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Question r/t CCRP’s and post-amp rehab
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11 October 2023 - 7:38 pm
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Summer is doing very well. She’s now 3-1/2 weeks post front amp and one week post first chemo session. Her appetite has returned to normal (YAY!) and she’s getting around pretty well. She goes up steps well, still has difficulty going down more than one step. I was upstairs getting dressed this morning and when I came out of the bathroom, Summer was upstairs in the master bedroom, in her big plump pillow bed looking like she just swallowed the canary! We have been sleeping in the downstairs bedroom with her and gating off the steps, didn’t even realize she could manage them. Well, she did today. Just pushed that gate to the side. LOL. To say I was shocked is an understatement. Now, getting her DOWN those same 17 steps was not fun, but between hubby and me, we managed. We’ll have to make sure the gates are adjusted better for now.

Summer had a WBC count done today, her 1st count since receving her first dose of Carboplatin a week ago. Onco said it was just ‘very slightly low’. I should have asked for a number (greyounds tend to have lower WBC counts to begin with), but got preoccupied with talking about her appetite. He didn’t seem worried though, and told me not to worry about giving her the Cipro since it was interfering with her appetite. She gets another WBC count one week from now, then one more just prior to her second dose of chemo in 2 weeks.

My question is regarding rehab. We’d like to have her start on a rehab program and have, in fact, made an appointment to have her evaluated at the end of next week. Is that too soon? Should we wait until after all her chemo is completed? Also, I have read the requirements for submitting the application for the first rehab visit to be reimbursed through the Tripawds foundation. We are seeing a vet who is CCRP certified here in Knoxville, TN, who trained at UT Vet School, but she is not listed among the referrals you have on this site. Does that matter? She is with the Animal Wellness and Rehabilitation Center in Knoxville, if that means anything to you. 

I appreciate all the input. When I first came on here, I was a scared wreck of a human who wasn’t quite sure what to expect. The first 10 days of postop were scary and nervewracking, but we got through them with a lot of help from everyone on here. So thanks again for being here.

Robin & Summer 


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12 October 2023 - 7:28 am
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Yes - you can do rehab during chemo! June has been doing so since 10 days after her first dose and many more here have done similarly.

I would mention the osteo diagnosis and chemo treatment to your rehab therapist - it can/will influence the modalities they use. Also, ours didn’t want to see us until 10 days after June’s first chemo. I’m not sure why this was (and I should ask!) but my guess is that she wanted to make sure any adverse chemo reactions were caught and dealt with before we started putting Juno through her paces. I don’t know if all CCRTs will require this.

Enjoy! Our June was already getting around well after recovery, but rehab really took her to the next level!💥

I appreciate all the input. When I first came on here, I was a scared wreck of a human who wasn’t quite sure what to expect. The first 10 days of postop were scary and nervewracking, but we got through them with a lot of help from everyone on here. So thanks again for being here.

Gosh - I feel you here. That was me too. I don’t think anyone gets through the first week or two without losing their nerve/lunch/mind/whatever on that rollercoaster!

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

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12 October 2023 - 10:01 am
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Robin, you and I are working on the same timeline; my Farley had his left rear leg amputated on September 20th and then his first carbplatin infusion on October 4th. I just asked the same question you did about rehab

Farley can go down stairs easily, but we are avoiding going up stairs. Perhaps rehab will help with this.

I will continue to follow Summer's progress since we seem to be tripawd twins...



The Rainbow Bridge

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12 October 2023 - 11:43 am
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Awww you are so welcome! I'm just thrilled that Summer is doing so much better. Did you ever think you'd be so happy to see her being a "bad" dog lol?! icon_lol I can't tell you the number of times that Jerry gave us a heart attack when he tried doing things we thought he wasn't capable of doing.

Stairs are tricky, especially uncarpeted ones. It's one reason why our Tripawds have always worn a Ruffwear Webmaster or Flagline harness throughout the day, but not at night. That handle on top is a lifesaver!

