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Phantom Limb Pain from a Hoomans point of view!
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21 January 2018 - 8:00 am
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Oh Stewie no more scares, you know I have no advice on cold weather and phatomb limb but is it possible he overdid to set it in motion? I’m sure others will have advice.

I’m sure the gaba will help and we know the acupuncture helps & it's not exactly your fault you missed appt!

We can kill ourselves in the drive to get there in the snow or take precautions and miss a appt. I would say missing the appt. and staying alive is better in this case! Just saying. I understand how you feel none the less.😞

Purrkins did not want me massaging the area either! That I understand . 

Feel beter Stewie rest today okay! 😘


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1 October 2017
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21 January 2018 - 8:14 am
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So sorry to hear Stewie had an episode. I cannot help in that area either but I just wanted to wish you and Stewie well and to also say you should not beat yourself up. Stuff happens, that's it. Nobody is perfect, no matter how hard we may try. You always try to do the best you can for him, you are great pawrents. I hope the Gaba and the warm pack eased it for him. I also hope you are both feeling better really soon.

Jackie and Huck


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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21 January 2018 - 8:19 am
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Purrkins said
Oh Stewie no more scares, you know I have no advice on cold weather and phatomb limb but is it possible he overdid to set it in motion? I’m sure others will have advice.

I suppose it is possible Holly... I had gone down to our compost box yesterday and Stewie wanted to come with me, but he had to stop half way because the snow was too deep and ‘heavy’. He couldn’t just hop his way through, he actually had to work at it. I had to take him back into the house. He didn’t appear to have any issues yesterday, but like with us, the pain sometimes sets in later... so yes, that could of also played a major role in his pain last night!

We can kill ourselves in the drive to get there in the snow or take precautions and miss a appt. I would say missing the appt. and staying alive is better in this case! Just saying. I understand how you feel none the less.😞

Thank you Holly, Winter can be a bit of a drag sometimes...😘

Purrkins did not want me massaging the area either! That I understand . 

Feel beter Stewie rest today okay! 😘


I guess the stimulation can be too much sometimes heh? and maybe the reason why Leslie had suggested a soft and slow massage to get then used to it. Most times he likes the rub down, but definitely not last night. He is definitely resting well this morning. Thank you!

Massive cuddles to Mr. Purrrrkins and Sexy Saxton please! 😻

Petra, Stewie🐾 and his Pride >^…^< 

On July 10/17 I became a Super Tripawd! You can find out more about my Pawrents Allensong but first Check out my 🎗 journey Super Stu Remember...“live in the moment!“  

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21 January 2018 - 8:25 am
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Thanks Jackie

paws120 said
 you are great pawrents. I hope the Gaba and the warm pack eased it for him. 

Jackie and Huck  

Thank you! Yes, the warm pack seemed to help ease him into a restful slumber. He is doing Much Better this morning.

Chin rubs to Huckleberry, Andy and Oscar. 

All the best

Petra, Stewie 🐾 and his Pride >^…^<

On July 10/17 I became a Super Tripawd! You can find out more about my Pawrents Allensong but first Check out my 🎗 journey Super Stu Remember...“live in the moment!“  

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21 January 2018 - 10:33 am
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paws120 said
 You always try to do the best you can for him, you are great pawrents. I hope the Gaba and the warm pack eased it for him. I also hope you are both feeling better really soon.

Totally agree, you are an excellent example of tripawd pawrents! The warm pack helped Otis through his rough patch with infection and I'm glad it calmed Stewie down and allowed him to sleep. Keep us posted, and I hope Stewie takes it easy, that deep snow can be a workout! 

Camille & Otis

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21 January 2018 - 11:07 am
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cvb5 said

Totally agree, you are an excellent example of tripawd pawrents!

Thank you Camille, I can certainly say the same of yourself! We have chosen this journey for him and try to do our very best for him, but it is a learning curve for us daily! 

The warm pack helped Otis through his rough patch with infection and I'm glad it calmed Stewie down and allowed him to sleep.

Yeah me too. He is back to his usual goofy, Hedgie loving self again today and am happy to report that he is sleeping super comfortably right now! Thank you!

How is Otis doing today? He must love his ‘no stitches’ new self heh?! I hope he is on the up and up!

...that deep snow can be a workout! 

Can it ever! It warmed up here, so the snow is now just a super saturated pile of slush! Another lesson learnt right! I’m glad that Holly pointed out the fact that the over exertion is possibly what caused Stewie’s discomfort?! Thanks Again Holly;)!

Please give Otis an extra cuddle from me today.

Petra, Stewie 🐾 and his Pride  >^…^<

On July 10/17 I became a Super Tripawd! You can find out more about my Pawrents Allensong but first Check out my 🎗 journey Super Stu Remember...“live in the moment!“  

On The Road

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21 January 2018 - 12:32 pm
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Soooo glad to hear he's feeling better!

with Stewie being outside for that long, did he get a chill and got all tensed up and then started having Phantom Limb Pain?

Absolutely. I know when I'm cold, my muscles get tense and all the aches and pains come out. Dogs are no different. 

He's a lucky boy to have such an astute mom always making sure he's comfy! 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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21 January 2018 - 10:33 pm
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jerry said

Absolutely. I know when I'm cold, my muscles get tense and all the aches and pains come out. Dogs are no different. 

 He loves it outdoors, but I have to put limits on him for sure! sad

He's a lucky boy to have such an astute mom always making sure he's comfy!   

I’m sure if he could do the same for me he would! winker

Thank you!heart

On July 10/17 I became a Super Tripawd! You can find out more about my Pawrents Allensong but first Check out my 🎗 journey Super Stu Remember...“live in the moment!“  


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22 January 2018 - 9:45 am
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Oh Thewie!!  You know how to scare your hoomanths really well!!   Tho glad to hear all ith all better now!  Playing with your hedgehog ith alwath a good thign! 🙂

Yeth, I agree with everyone, itth the snow Thewie!  The snow workth the muthelth like no other exerthise can!

Tell your hooma th to get you thome soowthoes next time you go out in it! 🙂

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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22 January 2018 - 11:03 pm
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Bahahaha! Thally, I wath watching my Dad thtomp through the thnow today in thothe thnow thoeth and he looked goofy! Can you jutht imagine the picture?! Okay, I would love to give you a picture Thally, but thothe thinth are trip hathardth!!! Thank you for your input! I am being much more careful today Thally I promith!!!

Many hugth to you Thally! Belly rubth to Frankie and Merry Myrtle pleathe!

Petra, Stewie🐾 and his loveable kittens ❤️ >^..^<

On July 10/17 I became a Super Tripawd! You can find out more about my Pawrents Allensong but first Check out my 🎗 journey Super Stu Remember...“live in the moment!“  

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