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Urgent: our tripod struggling to walk/sit/get up
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28 August 2023
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27 May 2024 - 10:26 am
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Hi All. I've written about our pup Ava before and you've all been so helpful. She is a 12-year-old osteosarcoma survivor with her front right leg amputated. The cancer has spread to her lungs as of last week. She is on palladia right now. This is a pretty urgent cry for help: for the last month or so she has been struggling to walk, sit, and get up. Her back legs often shake, she can hardly bend them to sit or lay down. She trips often. She took a spill on our slippery floors (hips went all different ways as she was slipping and sliding) it hasn't been the same since then. Does anyone have any recommendations for how we can solve this issue for her? She's been on an anti-inflammatory for a few weeks, we have her on a joint supplement, and she's now on CBD, but it's not really helping. Acupuncture and laser treatment does help but the effects only last one day. We're extremely worried about her quality of life. 


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27 May 2024 - 2:51 pm
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Hi Jennifer..apery sweet Ava has not made any improvement amd I understand upir concerns.  Assuming you've kept her activity level low and have good traction for the floors, in my "non Vet"  opinion  you should have seen improvement  by now.

If I recall, she had no issues at all until the slipping and sliding fall, correct? So seemingly all of this is related to the fall.

I know in one of the previous posts you made to "Ask the Vet" she suggested x-rays should be taken. I 100% agree now is the time to do that.  

There could definitely be some sort of spine issue, slipped disc disc, etc since it's affecting her front leg is well as her back legs.  An  x-ray should be able to determine if there is some type of  bulging disc that would cause all th havoc.  Additionally, it would rule out any possibility of spine mets.

If it is somehow disc related it require something stronger like a steroid injection, prednisone protocol etc.

Of course, check with your vet, but maybe you can start a pain med as this can't be a pain-free time for her.... or at least I wouldn't think so.

Of course, all of this is merely speculation and a vet visit is required. If you need a second opinion from another vet, never hesitate to do that.

If you massage up and down her spine area and around her shoulder and neck area does she show any sign of tension or pain or tightness? Also, if you pinch your toes does she pull her leg back in a reactionary way?

You have done, and are doing, everything possible to give you your Ava the best quality life. Hopefully this latest hurdle can be managed and her quality can get back to what it was prior to the fall. Even with the mets, she can still enjoy being Ava and soaking up all the tummy rubs and spoiling and extra treats.

Update when you can and let us know what the vet says. We'll all be cheering for sweet Ava as she's quite an inspirational Tripawd Warrior around here.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!




Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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27 May 2024 - 4:03 pm
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Hi Jennifer,

I'm sorry she is having these ongoing issues. She had bounced back so well after her initial struggles.

Did she ever see a rehab therapist about the pulled groin muscle? Or get x-rays? If not, now is the time.

You did mention you are working with a holistic vet. Have they seen her since this started? If so what did they recommend?

I'm not sure if you saw Dr. Pam's feeback? I also answered your Palladia question, which I know doesn't relate to this one directly but want to make sure you're seeing the suggestions.

Unfortunately, solving these kinds of mobility issues takes multiple approaches, and a vet is the first place to begin. If you haven't already, let your vet know what's going on and keep us posted OK? 

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