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Max has lung mets
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26 February 2009 - 5:01 pm
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Bad news at the vet today. Max has 3 lung mets. The oncologist told me about some chemo regimines that we could consider, but all  would significantly decrease his quality of life, and Im simply not willing to do that. The cancer is very aggressive. The window of time that the oncologist believes Max has left is 3-4 months.

We have made the decision to continue to give Max his medication for pain and let nature take its course. The meds allow Max to live comfortably and continue to play with his ball and go on walks. Both of which are VERY important to his happiness and well being.

I believe Max, like Jerry, will let us know when the time comes and we will help him take his final walk to the other side. I know that all of his fellow Tripawds will be waiting for him and will greet him with licks, wags and sniffs.

This is a very sad time for Max's humans. We have only had the honor of having him in our lives for 1 1/2 years. We are praying that he makes it to his second birthday (May 5) so we can celebrate it in true Max Deppe Labrador style.

Paula and Spirit Max

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24 January 2009
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26 February 2009 - 5:30 pm
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oh, I am so sorry to hear this news!! you are so right - it is about quality of life, not quantity. thinking of you... 

Holly and Marley

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11 February 2009
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26 February 2009 - 5:34 pm
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I'm sorry. Cooper does too - a very small one was seen at the initial diagnosis almost three weeks ago (he was amputated shortly after) and we'll xray in another few weeks.

After doing a LOT of reading and talking to two vets and a vet tech - all whose opinion I value a great deal; people I go way back with - I have decided not to do chemo either. My primary vet is looking into neoplasene - I just dropped off the handout from Dr Fox's site and from what he already has learned about it, figures this is as good a chance as any.

I've run into stories of too many dogs who did not make the six month mark despite aggressive chemo treatments, and quite a few dogs who went well past that with other therapies, or even nothing at all but a lot of love.

Big hugs to Max, seriously. He is so young, but the best thing you can give him is a rockin good time for part of every day!

Northern Indiana
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15 January 2009
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26 February 2009 - 5:36 pm
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To "Max's humans",

It is with great sadness that I just read your message with tears in my eyes. My heart breaks for you and is a reminder to all of us to make every day count!! I am sending you all a hug and our love, take care of each other.

Gineej & Paris

Grateful for every moment we had with Paris… regrets!

Honoring her life by opening our hearts & home to Addy!

Northern CA
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23 December 2008
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26 February 2009 - 6:28 pm
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Paula and Max-

I know how much this hurts- hang in there . We are thinking about you lots.


Seanne and Wrigley

Seanne and Angel Wrigley

My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
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28 November 2008
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26 February 2009 - 6:35 pm
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Paula & Max,

I'm so very heartbroken to hear your news.  That said, now is not the time to give up.  No one knows how much time one will be given.  Make each day count and enjoy each moment you have to share.  We all must face the reality of our situations, yet at the same time not loose sight of the fact that nothing is set in stone.  Trouble and I are sending good thoughts your way as you face this next challenge.  Above all, I wish you strength as you face each day.

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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26 February 2009 - 8:38 pm
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We can totally relate. But it is not the end of the world, just another emotional hurdle. Jerry lasted eight months with mets, and didn't even show it until the last couple. Check the resources page or search the blog for "lung mets" and "metronomic" to learn all about Jerry's treatment after the cancer returned. You have our best wishes.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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22 August 2008
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26 February 2009 - 9:39 pm
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I am so sorry to hear about Max.  I agree that it is best to focus on the here and now and let him enjoy playing with his ball and spending time with his family.  Have you considered metronomics to try to slow the lung tumor growth? 

Pam and Tazzie

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19 February 2009
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26 February 2009 - 10:31 pm
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Wish I had so much more to offer....  but Chewbacca and I will be praying.   Take care of you both!   Enjoy today!!!

Heidilyn and Chewie

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2 October 2008
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26 February 2009 - 11:00 pm
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Dear Max and Mom,

I am so sorry to hear about Max's lung mets!  Keep playing with him and loving him, and know that we are all rooting for you all.

Christine & Sophie

Linden, MI
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27 February 2009 - 1:18 pm
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So very sorry to hear about Max's lung mets. I'll be keeping you both in my special Tripawd prayers! Make the most of each day ahead, lots of hugs and good times! Glad to hear he is enjoying his walks and his ball.

