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Tazzie's dilemma: which place for treatment????
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Member Since:
19 September 2009
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3 December 2009 - 8:03 pm
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Man oh man would Shilo be disappointed in me... I have been so wrapped up in my little world I am just now catching up on all the Tazzie news. I am sorry I have missed out.

I wish I could offer a magic answere but, I know that you will do whatever Tazzie needs. Your love for that boy comes loud and clear. I know for us we felt like we had to try everything to try and give as much quality time as we could. It sounds you are on that same path.

My heart and thoughts go out to you and please give Tazzie a big squeeze for me...


Alisa & Spirit Sis ShiloAnne

PS Kim - You crack me up!!!

Shilo diagnosed with osteosarcoma 9/4/2009, amputation 9/9/2009. ShiloAnne lost her battle 11/23/2009 where she regained her fourth leg and is patiently waiting for her parents to join her. We will always love you baby girl.

3 December 2009 - 8:50 pm
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I don't have much to offer but support. I have wrestled with many of the decisions I have made for Maggie, just as I did years ago when I had to make tough and then the ultimate decision for my Newfie when he was dealing with a degenerative muscle wasting disease.

I have taken some comfort in the fact that while I deal with all the wrestling and doubt none of that affects Maggie. As long as she gets her food and snacks, her trips to the park, and I am there with the stroller at her command she is happy.

We can never know if a different decision would have been better. But we do know our dogs and our hearts. That is what we have to hang onto.

Karen and the pug girls

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28 May 2008
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4 December 2009 - 4:28 am
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You and Taz are in our thoughts and prayers...we are leaving to go out of the country for a week and I'm not sure if I'll be able to check in much while we're gone, but PLEASE KNOW THAT WE ARE THINKING OF YOU. I just am at a loss for words calendar pal...I'm sorry I can't think of something really profound and comforting to say...just that we love you and will be sending you tons of prayers. Have peace in your heart that none of us can control what God does...that if you listen to your heart and your sweet boy, you will know what to do.

((((BIG HUGS))))

Love Heather and Spirit Zeus

Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

Member Since:
13 July 2009
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4 December 2009 - 8:10 am
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Morning all - just to put the topic to bed, I decided that the journey to CSU would be too stressful, whether by car or by plane. I am still pretty perky but rather sore so it would be hard to be comfortable. I cannot say how absolutely incredible the support has been while wrestling with this decision (a million times over as I change my mind back and forth and back and forth).

Susan & Tazzie Two

East Bay, CA
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6 August 2009
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4 December 2009 - 9:48 am
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And because you came to this decision together, it was the right one. You enjoy each moment, and keep smiling!

May 2001-Jan 21, 2010.....I'm a dog and I'm AWESOME!..... Always.

Kirkland, WA
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2 June 2009
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4 December 2009 - 10:59 am
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Hi Susan and Tazzie II!  Making decisions is hard!  I sometimes wish that someone would just tell me what to do, or that there would only be 1 option to consider so we wouldn't have to go back and forth between ideas.  However, doing what's best for Tazzie may not be what's best for your sanity 🙂  I hope you feel good about your decision, because I'm sure Tazzie does 🙂  Keep that sweet boy full of treats and love, and give him a squish from me 🙂

<3 Laura and Jack

P.S.  You'd better also keep the TazzMan away from the grocery store, or someone may try to buy his cantelope.  Although, that may be a good way to earn some extra cash...hmmmmm...I think I'm on to something here...

My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
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28 November 2008
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4 December 2009 - 1:43 pm
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I know you are relieved to finally have made that tough decision.  We're all here for you.  With Tazzie helping with the decisions, they can never be wrong.

Keep on keeping on!  One day at a time.

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

Member Since:
7 August 2009
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4 December 2009 - 9:17 pm
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Dear Tazzie and Susan: So sorry we are late to respond--we have been out of the Tripawds loop for a little while. We're so sorry you're having a hard time Tazzie. It sounds like you have made the right decision together. We realize you're coming to this decision at a different point in the process, but we also felt a long commute for treatment was not in Romeo's best interest. Who wants to spend all that time in the car going to the vet when you could be playing in the park or just relaxing at home with a bone (or in your case Tazzie a nice cup of licorice tea?) . Enjoying the time you have (hard as it is on the pawrent) is a good path.

We love you Tazzie---love your spirit and your smiley face! Hang in there buddy. And Susan you are amazing. Take care of yourself too.

Sending healing thoughts your way, Eve and Romeo 

Cordoba, Argentina
Member Since:
20 August 2009
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5 December 2009 - 7:21 am
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Ohh, Susan! I´m sorry to hear what you two are going throug. I¨m sure you´re taking the best decisions for Tazzie and you will always have our support, although Tika´s solution sounded absolutely great.

I wouldn´t impose a trip`on Tazzie... When Hori and I relocated from Europe, we had a 20 hour transfer without being able to see each other and it was very stressy for both of us. Obviously she managed like a queen and didn´t even pee in her box (but then peed for about half an hour when out of itBig Grin)... Anyway, I wouldn´t have dreamt of putting her through somethin like this if she hadn´t been young and healthy then.

Stress is great for cancer and a killer for us and our pups... so I guess having Gabapentin near by hand and lots of treats and hugs, kisses and love is a much better way of spending your time toghether.

Lots of love

Cecilia & Super-Spirit-Hori

Spirit Horacia, Castaño, Olympia + human family Cecilia, Georg and Julia - - - Hori first diagnosed 8/6/09, ampu 8/12/09, run over the bridge 9/10/09 – We miss you every day dear girl!

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