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Sophie the Miracle Dog Update
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28 December 2012 - 6:51 am
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Well, it's mostly good news as we are nine months out after Sophie's original diagnosis and is doing fairly well with no chemo or amputation.  I still have her on the same diet and nutritional plan and her appetite and spirit remain strong.  My major concern at this point is the rapid growth of the tumor.  It is no longer hard and solid, but no has a soft/spongy feel to it on the left side.  I'm really concerned that this could be an infection.  She still gets up and moves around, and in fact, spent quite a bit of time outside with my other two kids watching the neighbors play in the snow.  I feel so blessed and lucky to have had her this long, but I also worry about hanging on too long.  My biggest concern is a fracture occuring, at which point there is no doubt about what needs to be done.  I can flex her leg and she doesn't flinch in pain, but the tumor is warm to the touch.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.  

On The Road

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28 December 2012 - 8:36 am
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Sophie & Family it's great to hear from you! For anyone who isn't familiar with why Sophie wasn't a good amputation candidate, here is the scoop from an earlier post:

We started Sophie on Aredia today.  Dr. Mitchener has had great success with Aredia as a weapon to help ease the pain of the osteosarcoma.  She definitely agreed that Sophie is not a candidate for amputation as she is too big at 180 and getting up in years for a dane.

So how did the Aredia go? Do you think it helped? Have you talked to your doc about any other bisphosphonates to control the pain and bone disintegration?

As for the tumor, I would definitely have your onco doc take a look at this. I would hate for Sophie to have a sudden pathologic fracture, which is irreparable and a horrible scene, so better to find out what it is now before something like this happens. I hope it's nothing serious but better safe than sorry. 

Keep us posted and let us know what happens OK? We hope she keeps beating those odds for a long, long time.


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