Slobbery Great Dane kisses from Nova!Smile

Sue and Nova

Dane Mom Sue at and Mom to Beautiful Great Dane Queen Nova, a Blind Tripawd, who kicked cancer's butt from 11/08-03/13. The Queen is Spirit Nova now, but her legacy lives on here at Tripawds!

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27 February 2009 - 1:47 pm
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Max and Paula,

We are so sorry to hear about Max's lung mets.  Those are the dreaded words us tripawd pawrents try to prepare ourselves to hear, but nothing can really brace you to accept that the cancer has spread in your best buddies.  Looking at Max's pic, I can't help but see a young Shadow, and my heart breaks for you.  Shadow was about 1 1/2 - 2 years old when I adopted him from the aniimal shelter.  I have been blessed to have him with me for the last 9 years.   Bless you for making the difficult decision to make the rest of Max's time here about QUALITY.  You guys have done the absolutely best for him...enjoy the rest of his time the true Labrador way!  Lots of play play play and lots of loves, kisses and cuddles!!  

Tina and Shadow

Tina and Spirit Shadow

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27 February 2009 - 5:37 pm
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Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement. Its been a rough 24 hours for the humans…but Max, of course, is happy as a clam! I think he is trying to figure out why Mom is acting a bit crazy..but hes not knocking it. Yesterday we played ball in the pouring rain and today we played in the house. The rain thing isnt so unusual, but since he and my son broke an antique vase while playing ball in the house, its been banned. We played like maniacs today!!! Im sure the cat thinks that aliens have invaded his humans bodies!Weve all gone Labby crazy.

Pam, thanks for asking about the metronomics . I did think about that, but decided against it because of what the oncologist said about how aggressive the cancer was, and also because Max has been poked, prodded, drugged, cut, and sewn since back in Oct. when all of this started with the TPLO surgery. I really want to just let him “be” for the rest of his life. I have no problem giving him meds for comfort level, but anything over and above that Ive chosen not to do. I know for some that may seem like Im giving up too easily, but they dont really know Max's history. For his short 1 1/2 year life, he has been through hell and back. Now its time for him to enjoy his life for as long as he can. You have been wonderful with advice and I want you to know how very much i appreciate you.

For today, we have stocked up on the medium sized air dog tennis balls. Max gets a new one that bounces and squeaks every time he chews through one (the lady at Farm and Fleet looked at me like I was crazy when I bought 20!!) and we have fresh bones from the butcher. Catch in the house and an extra carrot with dinner. Living the Labby good life!!

Have a great weekend!! Love from Paula and Max!

Paula and Spirit Max

Northern CA
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27 February 2009 - 6:20 pm
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You  are not giving up- Giving Max the best final days he could possibly enjoy is doing something.  Like I told you before- I believe maybe that is why God gave us these special creatures- because he knew he could depend on us to make their final days here ones of pure joy and happiness. Not everyone would  go out and buy their dog 20 tennis balls and fresh bones- and let them play catch in the house. Max is very lucky to have such a wonderful mom.

Have a wonderful weekend enjoying the Labby good life- you both deserve it.

We're off to watch a baseball game and enjoy the sunshine while its here.


Seanne and Wrigley

Seanne and Angel Wrigley

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20 December 2008
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27 February 2009 - 6:30 pm
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Labs rule!!  My choc lab, Jack, was diagnosed with a chondrosarcoma in 8/08 at the age of 4 - went ahead with the amputation - no chemo as his cancer is not supposed to be as aggresive as the, we had a fabulous three months of hikes, swims and fetching tennis balls and sticks...unbeknownst to me, the cancer was lurking in his lungs and struck with a vegance on 12/20.  I let him go on 12/27.   The vet was stunned and guessed that the lung mets began right after his surgery - his surgery was particularly bloody due to the location of the tumor and the fact that he had two prior biopsies before they could come up with a diagnosis (my current vet finally figured it out).  But, I think back to the three months I had with him and am amazed by his grace and strength and ability to live life for the moment.  I only had one week to prepare for the inevitable which for me is a mixed blessing.

Anyway, my point in all this is to say your attitude is amazing.  Your strength is apparent.  I'm sorry Max is so young to be dealing with this but no matter how long our pups live, it is never long enough.  Jack died at 4 1/2, far too young, but I'm so glad I was the one who picked him out of his litter and the one who had the honor of caring for him until his last day. 

Enjoy every day with Max!  Get your throwing arm limbered up for those never ending fetching sessions!  And the true labby way - every day is a sunny day!!!  So what if there is wet stuff falling out of the sky??? 

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