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Rye evolving into Ryepawd
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13 April 2021 - 10:21 am
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Hey guys,

We were able to get Rye in a day early for her amputation. We just heard from the doctor and he said she did very well, and is resting comfortably and quietly. We can't wait to see her tomorrow. 

The one thing we were curious about, is they didn't do a chest scan prior to the surgery, and we had thought the whole thing would kind of be contingent to that--whether the osteosarcoma had spread there. She got a scan two weeks ago and it was clear but I had heard this could change overnight. Is it strange they didn't do one today? They x-rayed the leg and said it had definitely been spreading there, which is no surprise based on how much pain she has been in. 

Thank you!

On The Road

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13 April 2021 - 5:49 pm
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She's a Ryepawd now! smiley_clapSO glad she made it through surgery and is on the mend. You're past the first hurdle, do a little hoppy dance!

She got a scan two weeks ago and it was clear but I had heard this could change overnight. Is it strange they didn’t do one today?

It's not too out of the ordinary. Some dogs get them just prior to surgery just because it happens so close to the diagnosis, others do not. Just kind of depends on the dog's timeline from suspected problem to surgery day. Yes, cancer can metastasize quickly, but typically this early in the disease we don't see it happening very often. Try not to overthink it, you're already overloaded with plenty of things! The important thing is they got that painful leg off and she's free to be a happy Rye dawg again! smiley16

Keep us posted.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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13 April 2021 - 9:45 pm
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So glad Rye will get a goodnight's sleep, and so will you!!! We got our baby girl back the same day as her surgery (which was yesterday), and while she's been a champ, the dysphoria was stressful for all of us, and in a hospital setting, they can address that for the kiddos really well.

Here's to hearing happy news that Rye is healing right as rain quickly!

All the best,

Victrinia, Eric, Tsuki


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13 April 2021 - 10:02 pm
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YAY!!  SURGERY  IS DONE!!  Rye is seeing pink elephants  right about now and feeling  no pain.

Try and catch up on so e rest tonight, okay?  Rec can be a bit rough at first and you may not get much sleep.

When you go to pick Rye up, don even bother to look at her incision  or draw attention to it.  She just wants to see your smiling face telling her what a good girl she is and she's going home!!

And yeah, as Jerry said, xrays are not always done right before surgery if they were just done a few weeks prior.  I think my Happy  Hannah's Surgeon  just relied on the ones she's had a couple of weeks before.  It would have been an expense the Bet didn't  think was necessary. 

Let us know how the homecoming  goes.  Stay connected  and update when you can.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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14 April 2021 - 6:45 pm
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Mojo had chest xrays about a week prior to her amputation. Good luck with Rye's recovery...the first few days home might be a little ruff for everyone but Rye will figure out that the other legs work just fine.

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15 April 2021 - 4:57 am
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Thanks for the experienced words everybody, they really helped but our minds more at ease.

we picked Rye up yesterday and she gave us a big tail wag when she saw us. She hates the damn e-collar but honestly is doing quite well otherwise! She’s been going potty regularly and has her normal appetite. The hardest thing is just gonna be keeping her still— I think because the pain got so bad at the end of her fourleggedness she was already somewhat used to the three leg life. She’s MOVING, and almost hard to keep up with with my little towel harness situation.

she did toss a good amount last night so we didn’t get a ton of sleep as every time we heard that e collar rustle we’d pop up. 

All in all, I’d say a successful first day, and I’m so happy that pain in her leg is gone. She was eager to get up this morning for her breakfast, and she wasn’t so the last couple days before surgery.

I will update with photos/video 🙂

thanks for helping us get to this point!

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15 April 2021 - 8:08 am
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hey guys, wanted to share this little video we took this morning. she wants to move!


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15 April 2021 - 9:54 am
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Rye is really rockin' it as a tripawd!!   Unbelievable  video just  days after amp.   We do have some members who observed what you have with Rye....the pain was so bad before the operation that, even after. major surgery, they felt better instantly!!

Sloooow and easy, even if Rye wants to do. more.  She's still got remnants  of good hospital meds in her and she may, or may not, have a bit of a crash.

Thanks for the update AND Athe great video!  That will certainly be a "go-to" for newbies who have concerns about dogs adapting to three👍


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!.

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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15 April 2021 - 10:11 am
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Awww pretty girl! It's so great to see her looking good and ready to tackle life again!

So glad she's home and on the mend. Did she eat her normal food too? Wow!

