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Questions I have after amputation surgery 5 days ago..
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24 March 2013
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24 March 2013 - 3:04 pm
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Just found this site and trying to get a handle on my new life with my Tucker.  He had amputation surgery five days ago on his back right leg after finding bone cancer.  He is a mixed breed dog (40 pounds) from the humane society and he is about 13 years old but a wonderful, wonderful dog that we have had for 12 1/2 years and it is so hard.  He was sent home the same day after surgery because we live in a very small town and the vet does not have boarding.  A couple things have come up that maybe people could help me with:

1- He had 2 drains (just small rubber tubes that were open) in and as of last night they are gone.  I believe he either licked them out and swallowed them or licked them back in??  How can I tell either way?  Is this going to be a problem??  Did this happen to anyone else??

2- Do I keep just giving him his pain pills?  He is taking Tramadol and Metacam.. He doesn't really act like he is pain but he is pretty quiet on the couch and he does pant a lot sometimes for about 10 minutes.  Is this pain?? Do I keep just giving them till they run out?

3- I can't get him to keep and E collar on.. We are trying the blow up kind because we thought it might be easier on him.  He looks so pitiful in it and then figures out how to get it off.  He is only licking the stitches (well and the previous drains).  Do I need to go get the hard one??


Thank you for any help with these questions.. I feel very alone out here in my little town.  I know no one else that has a dog with 3 legs.



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25 March 2013 - 7:43 am
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Welcome! The days after are so hard!


1. I have no idea, as mine didnt have drains, only staples so hopefully someone else can weigh in.


2. I'd give pain meds for the first week or more. The panting could be pain, or it could be a side effect of the Tramadol. Mine panted from the Tramadol for the entire recovery.


3. You need to do whatever you can to keep him from licking his stitches... If that means a hard collar, then definitely. I found that the hard collar works the best even if it isn't the most comfortable for them.


good luck! The receovery part is so hard and it really feels like a roller coaster ride!

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25 March 2013 - 12:55 pm
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Tucker - Welcome to the Class of 2013 that none of us wanted to belong to. So glad you found this place since it has helped all of us through this very confusing, sad and stressful time. You have such a sweet face and are obviously loved very much. Hang in there and know that you are not alone thanks to Jim, Rene, Spirit Jerry and everyone on this board.

Shooter didn't have drains either, but did have a compression bandage on the first two days and since his was a front leg amp it's a little difficult to lick at the incision.

Pain pills are sort of an individual thing. Shooter was required to stay at the vet's office for two days after surgery so they handled the initial pain management . Once home, we gave them for about three days afterwards and then let Shooter tell us when he needed them. He was only given Tramadol and after those three days he only required them 3 or 4 more times and at least one of those was for phantom pain .

I have to agree with Pollygirl on the "cone of shame ". It is probably a necessity unless you can find a comfortable way to bandage it. Maybe someone else with a hind leg amp might have some ideas.


Spirit Shooter was a Miniature Australian Shepherd who was diagnosed with a MCT and had a LF amp 1/28/13 at 13-1/2 years old. 

Shooter crossed the Bridge on 8/28/13, his 7 month ampuversary and two weeks from his 14th birthday.

Orange County, CA

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25 March 2013 - 1:08 pm
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Welcome, Tucker!

The missing drains may be a concern. If he pulled them out and ate them (drains with discharge on them are a bit of a delicacy to a lot of dogs), no big deal, they will pass. But the concern would be if he pulled part of the drain out and there was still some drain left inside, because that does need to come out. The drain shows up on an X-ray, so check with your vet about that. If there is drain left inside and it is not removed, it will lead to a constant draining tract.

I would definitely continue with the pain pills for the first week, even if he seems relatively comfortable, unless your veterinarian instructs you otherwise.

Tucker needs to wear a hard E-collar! He should not be licking at his incision. The incision is trying to heal and does not need his bacteria-laden tongue on it! He could pull out the sutures or open the incision... not good!

The first few weeks are the toughest, but it usually gets a whole lot easier after that! Good luck and keep us posted!

Right hind limb amputated 7/3/12 for OSA, started on alternating cycles of Carboplatin and Doxorubicin and oral Palladia. Single lung met 9/1. Met in the neck muscle removed 9/30. Large mass in sublumbar lymph node 10/2. Rescue chemo with ifosfamide 10/6. Mets to the rib and axillary lymph node 10/21. Started Leukeran and Pred 10/25. Wookie left this Earth for a far better place on 12/4/12. I miss you, Boo, you were my heart.

On The Road

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25 March 2013 - 1:51 pm
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Tucker and family, welcome. You're not alone now that you found us.

OK, Wookie is a vet, so her valuable feedback should help you feel better. I agree with everything she suggested, and do call your vet to keep them in the loop. Don't hesitate to give them a call anytime you have a concern, that's why you pay them.

In the meantime, do check out Jerry's Required Reading List and our ebook if you'd like, Three Legs And a Spare. You'll find lots of information there to help you get through this challenging phase of the journey.

Hang in there! Tucker will be back to normal soon! We're here to help, so don't be a stranger OK?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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22 February 2013
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25 March 2013 - 2:30 pm
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Bless your heart for goi g through this without any are in the right place now! You have all sorts of good info. from all above.....I can only add that my Happy Hannah also spent the night at the vet. And was definitely on pain pills for over three weeks to varying degrees. Every dog is different--every situation different---I just found that decreasing her pain meds too soon at first didn't work well for her. She was on tramadol, rimadyl and to varying degrees a d depending g on the sysmptons of the pain she was displaying, gabapentin. Panting and restlessness are a sign of pain. AND. It can be s visual side effects of the meds.

