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4 December 2009 - 9:04 pm
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This is new for us (we just  had to copy batgirl). Tazzie's tumor has blood on the leg. Not a lot streaming down, but enough. Until now, it was nicely covered with a little bit of fur. What to do? How serious is this? I called emergency clinic, who don't know us since tummy torsion in June. I guess we will go there. Friday 10 pm.

Montréal , Canada
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31 July 2009
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4 December 2009 - 9:08 pm
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You are in all my prayers . 


Suzanne and Oslo

4 December 2009 - 9:12 pm
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Now sending to the copycat (copy dog?) Tazzie strong positive thoughts.

Karen and the pug girls

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4 December 2009 - 9:27 pm
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it cleaned up okay, and tazzie seems okay (just a bit of blood mom). But I will head to the emergency clinic. They will be shocked (they have not seen Tazzie with cancer or with his honey dew).

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20 May 2009
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4 December 2009 - 10:00 pm
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Keep us informed.  Am praying.

Debra & Angel Emily

Debra & Emily, a five year old doberman mix, who was diagnosed with an osteosaecoma. She had a right rear leg amputation on May 19, 2009. On November 10, 2009 she earned her wings and regained her fourth leg.

East Bay, CA
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6 August 2009
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4 December 2009 - 10:07 pm
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Oh dear lord, Tazzie! Honestly! This is NOT the way to get GOOD attention. No one needs a burst cantelope on a Friday night. NO ONE.

Do you think it was pressure build-up? It has been growing fast and skin needs some time to stretch.We put tea tree oil on everything skin related. I wonder if it would help?

Strong and positive thoughts with you. Will be looking for the update.

mary and Caira Sue

May 2001-Jan 21, 2010.....I'm a dog and I'm AWESOME!..... Always.

Orange County, CA
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28 November 2008
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4 December 2009 - 10:22 pm
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Susan & Tazzie, we're also sending you positive thoughts.  Let us know.

Di & Max

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4 December 2009 - 10:42 pm
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I was SOO jealous of Fruit Bat, I had to do something to get attention. Well, I'm afraid my tumor is just 'oozing' (some liquid that i can't pronounce) so it is not as though the honey dew split open or anything, although they say that can happen if it gets larger. Basically, the tumor has now grown out of the skin, sigh. Tazzie didn't seem to notice too much, although he does want to touch it a bit (e-collar time). So, he is fine. And we got there safely too - we were in the middle of Star Trek with a bit of wine when I saw it, but drove carefully to the emergency clinic (the very same person who opened his belly with torsion on June 1). Thankfully, "Ears" helped me out on Chat. We're going to have to hire "ears" for these extra shifts! He has been far more energetic and happy today than yesterday - Go Gabapentin!

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4 December 2009 - 10:52 pm
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Glad you're home and it is not bothering Tazzie.  Hugs and prayers being sent your way.

Debra & Angel Emily

Debra & Emily, a five year old doberman mix, who was diagnosed with an osteosaecoma. She had a right rear leg amputation on May 19, 2009. On November 10, 2009 she earned her wings and regained her fourth leg.

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19 September 2009
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5 December 2009 - 12:29 am
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Oh Tazzie, you are just asking for worries huh?? Keep that good additude, and happy pills going. smiley4

Susan - So sorry to hear about Tazzie's new development... Be strong, give lots of loves from me and spirit Shilo... Are thoughts are always with you.


Shilo diagnosed with osteosarcoma 9/4/2009, amputation 9/9/2009. ShiloAnne lost her battle 11/23/2009 where she regained her fourth leg and is patiently waiting for her parents to join her. We will always love you baby girl.

My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
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5 December 2009 - 3:56 am
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Poor baby! It is glad to hear all is well, and he is home, but geez, what an ordeal!

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

Madison, WI
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14 June 2009
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5 December 2009 - 10:34 am
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Hang in there Taz!  Don't burst any on the inside and keep all bursts to a minimum.  With the holidays coming you're sure to get plenty spoiled with attention - no need for medical emergencies!  More thoughts and prayers coming your way.

Yoda&Mom united: 9/5/06 …….… Yoda&Leg separated: 6/5/09……… Yoda&Leg reunited: 10/14/09 ……… ……………….………….………….……. Yoda&Mom NEVER separated! …………………….….……....….…… Though Spirit Yoda currently free-lances as a rabbit hunting instructor for tripawds nationwide

Orange County, CA
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28 November 2008
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5 December 2009 - 10:54 am
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Susan, glad things are better with Taz this morning.  We're thinking of you.


Wesley Chapel, FL
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13 September 2009
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5 December 2009 - 11:36 am
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How is Tazzie feeling today?? How are YOU feeling today!!!

Angel Jake's Mom

Jake, 10yr old golden retriever (fractured his front right leg on 9/1, bone biopsy revealed osteosarcoma on 9/10, amputation on 9/17) and his family Marguerite, Jacques and Wolfie, 5yr old german shepherd and the newest addition to the family, Nala, a 7mth old Bengal mix kittie. Jake lost his battle on 11/9/2009, almost 8 weeks after his surgery. We will never forget our sweet golden angel… ….. CANCER SUCKS!

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5 December 2009 - 12:03 pm
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Hi Marguerite

Perhaps you have insight into this. I wrote an update under 'ask a vet' so please read that. I was not so worried last night because Tazzie was still bright eyed and active. He is okay today, but definitely a bit lethargic and not quite as hungry as his normal ravenous self (he eats, but does not wolf, and he only drinks a big of his vegie water - big change from usual). Gums are not bright, but okay.

I guess if the tumor oozes on the outside, it is probably oozing inside. Don't know if this is a problem given the upcoming road trip. We do see the vet in about one hour, but they don't have ultrasound or anything to look inside. He was in good form yesterday, so I don't think it is related to the Gabapentin. Maybe he needs antibiotics to reduce risk of infection given the open wound.

I fear my vet might think it is his 'time'. Even when he wanted to hop for a few km and swim the last few months, she seemed to take more stock by his lab reports, which suggested he should not be walking and swimming and having a good time. Eventually she seemed to realize he was a happy bouncy boy. I think it is pretty easy to tell when he is relaxed and happy or not. (All people I know except for one who unfortunately came by today to air his thoughts think he is no where close to "his time". Of course there are many people who put down their dogs once they can't hop up and down stairs. (For the record, Tazzie can still do stairs, although they do not feel good on his tumor area.)

I wonder whether this oozing issue will affect CSU's ability to use the SRS on him. Do you know?

Thanks for your help,

Susan & T2

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