Everything you mentioned is such a good thing for a smooth recovery. Some dogs may have a little setback here and there, especially a few days afterward when their body catches up to their brain (which thinks 'Me? I'm fine! Let's go play!'). She may experience muscle soreness as the days go on so keep an eye on any pain signals that may crop up, and let your vet know.

Can't wait to see more of Ryepawd!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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15 April 2021 - 10:44 am
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we fed her half her normal food a couple hours after she got home, and a bit less than her normal breakfast this morning and she’s eating like normal. 

ive stocked up Salmon and sardines to wrap up her meds and she’s happily munching those down/.

thanks Sally, only taking her out to go pee but she wants to explore! Still keeping it as minimal as possible, def going to need these drugs to help her rest and heal. 

Jerry would you mind linking here your diet regiment you used. I remember seeing it somewhere but it would be great to reference here. We had transitioned her over to Dr Harvey’s Paradigm just prior to her surgery, which a friend of a friend who is a vet recommended to help fight cancer and we figured was worth a shot. 

On The Road

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15 April 2021 - 2:58 pm
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She is such a good girl! Many dogs lose their appetite. I'm so glad she's eating, it makes things much easier for everypawdy.

 def going to need these drugs to help her rest and heal. 

Consider trying some interactive brain games too. They are great ways to tire out a dog's mind, and can be just as effective as physical activity. 

Jerry would you mind linking here your diet regiment you used. 

Sure. I think you might be talking about this post. I highly recommend checking out these additional Tripawds Nutrition & Diet tips, and reviewing The Dog Cancer Survival Guide as well. If you are able, consulting with a veterinary nutritionist is an excellent idea that can save you loads of time and effort on research.

There's so much information out now, cancer nutrition is even more overwhelming. Dr. Harvey's is an excellent brand of food, we are huge fans!

When Jerry had cancer, we didn't have the information that's available now. If I were dealing with osteosarcoma in our dog again, I would lean on the survival guide and a nutritionist. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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16 April 2021 - 7:11 am
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Rye is continuing to do pretty well. Last night we carried her and her bed upstairs so she could sleep near us. But I put her bed down, then her, and she leaped onto OUR bed! I have no idea how she made it up there. We gasped, but then tried not to react too much. She was just staring at us like what? 

I don’t think it bothered the wound much, but we gotta be careful with this girl. 

She ABSOLUTELY HATES her e-collar. I think she feels pretty good and just doesn’t understand why we would put something so ridiculous on her. During the day when she’s resting we’ve gone ahead and taken the cone off and rested a blanket over her. She’s doesn’t seem too terribly interested in the wound but if I catch her sniffin near it I just give her a uh uh! And she knows to stay away.

Anyway, that’s been the rough part. Haven’t slept much because she keeps getting up, trying to knock the thing off of her head. Last night I resorted to getting into her (giant) bed with her so we could both sleep a bit. 

I know the vet would say absolutely not, but are there any alternatives to this thing? I saw Mojo and others have had the compression shirt, is that more for the front limbs? Is making her a little wrap at night a bad idea?


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16 April 2021 - 9:43 am
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Jad to chuckle  at that feisty girl wanting to reclaim her rightful  place in your  bed (aka her bed)!

Others can offer suggestions who Jace had that same challenge.   I was very, very lucky in that my Happy Hannah never, ever  bothered her stirches. 

There are inflatable collars  that may work a little better.  I'm sure that plastic cone is seiving her nuts.  It messes with their hearing, their sense of smell, very uncomfortable  arou s their neck....just awful... but a necessity.  Certainly  during the day when you can watch her like a hawk you can take it off.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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16 April 2021 - 10:59 am
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Woah! She's got that spunk and you are doing GREAT at monitoring her to ensure she doesn't do anything that will harm the incision. Good for you! It's not easy to keep the cone on but stick to your guns. We've seen dogs and cats destroy stitches practically in front of their humans. They are very good at doing it in the blink of an eye.

I know the vet would say absolutely not, but are there any alternatives to this thing? I saw Mojo and others have had the compression shirt, is that more for the front limbs? Is making her a little wrap at night a bad idea?

Yep, the VetMedWear Surgical Suitcan be customized for each amputee's leg configuration. It's a wonderful alternative and it can be used later on if you're dealing with something like hot spots.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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16 April 2021 - 4:46 pm
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Thank you for the links!

I noticed today that up near her chest in the same side as her surgery, there is what appears to be a sac of fluid beneath her skin. It’s not at the incision site, but rather more toward her front arm. Here is a photo. Could this be a seroma at this location? You can see it hanging behind her elbow.

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