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Lacey’s recovery from amputation
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29 January 2024 - 5:23 pm
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Happy to hear Lacy is doing so well! And I agree. Lacy deserves a cheeseburger and ice cream!

My Beautiful Beloved Brownie was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma on February 26, 2019.  With all odds against him he lived an additional one year and eight days with amputation, love, and prayer.  I was honored to be his mom, and I have never been so proud!  He will live forever in my Heart!

Brownie Bubba Bell

04/01/2007 - 03/05/2020

"March Saint"

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22 January 2023
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31 January 2024 - 11:01 am
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I hope her story brings hope to others. She's a tough girl, an 80lb lap dog at times and a fierce barker at night when she wants mom/dad to throw the ball. And the other dogs appreciate her tenacity to get us to feed the pack every ten minutes it seems...Love her!

Cheeseburger/ice cream huh....... My wife is sooooooo dialed into her diet I may have to sneak these in..... Yes, she deserves some treats. Great idea!

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25 January 2024
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31 January 2024 - 12:45 pm
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Found your brave Lacey’s starting post.

 Thank you for your support.

Out of interest , did you use a supportive body sling for Lacey to help her to go outside to do the necessary or not n the beginning please  ?

Any tips greatly appreciated 


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31 January 2024 - 3:11 pm
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    And the other dogs appreciate her tenacity to get us to feed the pack every ten minutes it seems

I get it!! tripawd does the same thing.  My other pack member !is a vlind Bull Mastiff.   Once tripawd Frankie starts his "feed me" vocalizations, she joins in barking. and walks to her food bowl and wont leave til I put some in ot!!is a vlind  Problem is, I cant resist spoiling  either one and cave everytime. 

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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31 January 2024 - 7:31 pm
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Lol, Brownies bark was every evening at 7 for cookie time. If that clock hit 7:03 he went nuts!

Labs, gotta love them❤️

My Beautiful Beloved Brownie was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma on February 26, 2019.  With all odds against him he lived an additional one year and eight days with amputation, love, and prayer.  I was honored to be his mom, and I have never been so proud!  He will live forever in my Heart!

Brownie Bubba Bell

04/01/2007 - 03/05/2020

"March Saint"

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22 January 2023
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31 January 2024 - 7:41 pm
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I did use the sling we received after her surgery. A few days into going up and down stairs she took over and I didn’t use it again. The sling was helpful. We also took some of the old kids tshirts and put them on her to prevent licking etc…. 

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2 February 2024 - 10:47 am
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"Labs, gotta love them❤️"


Couldn't agree more. Almost human.

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2 February 2024 - 2:54 pm
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How many stairs please ? Up and down ? We are really nervous about the idea .. but we are only a few days in post op .. so got stair gates up 😬

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4 February 2024 - 8:16 am
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Trilevel home…. 6 steps x2, but we stayed downstairs so 6 up and down a few times a day. Not sure if it plays in but she just turned 5…

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8 May 2024 - 7:18 pm
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Lacey had a lung scan today as part of our ongoing battle with cancer. She got a thumbs up and we are yet again grateful. She has made it 16 months since diagnosis. Hope this helps others believe in positive outcomes. 

All we can do is take it a day at a time or in our case 3 months at a time. Scan to scan.


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8 May 2024 - 7:29 pm
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Clear xrays YAY!!!   We looooove to celebrate great news like this   around here..  Lacey  is definitely  an inspiration  and a role model for  what''s possible on this crazy journey. 

Thanks for the great update.  Would love to see aome pics of this gorgeous  Warrior....hint!!!

Try these links to help get them posted.

    adding images  

  adding photos 



Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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9 May 2024 - 8:49 pm
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YESSS! You have no idea how much we needed this news today. Thank you for inviting us to the pawty!!! CONGRATS LACEY!!! smiley10sp_hearticon2sf-kiss

giphy.gifImage Enlarger

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29 May 2024 - 4:38 am
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Thanks for the kind words. I’ll post some pictures hopefully soon. 

Hope Lacey can help others with some hope. 

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6 June 2024 - 10:08 pm
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I hate to be that guy but it’s a bit cumbersome to get a photo loaded….. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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7 June 2024 - 11:30 am
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Hey Rob, that's OK, we get it. The main reason is that if the forums allowed folks to upload photos here directly, it would mean our server costs would go up exponentially, and they're already pretty high as it is. That's the main reason, thank you for understanding.

Meanwhile I did put a new video in the adding images topic that i hope explains the process a little better. Message me if you have any questions.

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