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NEW HERE: Jumping, Licking and 3 Leg Life
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24 August 2023
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26 September 2023 - 1:32 pm
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Hey All - Our Dog, the love of our lives Arrow had her leg amputated a few weeks ago. We are still going thru learning how this all works, would love some advice for this....


Jumping off/on the bed - Arrow has always hung with us on the bed and slept there too. She is having a hard time realizing she can't do this any more. Other than Ramps, any advice?


She has had her stitches out now for 3 weeks and still licks the area like crazy, so we are doing the donut thing and it works - but any other advice? She has had a couple of episodes where after she does this, her eyes bug in and out. The vet couldn't figure this out either.


Also any other advice in general? We constantly are worried that she's limping, hurt or not happy and just glad there is some support here. 



New England
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11 January 2022
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26 September 2023 - 1:41 pm
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Hi Jesse, your future posts will not require approval.

How big is Arrow?  If she's a smaller dog, she probably would benefit from a ramp or pet steps to get on and off your bed.  There are plenty of options available - try looking on Amazon or Chewy.

I don't have any thoughts on the licking, maybe someone else will.

Arrow's new gait will look like a limp, but it's her new normal.  It may smooth out over time as she builds new muscles.  Did she lose a front or rear leg removed?  Dogs can do great on three legs, but there's definitely an adjustment.  Three weeks probably feels like forever, but it's still very recent for Arrow.  In general, it's a good idea to moderate her activity (think short walks or play time).  Interactive puzzle toys or brain games are also a great way to burn some of her energy without stressing her body at all.  If you have a more active lifestyle and enjoy long hikes or bike rides with your dog, a stroller is a great way to keep brining your dog along while taking it easy on their body.


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4 July 2023
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26 September 2023 - 2:40 pm
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Hi Jesse - Licking can sometimes be a pain signal, but the eye bulging is something I’ve not seen - others will have to weigh in there. Maybe your vet could spot you some carprofen  (or similar) to see if that might help things abate??

Like @mischief said, that early gait can look weird and depending on front or back, the weirdness can be different. My back-legger, Juno, had early troubles with that back leg seeming to crumple under her at times. Part of it seemed to be at moments when the other (missing) leg would have been doing the work, and part of it was because that single rear leg hadn’t yet built up the strength and stamina to hold her butt up and propel her by itself. Rehab has done her wonders in this respect!

Are you considering or are you doing any rehab with Arrow? (A Certified Canine Rehab Therapist can also often suggest a variety of options - ramps included - for helping a dog get on and off furniture etc.) The Tipawds Foundation can offer support for your first consult if that helps.

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

Livermore, CA

Member Since:
18 October 2009
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26 September 2023 - 8:44 pm
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Hi Jessie, welcome to you and Arrow.

Why the amp? Did she lose a front or back leg?  And how big would help too.

I've had two little rear amp Tripawds, and 5 small dogs in the last few years.  I have steps or stools near all the furniture the dogs are allowed to access.  I would prefer all the dogs use the steps to save wear and tear on their joints but I have had mixed results over the years.

My current Tri Elly always uses the stairs now, she has been on 3 paws for 8 years and will be 9 years old in December.  I got her when she was 10 months old and she was full of puppy energy- jumping on and off the furniture.  She is about 15 pounds but when she was younger she could easily jump up on a bed.  She is more careful now but still will occasionally jump up on or off of the furniture.  My new quad-dog, also about 15 pounds, often uses the stairs but will take flyers off the back of the couch or the bed.


Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls and Boy

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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