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Lung mets progressing with cough, some concerning quirks...?
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27 September 2015 - 4:50 pm
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It's me again, and I'm worried again. I know Max's lung mets are progressing because he's developed a deep, ugly cough. At first he only coughed after retrieving a ball from the water, but now he's coughing with other exertion as well. It gags him, and he spits out clear fluid. 

But there are a few other quirks that puzzle me a little bit. On Friday evening at the lake, after a few jumps off the dock, he was shivering and shaking really bad. It was a warm evening, and he swims all year round, even in 20 degree-weather. So it wasn't because he was cold. The last time I saw him shiver like that was a couple of days before amputation, when the pain in his leg was excruciating. Even then the little fella was begging to play fetch. So I'm wondering if he's in some kind of pain and keeping it well hidden from me. 

He has also been pawing at his face a bit, and he's also been arching his head back toward his back. This is all peculiar behavior for him. 

He's otherwise his energetic and cheerful self. He did pass on breakfast this morning, but we overindulged a little bit yesterday, so I'm not too concerned about that. His nose has been drippy for a few months and it seems more so lately. 

I have searched the forums but haven't found anything similar. I'm just wondering if anyone has had experience with similar quirks and if they signify anything. I'm not in a panic, I just like to be in possession of as much info as I can. 


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27 September 2015 - 5:13 pm
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Thanks so much for updating! It sounds like Max is still enjoying being Max!

I'm certainly not oblivious to his "challenges", nor am I oblivious ro Max determined to live his life to the fullest "Max style"!!

Couple of things come to mind instantly. Overdoing his "dock diving" and pulling a miscles, straining his back, etc. It does sound like he is showing some signs of pain. With the vet's permission, I would definitely try him on a couple of does of Tramadol and may some Rimadyl. Again, after discussing with the vet. The fact that he is still so much himself makes me thing the pain (shivering, maybe not eating) is just the overdoing it. Being a tripawd is hard work and really stresses the muscles sometimes!

My Happy Hannah never developed a cough. She never missed a meal. She did have some discharge in her eyes and, if I recall, maybe a little runny nose. That seemed separate from the met as an antibiotic seemed to help that. She was also on Prednisone when her breathing pattern was off a little and that helped.

Every situation is different. But, just my two cents worth, I'd say let Max play full out as long as he wants too! You keep on swimming Max! Even if it .means taking a pain pill afterwards !

Sending lots of love! You are a WONDERFUL mom for Max!! A PERFECT one!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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27 September 2015 - 6:02 pm
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It's ok to worry, we all do it. And it's great that you're asking smart questions too, so hang in there...

Shaking isn't just a sign of being cold when it comes to canines, it can also indicate over-excitement or exhaustion. When he was swimming was he wearing a float coat ?

As for the other behavior...did that start after he swam? If so, could it be possible that he has water in his ears?

And when it comes to the cough...when does that occur? After swimming? Could he have taken in water?

Just throwing this out there to try to pinpoint things but do call your vet tomorrow if you still have concerns OK?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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27 September 2015 - 6:59 pm
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Nah, this is a deep, bronchial, full-chested cough. It's been happening for a few days now. It's all atypical behavior. He swims nearly every single day and there's never been any reaction like this. 

I'm still worried about spine mets, in truth. Or even a spread to his brain. He is super itchy on top of everything else. I just took him out for a short walk, where he ran around in full spirits and chased every critter that moved. But he stopped to scratch every couple of minutes. And he's so vigorous about it. Apart from that he is acting normal again. And I've given him some pain medication, so that must have helped. 

I guess time will tell...


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27 September 2015 - 7:20 pm
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Hmmm.....okay, throwing more stuff iut there til you talk to the vet....

Don't think he would be swimming and chasing critters if he had spine mets...nooo way!
It could be...could be....that the dripping nose, itchy skin and even the cough, could be allergies. My vet just rold me the other day they are seeing allergies come on quickly like crazy this year and in dogs that jave never had a history of allergies before. I know it's hard to think all this isn't related ro the mets. HOWEVER, if he didn't have the mets, this is exactly what your "logic" would think it could be.

I just don't think he would be feeling nearly this good as he does if he spine of brain issues!

I know this part of the journey is soooo hard. I know that. But do your best to stay in the moment (and yiu are!) and try not to think the worse unless there's proof of something going on. And right now Max is showing you by his actio s that he's feeling good. Take it day by day. He may have a less good day every now and then, but right now he's having a whole lotta' good days!!

A d you jnow what? We need a video of Max swimming and dock diving! OMD! That has to be spectacular!!

Love and hugs!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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28 September 2015 - 6:00 am
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Totally in agreement with Sally that it could be allergies. From what we have seen, dogs with spine mets do not swiim or run and jump. Also keep in mind that lung mets do compromise breathing so IF they are growing the can be reducing his endurance in the water, leading to exhaustion and shaking. With our Jerry, the more his lung capacity was reduced the hardrr it was to swim so we really watched that. You may want to shorten the swimming sessions.

Meanwhile have him checked outto ease your fears then do your best to focus on all that fun he is having instead of worrying. What a gift!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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28 September 2015 - 11:04 am
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I'm starting to detect a pattern here: I freak out and you two put some sense back into me. 🙂 Many, many thanks to you both!

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28 September 2015 - 1:29 pm
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Aren't the people on this site so awesome?  I'm like you, I get panicked and then listen to the voice of reason and get my sh*t together again.  My heart and thoughts are with you and Max.  I hope it's a simple fix like allergies and he's able to continue being Max.


Debbie and Patches

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4 October 2015 - 7:44 pm
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Max started coughing up some thin streams of blood this weekend. He also resumed that shivery thing he was doing. On Saturday night he had a few minutes of heavy panting and wheezing, and he seemed a little panicked by it. (Me too!) I laid down with him, and his breathing eventually returned to normal. He slept peacefully the rest of the night.

I have now added adamantine to his gabapentin regimen. I was told lung mets don't hurt. But do they??? I cant understand that weird shaking. He's otherwise spunky and lively but needs to rest more and more frequently. 

Calling the vet tomorrow of course. 

On The Road

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4 October 2015 - 8:08 pm
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Jerry's vet told us lung mets do not hurt, but they will eventually inhibit breathing. She also told us dogs can live more comfortably with much less lung capacity than humans.

Shaking and shivers are weird for sure, but glad to hear he's settled down. Please keep us posted!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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4 October 2015 - 9:12 pm
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Yeah, I think anything that causes a change in his breathing pattern, whether it's exertion or his lung issue or even allergies, is gping to create a panicked sensation and a little bit of anxiety. And humans would do the same thing...kind of a hyperventilating moment. You did exactly the right thing by reassuring him and helping to calm him down. For the most lart my Happy Hannah seemed to adjust to her changes in breathing patterns. Every now and then though, they would make her feel anxious. I would just calm her and could even change her focus a little bit with treats.

From my experience with Happy Hannah, I didn't feel like she was experiencing "pai ". Tiring more easily, or even some breathing changes are not "painful". Not sure about the shivering thing. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be effecting his overall quality. .

Max is a tough spunky guy, that's for sure! Try and focus on the fact that he's still enjoying himself, even with these lotwtle bumls!

Hugs to you both!!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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