You are doing such a great job for Tucker and it's so hard watching them go through the discomforts of recovery----and then to. New the fluid drains too--wow! I took the first several days off from work so Hannah did not have to wear the collar which, for her, just added more distress.

Again, you and Tucker are no longer alone!!We are all here walking by your side on this journey. Sending you a great big dose of courage, strength , peace and just got zapped with it! Feels good doesn't it!!?

Take. Are and we are all ere for you, Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Member Since:
24 March 2013
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25 March 2013 - 5:17 pm
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Thank you for all the great advice.  I think I will continue the pain meds and we did keep a collar on all night last night.  It was actually a blue soft one that kept Tucker from licking all night.  He did look super depressed with it on but I can handle that.  We are going back to the vet for the first time on Thursday to check on the stitches so I will discuss the drain.  I texted the vet and he said there was nothing they could do now about the drains.

A few more questions if possible.

1- Will we need to keep the collar on even after the stitches get taken out and tries to lick the area?

2- Tucker still looks pretty sad a lot and sorta mopey but it is less than a week - did other people experience this with their dogs?  I know it is huge he now only has three legs but he used to be such a happy boy - does that sometime come back??  I don't care for myself because I love him regardless but I just want him to be happy (if that makes sense)..


Thank you again...


On The Road

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25 March 2013 - 6:29 pm
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tucker2939 said

1- Will we need to keep the collar on even after the stitches get taken out and tries to lick the area?

2- Tucker still looks pretty sad a lot and sorta mopey but it is less than a week - did other people experience this with their dogs?  I know it is huge he now only has three legs but he used to be such a happy boy - does that sometime come back??  I don't care for myself because I love him regardless but I just want him to be happy (if that makes sense)..

That's it, I know you can be strong!  Ask as many questions as you like, post as much as you want, that's why we're here.

In general if the incision is healing and the stitches are out, the doc will give you the go-ahead to remove the collar. Keeping a clean incision is key.

As for being mopey. Ohhhh yeah. The pain meds will do that, as will the challenge of learning to navigate as a Tripawd. You'll see a huge difference when he's off the pain meds. Remember, dogs dont' know why they're feeling all of a sudden, unlike humans, who cope with pain meds so much better. It's hard to remember that the  meds are beneficial for our pups when we see these side effects, but they really are. Again, don't stop or cut back on them unless you talk toy our vet OK?

In general most dogs need a couple of weeks to get their spark back. Tucker will get there.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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25 March 2013 - 6:37 pm
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That sweet Tucker face is so adorable---and I'm sure he looks stunning in the collar

Not sure how to tell you to get to my "past"...under treatment, recovery, tec and then something like "six days after amp. And SCARED.....anyway you'll see

A. Tucker is progressing very well
B. It is perfectly normal for you not to see all the joy back right away..... but I promise you, you will. My Happy Hannah took quite awhile to recover--otjers much faster. I would see the sparkle, the tail wags and then back into a funk. Stay steady with the pain meds and you'll see her personality creep back in...again, some faster than others, some slower. My Happy Hannah is six weeks out now and she is doing so great ad your Tucker will get there, probably a lot sooner.

Be sure and let us know when you see those first little glimmers because they are indeed stepping stones to victories. And those stepping stones are big enough or you to hop scotch on too!! Enjoy, relax and play.

It is a major surgery and it does hit them every now and then---what the heck happened? Sometimes more at night is when I think the confusuio. Sets in a little more.

We are all here for you sending you good wishes or that drain. chwi g boy! What the heck was be this king?

Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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25 March 2013 - 6:45 pm
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Okay, I was typing drain chewing boy---what the heck was he thinking....and I shall now stop typing for the night and spare everyone-----------------

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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1 February 2013
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25 March 2013 - 7:59 pm
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As everyone has said, it takes awhile for their normal old self to come back, but one day you will notice him suddenly doing something he always used to do pre-amp and it's like a small weight comes off your shoulders. It's the little things that make us happy. We are 8 weeks post amp and each day I see another one of his quirks that wasn't there a week ago. Hang in there and keep loving on that precious boy.

Spirit Shooter was a Miniature Australian Shepherd who was diagnosed with a MCT and had a LF amp 1/28/13 at 13-1/2 years old. 

Shooter crossed the Bridge on 8/28/13, his 7 month ampuversary and two weeks from his 14th birthday.

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26 February 2013
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26 March 2013 - 8:58 am
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Kermit is 1 month post-amp today & he's STILL on a little bit of Tramadol & gabapentin. I'd at the very least run out whatever meds your vet gave you & I'd bet they have a refill on order if you need more. When we went for our refills the vet had ordered an extra 270 of each med!!

Good luck with the rest of your pup's recovery- you've found the right place for great support & advice!

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26 March 2013 - 2:58 pm
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We could never do an e-collar... Harley wouldn't even fit through a doorway let alone keep it on... So we did t-shirts for almost 3 wks and had a lot of success. He didn't even bother with the incision until the end of week 3. I think it was itching him from healing. As far as being mopey, sometimes dogs act differently on pain pills. My baby just cried and cried, vet told me he was still in pain. I did some research and realized he was on too much and we lowered it and he was fine. I am not suggesting that solution for you, but just know it gets better and every dog reacts differently. Good luck

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26 March 2013 - 7:36 pm
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t-shirts help a lot! Tilghman ended up licking his "good" front leg because of the catheter, so we had to do the conehead. Conehead of shame, but better than infection.


You're "just" 5 days in. We're now 9(+?) weeks in. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!  It just plain sucked from day 5 to day 18. He was mopey, tired, we had second guesses all the time. Believe me, it DOES get better. You'll have your baby back in no time... it will just seem like forever at the time. And it seems like it will forever change. But it truly does get better with time.  Hang in there....




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