And yep as we told Farley's human, it's not too soon at all for therapy. Most therapists like to see dogs within 10 days of surgery, some will see them sooner depending on the issues. The clinic you found is great, I love that they are a 100% rehab-centric practice. That is hard to find! They have many different types of rehab which is also awesome. Looks like they have a lead CCRP who is guiding the team, which is very common. No worries with reimbursement, go and learn how to to make Summer a stronger happier Tripawd!  Can't wait to hear about it.

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13 October 2023 - 11:36 am
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Natalie, thank you for your input. Summer is will be more than 10 days past her first chemo when we go for our first rehab appointment. I’m so glad Juno is doing well. I’m actually looking forward to getting started with Summer’s rehab. Moving forward one step (paw) at a time!

Christine, it does help when you’re not alone on the joy ride, doesn’t it? smiley2 Since it was Summer’s front leg, she has more difficulty going down the stairs. She apparently had no problem climbing UP the 17 steps when I was upstairs in bathroom getting dressed last week. She snuck right past the gate and into her bed up there. I was shocked when I came out of the bathroom and saw her lying there, all proud of herself! Getting her down the steps was a trick. I’m hoping rehab can help with that also. I hope Farley continues to do well. Will also follow you on here. One can never have too much support. This site has really saved my sanity the past month or so.

@jerry, nope, never thought I’d be so happy to see Summer doing something she’s not supposed to. I actually laughed out loud when I found her in the upstairs bedroom lying on her big bed, before I realized we now had to get her DOWNstairs. Ha! I found a Flagline harness in downtown Knoxville, so now Summer has one. Best thing ever! Stairs just might get easier. Summer starts rehab therapy next Friday. Thanks for taking a look at it. It came with some good recommendations from other greyhound people who have used it. I’ll keep you posted!

Robin & Summer 

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13 October 2023 - 11:37 am
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P.S. - can someone tell me how to put photos on here? I’m confused about having to have a storage site from somewhere else online. Suggestions?

Robin & Summer 

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13 October 2023 - 12:17 pm
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[Image Can Not Be Found]

Robin & Summer 


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22 February 2013
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13 October 2023 - 12:18 pm
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Hahaha...The visual pf Aummer getting herself upst while you weren't  looking too funny!  She a determined  gal who is quite ready to reclaim her nor al routines.  

Here's a link for adding images .

While waiting  for someone more techie than I   to explain  the process. if you email  me so e pictures I'll be more than Happy to post them fpr you.  I'll PM you my email now.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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13 October 2023 - 12:19 pm
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Thank you, Sally!

Robin & Summer 

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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13 October 2023 - 2:41 pm
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Ohhh YAY glad she's got the right gear to help her. It's an incredible tool isn't it? We had to help Jerry down 18 steps in our old house, uncarpeted and narrow. It was brutal until we got his first Webmaster.

I can't wait to hear how it goes at the clinic!


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22 February 2013
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13 October 2023 - 8:05 pm
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OMD!!!  Look at this beauty!!    Summer loving  her toys and looking so darn pretty in her tee shirt.  I laugh out loud at the way she posed for the camera  with such a smirk....a sassy "I know I'm cute " smirk


    Screenshot_20231013-215251_Gmail.jpgImage Enlarger


  Screenshot_20231013-215316_Gmail.jpgImage Enlarger


  Screenshot_20231013-215425_Gmail.jpgImage Enlarger

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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14 October 2023 - 11:53 am
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Oh MELT MY HEART summer! Look at YOU!

That last photo of her smiling is just too cute. Says it all. "I had you fooled, didn't I? HAHA! I'm BACK!"

Thanks for sharing Sally. Love these.

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14 October 2023 - 8:50 pm
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Thank you, Sally, for posting the pics of my girl. You rock! And, yes, that is definitely Summer’s little cheesy grin. She knows she’s a perfect mixture of sass and cute. icon_lol When she’s smiling, I’m smiling. 

Robin & Summer 


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4 July 2023
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16 October 2023 - 6:07 pm
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And, yes, that is definitely Summer’s little cheesy grin. She knows she’s a perfect mixture of sass and cute. icon_lol When she’s smiling, I’m smiling.

OMD!!! She’s the business. That third pic of her cheesy grin is *chef’s kiss*!

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

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