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Update on Eddy
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20 October 2014
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15 December 2014 - 7:02 am
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Thank you, EVERYONE!  Once again, you all are wonderful!  Shortly after I posted yesterday, Eddy "chippered" up!  Last night, he was back to bringing us his ball and even ventured next door to see his bff, Henry, a giant Schnauzer.  They played for a while and I gave them each a busy bone, and they sat under the pines together, like they have done for years!  It was such a blessing to see!  Because it's winter here in Minnesota, they don't get to see each other as much.  We have larger lots (about 3 acres), so they both tend to stay closer to their homes during the snowy season.  But yesterday we saw temps in the 50's and the snow has melted, so these two were so happy to see and play with each other again!  Can't tell you what it did to my heart to see my boy so happy!

Anyway, I believe I figured out the reason for Eddy's "solemness".  Because he was so itchy the past couple of days, I had resorted back to giving him Benadryl.  He was on Benadryl in the summer for allergies, and was just fine, but I really think I knocked him out with it yesterday.  So, we are going to not do that again.  As I said, mid-day through the day yesterday, he came back fully to life!  After a lot of thought, I did decide to go forward with the Palladia.  I am hoping I don't kick myself for doing it....   He seemed really good this morning, so I thought we should give it a try.  His oncologist gave us prescribed anti-nausea and anti-diarrhea medication, and I gave him both of those to pre-empt any possible side effects.  So, here's to hoping there are no horrible side effects!!!!  My thoughts are that if we try this now, we have 11 days before we leave and hopefully if he does have a negative reaction, we can stop or reduce the dosage and figure it.  I am praying that this helps hold off the mets.  If he does react horribly, I think we will be done with chemo.  Keep us in your prayers, Tripawd Warriors!  And, again, I thank all of you for your support!!!  


Betsy Golden and Angel, Eddy.  Eddy was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma 7-23-14, had a left rear amputation 8-07-14, had 3 rounds of carboplatin chemotherapy,  a small lung met was discovered in October, had 2 rounds of doxorubicin, and unfortunately more lung mets were discovered.  Eddy fought cancer valiantly and went to the Rainbow Bridge 1-6-15, at the age of 7 years and 359 days, just six days short of his 8th birthday.   Best Dog, will never be forgotten.


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22 February 2013
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15 December 2014 - 10:11 pm
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OKAY!! GOOD NEWS!!! Eddy nas reclaimed his Eddyness!!!

You painted such a good visual of Eddy and his BFF gnawing their bones side by side! LOVE THAT!!!

Sounds like the Benedryw was the culprit...that's great!

You've got a plan and seem to have thinks clear in your mind and I know that feels good!

Keep us posted and MORE PICTURES!! We love Eddy pictures! It would be great to see one of Eddy and his BFF!!!

All paws crossed for tons more quality time!!!

Love and hugs!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Los Angeles, CA
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13 June 2013
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16 December 2014 - 9:53 am
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YAY .. glad to hear Eddy perked up a bit! Allergies are brutal... Jasper (who is 100% healthy) gets a little blue when she gets the itchies so I have meds for her. 

The crazy thing about this journey is there are no absolutes... no rights or wrongs ... as long as you go with your heart. My heart 100% guided me w/Shelby and could I have done things different? Yeah... .probably, but making peace w/the decisions I made since I always did them with 100% love for my best girl gives me peace and allows me to live again. 

Hugs and love!

Alison with the Spirit of shelby fur-ever in her heart (and little jasper too)

Shelby Lynne; Jack Russell/Shiba Inu mix. Proud member of the April Angels of 2014.

October 15, 2000 to April 8, 2014

Our story: Broke rear leg in June 2013 - non-conclusive results for cancer so leg was plated and pinned. Enlarged spleen in September 2013 and had it removed and was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma and started chemotherapy. Became a Tripawd January 8th, 2014 and definitive Hemangiosarcoma diagnosis. Three major surgeries in 7 months and Shelby took them all like a champ only to lose her battle to cancer in her brain. We had 8 amazing extra months together and no regrets. #shelbystrong #loveofmylife

Norene, TN
Member Since:
21 October 2014
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16 December 2014 - 11:57 am
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 The crazy thing about this journey is there are no absolutes... no rights or wrongs ... as long as you go with your heart. My heart 100% guided me w/Shelby and could I have done things different? Yeah... .probably, but making peace w/the decisions I made since I always did them with 100% love for my best girl gives me peace and allows me to live again. 

Very eloquently spoken and 100% true!!

Harmony became a Tripawd on 10/21/14 (MCT). She left us way too soon on 11/1/14.

"We miss you so much; our love, our heart, our Harmony."

- Pam, Ron and Melody, Meesha, Doublestuff and Mariah Carey

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