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Otis off to TUFTS tomorrow.
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26 June 2017 - 5:25 pm
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Otis and I are off to TUFTS tomorrow to have chest X-rays.  Three months ago there were no signs of cancer.

Also he had a lump on his back that suddenly tripled its size and the next day was open and drained. Hoping it was a cyst that will heal easy and not a tumor.

Please send positive vibes our way.  



Otis - 121 lbs pre amp - 114 lbs post amp and now 118 lb Great Dane - English Mastiff X.  Started limping on 12/24/16.  Diagnosed with Osteosarcoma 12/28/16 - amputation of front left leg on 1/6/17.  Stitches out and 1st round of Chemo on 1/19/17.   2nd round of Carboplatin on 2/10/17 - 3rd round on 3/2/2017.  4th round was scheduled for 3/22/17 - however due to low WBC postponed - 4th Chemo completed on 3/28/17.  Had breathing difficulties, stayed in Tufts ICU overnight.  Due for 2 more rounds of Chemo but we are opting to go with homeopathy with Dr. Loops instead.


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22 February 2013
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26 June 2017 - 5:40 pm
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Certainly sounds like it could be a cyst to me!!

Any trip to Vet requires a drive thru cheeseburger and a Fudgesicle! 🙂 Maybe Otis will share with you! 🙂


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Schofield, WI
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13 August 2015
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26 June 2017 - 5:50 pm
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Yup for sure I'll be sending positive vibes and prayers for you guys!  I ditto the cheeseburger and maybe vanilla ice cream.  😉  

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23 December 2016
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26 June 2017 - 7:01 pm
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Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!! I had been wondering how Mr. Otis was doing. I will be looking for your update.

- Mosby and Kerry

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31 December 2016
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27 June 2017 - 12:02 pm
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Thanks for all the positivity everyone.  I am sad to say that they found at least 3 lung mets that are about ping pong ball sized.   They recommend Palladia.  

I was so sure they would not find anything. I have no idea why I thought that so strongly.

Otis - 121 lbs pre amp - 114 lbs post amp and now 118 lb Great Dane - English Mastiff X.  Started limping on 12/24/16.  Diagnosed with Osteosarcoma 12/28/16 - amputation of front left leg on 1/6/17.  Stitches out and 1st round of Chemo on 1/19/17.   2nd round of Carboplatin on 2/10/17 - 3rd round on 3/2/2017.  4th round was scheduled for 3/22/17 - however due to low WBC postponed - 4th Chemo completed on 3/28/17.  Had breathing difficulties, stayed in Tufts ICU overnight.  Due for 2 more rounds of Chemo but we are opting to go with homeopathy with Dr. Loops instead.


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27 June 2017 - 1:40 pm
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otisgreatdane said

I was so sure they would not find anything. I have no idea why I thought that so strongly.  

You had that "thought" because Otis is feeling just fine! He's not showing any symptoms and is thoroughly enjoying his sweet self! You thought that because no matter what, those stupid ole xrays don't change a thing in Otis's world!

And as you mniw, many dogs here get great extended quality time regardless of mets and regardless of whether they do additional treatments or not. So check out yiur options, see if anynif them resonate with you or not, and proceed from there.

What's important is the NOW and not letting anything rob you of your time together! You know the drill and you know how to Be More Dog because we've seen you donit before. Doesn't mean it's easy, just means that you love Otis so much that you can stay fully present with him and continue to make every moment count without missing a beat! And we are right by your side cheering for you and Otis and celebrating every glorious second you two share with us!

And, of course, one of the main ways to "share" is with lots and lots more pictures!! We love that voy! 🙂

Love and hugs

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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27 June 2017 - 2:45 pm
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Rhonda I'm so sorry. That news really hurts, I remember it well and am sorry you're going through this experience. Keep in mind that Otis doesn't know what the report says, he's still Otis and wants to live life as best he can for as long as he can. With or without cancer, we never know how long we have and even mets can't predict when our time will come. It's challenging to ignore the reality of the report so that you can make the most of every day together, but try your best for his sake. Follow his lead to live in the moment and you can't go wrong.

As for Palladia, it's kind of a toss-up as to whom it helps with lung mets and who it doesn't. But then again so is chemo in general, so if you're good with the cost of treatment than why not give it a try? You can always stop if Otis doesn't do well on it. If he does, he can a great quality of life even with mets, for longer than without going on Palladia.

Can you feel us all cheering you and Otis on? We are! I promise. Your Otis is still Otis, so go have fun and enjoy the beautiful summer together OK? And remember we are here when you want to vent.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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28 June 2017 - 2:41 am
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Darling Rhondaheart

I am so sorry to hear lung mets were found ...

But as you well know, Otis is not aware of anything and even if this is a HUGE shock for you, you must put it in the back of your mind and live each day to the full with your baby.

Please do PM me if you'd like to talk, I will send you my mobile details.

Eurydice started Palladia but developed a huge UTI so we stopped but many others have had no problems.

I suppose the thing to remember if you're on Palladia (as in chemo in general) is that the risk of infections is higher as they become immunosupressed during chemo.

Not that this should stop any activities, Rhonda, life is to be lived!

You might want to consider acupuncture, it seems to be a good thing to do as it stimulates our babies' immune system. 

Eurydice also took something called vita-marine which is a supplement containing selenium (amongst other natural products) which the ostepath swears by and is very cheap (for a change).

There is no way I can be certain if this supplement plus acupuncture, osteopathy and mesotheraphy helped Miss Cow or not but what I am certain of is she lived 5 weeks after she had tumours the size of tennis balls and, expect for the last weekend where she was very tired and the last night (Sunday) every single day of those 5 weeks was a happy pain free day.

Stay strong sweet Rhonda, everybody is rooting for you like mad and, having gone through the lung tumours stage so recently I can guide you through it if you so wish.

Do not loose hope, don't let cancer win!

You still have lots and lots of time with Otis, make him happy and enjoy your time with him, sweetie!

I am here for youheart

Sending you a huge hug and lots of tummy rubs to our gorgeous boy heart

Eurydice 77kg/170lb Great Dane limping end of April 2016, amputation (right front leg/osteosarcoma) 4 May 2016 6 courses of carboplatin followed by metronomic therapy, lung mets found 30 Nov 2016. 3 courses of doxorubicin, PET scan 26 Jan 2017 showed more mets so stopped chemo. Holistic route April 2017. Lung X-ray 5 May 2017 showed several tennis ball size mets, started cortisone and diuretics. Miss Cow earned her XXL silver wings 12 June 2017, 13 months and 1 week after amputation and 6 1/2 months after lung mets, she was the goofiest dawg ever and is now happily flying from cloud to cloud woof woofing away :-) 

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28 June 2017 - 3:33 pm
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Oh, Otis. I am so sorry to hear this. Sending lots of love your way. You certainly have no better model than Eurydice as to your path forward. And know that you have the full support of everyone here. Spoil Otis rotten and take things one day at a time. Know that we are thinking of you.heart

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