me and mom come from a family that have somewhat wide women so were both squeezing through the door while trying not to fall off the side. Which my side has a pretty significant drop as it doesn't have a railing because my dad was cheap. We've managed to figure a way for us to get through it but boy is it scary lmao. 

The leg staples were a disaster. I've never been so worried and nervous for 2 whole weeks while trying to make sure it stayed clotted and didn't rip itself open. And on top of that the vet pretty much refused to talk to us. Safe to say we won't be going back to that one. So I'm just staring at those staples with a stink eye. 


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10 October 2024 - 9:43 am
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Me and mom come from a family that have somewhat wide women so were both squeezing through the door while trying not to fall off the side. Which my side has a pretty significant drop as it doesn't have a railing because my dad was cheap 

I'm sorry, but you really had me laughing thinking about the visual of what you and your mom have to go through with pebbles and the stairs! And then the comment about your dad being cheap had me laughing even harder!

Everything sounds pretty normal this very early on after major surgery. Yes, she probably will be helping a little faster as tripawd dogs need the extra momentum for balance.

The man that started with the t is most likely trazodone. It's basically an anti-anxiety type pill and, as your vet said, only needs to be used

If she starts getting too anxious and restless and just cannot settle down. Your vet seems to really have a good handle on things.

I am curious about the dose of the gabapentin. When you say a half of a pill., atewe talking half of a 300 mg,??

Keep the good updates coming. All of you, including Pebbles are doing a great job!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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10 October 2024 - 10:44 am
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Don't be! We really have to take turns and making sure she has enough room! Dad didn't even get normal stairs for years. We used to have concrete bricks covered with carpet pieces stacked on top of each other and the only reason he even got the stairs was because insurance refused to insure the house unless he got new stairs with railings. He is cheap. 

Though going up we've had to haul her up which is just another mess of getting up quick enough so she doesn't face plant. 

As for the med, a full pill is 800mg so 400mg for half a pill. 

Also just wanna say that its been very calming talking to you guys on here, very helpful. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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10 October 2024 - 6:23 pm
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Sybil I just love your sense of humor! icon_lol That is a pretty fun image of you and your mom helping Pebbles down the stairs! Be careful OK? We don't need all 3 of you in recovery mode sp_hearticon2

She sounds like a really normal, pretty easy recovery. I love that your vet is good about pain control, and caught that seroma before you came home and it leaked everywhere, causing you to panic. Glad you found a vet that is better and easier to work with.

It sounds like you're on target for smooth days while she heals. Don't panic if there are some ups and downs, we'll be here if that happens and always call your vet if you need to ease your worries right away.

I hope you are all having a relaxing night!

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10 October 2024 - 9:34 pm
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Welp. Just had a huge scare. Out of nowhere she starts to pant and chatter her teeth like crazy. We had brought her in ate some food and I took a shower when mom told me she was freaking out. I get out there and she's panting, shivering and chattering her teeth. 

Shes had her pain pill, getting another one soon, we did everything we are supposed to do. Her staples were bleeding a bit and we got into contact with our vet who told us to give her the calming meds. Then to send them pictures of the site which we were so scared to pull off the bandage but it seems like all the staples are okay. We won't get any word until the morning and they want us to leave it uncovered but I dont know how im gonna use the harness they gave us with that portion uncovered. 

Shes calmer now but im just wondering what the heck happened. 

Edit: welp. Shes gone poop. What a way to tell us you needed to poop dog oh my god. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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11 October 2024 - 10:46 am
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Oh my gosh I know how scary that can be. Happy that she went poopiconthough!  Don't know if that's why she was having that anxiety attack but it's possible. Either that, or the pain meds wore off sooner than anticipated. I's my understanding that you can always give pain meds up to one hour earlier if necessary to stay ahead of the pain. Check with your vet though OK? 

The goal is to stay ahead of the pain so it doesn't spiral. Once it does it's much harder to bring under control.

Glad she is calmer! Hopefully all she needed was that BM. Keep us posted!

The Rainbow Bridge

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11 October 2024 - 10:47 am
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Oh, forgot to say that you can put a t-shirt on underneath the harness so the straps don't rub. Some people will even put a sanitary napkin on and around the incision area (using gentle medical tape to keep in place) or some other kind of padding, to avoid rubbing. 


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11 October 2024 - 10:54 am
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Could be so many things.  Possibly  an owee from a staple pull.....and yes, maybe just a dramatic  way of letting  you know she needed a poop.🥵  Maybe a touch of phantom limb pain and the gabapentin will take care of that.Anyway, glad she worked through it.

You do have a little wiggle room with the dose of the Gabba if it needs to be increased a little bit. Of course, talk to your Vet about that

Let us know what the Vet says about the incision.  Always a good idea to have them look at a picture.  As far as using the harness in the I trim, maybe you could put the bandage on long enough for potty and then take it back off.

I enjoy your "Dad and the stairs' stories!  Quite a creative and frugal man!  I can relate to the frustration of dealing with homeowner insurance though.

Give Pebbles some extra treats for us.  


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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11 October 2024 - 2:59 pm
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So what I think that seepage is, is just the sarcoma? Like on the shirt it looks like bloody water but on the gauze it can look like just blood but it might just be from the amount throughout the day. The staples are fine. Nothings been ripped or pulled! And right now I got a gauze to catch anything that falls down but I also use it to cover the specific spot when we have to take her outside, along with a shirt. 

I try to keep the shirt under the harness to protect the staples.

We did send pictures with no word back just yet. 

I'm glad you enjoy them! 

Btw how long is too long for a dog to not go pee or poop? She hasn't gone once today, we took her out twice, she doesn't seem uncomfortable but we have been feeding her and giving her water. Ill ofc be asking the vet but is it normal for like one day without much bathroom use? 

The Rainbow Bridge

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11 October 2024 - 6:44 pm
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Hi Sybil,

The seepage is a seroma , not a sarcoma (which is a tumor). See the link for more details. It really does sound like more watery than bloody, but always check with your vet just to be sure OK? It will help put your mind at ease.

So glad the staples are holding tight. They should be fine.

You don't want her to go more than 12 hours without urinating. They can go several days without poopicon, but don't let urine sit longer than that. For tips on getting her to go, see:

How to Help a New Tripawd Urinate After Amputation

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