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Thoughts on CBD Oil
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23 January 2019 - 11:35 pm
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Has anyone used CBD oil to help treat their dogs with cancer? I've been looking into it and I'd like to know the opinions of those who have tried it. Does It help at all?

Albuquerque, NM
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13 January 2019
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24 January 2019 - 4:01 am
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sharonf said
Has anyone used CBD oil to help treat their dogs with cancer? I've been looking into it and I'd like to know the opinions of those who have tried it. Does It help at all?


We have used CBD oil on our dogs before. It takes about a week or two for the effects to start kicking in. You just have to make sure to get all natural CBD oil - basically, you get what you pay for. 

24 January 2019 - 10:47 am
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My sweet 14 year old shih tzu pup has mast cell tumors that have spread in his body and one that has grown on his hind leg. All this has transpired in the last month. Tests have shown that he is inoperable and am not sure Palladia will make him better...I am having a very hard time accepting that I now will be administering end of life care to my sweet buddy. I wake up in tears every morning and am barely able to function as in addition to my fuzzy buddy with cancer a close relative has had a cancer run is as well last year.

I don't know anything about CBD oil and how to use it on dogs but I want to make him comfortable as I know he does not have long, could be a couple weeks, months at best. Am trying to cope as best as I can. My vets have been great:)

If anyone has had experience with dogs and cbd oil, any insight would be appreciated.

On The Road

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24 January 2019 - 11:02 am
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Sofie said
My sweet 14 year old shih tzu pup has mast cell tumors that have spread in his body and one that has grown on his hind leg. All this has transpired in the last month.

I'm really sorry to hear this. When you say "inoperable" does that mean he's not a good candidate for an amputation surgery? If you haven't already sought out a second opinion I would highly recommend it, just in case the first vet missed something. And it can help you put your mind at ease knowing that you've gotten all the information you can to make good treatment decisions.

We would like to help you better, so please do register as a member and start an all new topic about your dog (what's his name?). We are here for you.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

On The Road

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24 January 2019 - 11:09 am
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sharonf said
Has anyone used CBD oil to help treat their dogs with cancer? I've been looking into it and I'd like to know the opinions of those who have tried it. Does It help at all?

We've had many members here incorporate CBD into their dogs pain management routine. I encourage you to read these posts so you have some good information before discussing it with your vet:

CBD For Pets Shopping Tips Our Vets Want Us to Know

Three Tips About Medical Cannabis for Pets

Know the Realities and Myths About Cannabis Oil for Pet Cancer

As for members who have tried it, here are some forums posts you may find interesting.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
25 January 2019
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25 January 2019 - 10:42 am
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jerry said

Sofie said

My sweet 14 year old shih tzu pup has mast cell tumors that have spread in his body and one that has grown on his hind leg. All this has transpired in the last month.

I'm really sorry to hear this. When you say "inoperable" does that mean he's not a good candidate for an amputation surgery? If you haven't already sought out a second opinion I would highly recommend it, just in case the first vet missed something. And it can help you put your mind at ease knowing that you've gotten all the information you can to make good treatment decisions.

We would like to help you better, so please do register as a member and start an all new topic about your dog (what's his name?). We are here for you.


Hi Jerry,

Thanks for the kind words but we have had 3 opinions and 2 of them were from oncologists. The amputation option was on the table until more tests were done, namely ultrasounds and blood tests. This week we were told that amputation is more or less pointless as his cancer has spread and at this point even Palladia, Vinblastine etc will not help. If I knew that any or all of these drugs would get rid of this cancer I would do it in a heartbeat but sadly they will not. Instead we feel it will make him more ill and right now we are just trying to make things comfy for him with home cooked organic chicken and medicating him with prednisone to at least keep some inflammation in check.  His name is Blickers and he was named after a bakery, long story but a cute one:) As a pup he looked like a tiny version of Barkley from Sesame Street. I have had the joy of sharing my life with very different breeds, namely much bigger dogs but I never thought I could love a small dog as much as I do. 

This portable snuggly dog has melted many hearts over the years and been my awesome grief buddy after my dad and beloved American Cocker Spaniel passed away merely a month and a half apart in 2004 quite suddenly. It was too much to bear and I think the universe brought me what I needed and it was in the form of my awesome buddy Blickers. 

I spoke to the oncologist yesterday about CBD oil and they did not have much experience with it or rather the research and treatment facility they work for does not yet have much data to go on. This hospital is the top companion animal cancer care clinic in the country. They did the best they could and gave me realistic options not to mention their doggy bed side manner was amazing. I could only wish human doctors were like this.

On The Road

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25 January 2019 - 12:05 pm
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Awww Blickers is such a cute name, he sounds like a true once-in-a-lifetime doggy. What a blessing to have him in your life!

I'm really sorry to hear about the prognosis. You've clearly done all your homework and have a good understanding of the situation. I only wish it was better for you guys, but yeah, at least you do have great care for him. Sounds like a great clinic!

Yes there isn't much data for CBD oil in pets. The links I shared above have links to studies and such, and some insight from one vet who prescribes it, so you may want to check it out. Hopefully Blickers can find relief in it just as many others have. Keep us posted on how he's doing.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
16 November 2018
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25 January 2019 - 6:26 pm
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I have started Remy on CDB oil. I asked for a recommendation from Dr. Charles Loop in NC who is a holistic Vet and is treating Remy with homeopathic remedies. He does not feel that it will deter cancer but said the it can really help with pain and make him more comfortable. Remy has some arthritis in is back and hips. He recommended "bluebird botanicals" in Colorado. I purchased a 1 oz bottle for Remy. It is 250 mg and he gets 2 doses, one in his am food and the other in his dinner. I put five drops mixed into his food. He has been on it about 3 weeks now and I see a big difference in his gate and he runs much better now. He seems happy and comfy.

I am so sorry to hear about Sofie. I think this could make her feel better. The bottle I purchased cost about $25 but it goes far.

Remy is about 11 weeks post op amputation and he gets around so well now. It's truly amazing!!

Will keep you and sweet Sofie in my prayers.

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