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Inhalation chemotherapy in the UK?
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20 February 2015 - 6:14 am
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Hello everyone,

Betsy has finished all her carboplatin, in December she had an x ray which should no mets (it was 'patchy' but they said it was probably due to her age) but this week she had a CT scan which has shown up 2 'moderate' size nodules (I would say small as I could barely make them out when he was showing me). He couldn't biopsy them so couldn't officially say what they are but obviously we all know what it is most likely. I was a bit shocked as she has been so well, her coat is still glossy, she has been playing every day, going for longer walks and not gone off her food at all or lost any weight; so I was really trying to stay positive.

She has now been switched to metronomic (has anyone given artemisinin with metronomic? I emailed Dr Singh specifically asking if it was safe to give together but he didn't answer my specific question - he gave me lots of info, one piece said not to give within 2 weeks of having chemo, not sure if this means metronomic as well) and going for another ct in 4 weeks to see if it is having any effect.

If it isn't working he wants to switch her to palladia, but I remember when she was first diagnosed reading up on it and something put me off it - but I can't remember what (some experience of this would be handy!). I know in the US they have started offering inhalation chemo with some promising results but I can't seem to find anyone in the UK offering it. I found a clinic that offers 'intra cavity chemo' so I have rung them to find out if this is similar, just waiting to here back.

Does anyone know if there is anywhere in the UK that offers this? Or any other trials going on for lung met treatment? I just want to consider absolutely all options.

thanks in advance


On The Road

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20 February 2015 - 1:23 pm
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Hi Annie,

I'm glad to hear that Betsy rocked the carboplatin treatments! I know it's disheartening to discover the lung mets, it really tends to knock the wind out of your sails but don't let it. Many dogs here, including our Jerry, had lots more quality time even with mets. We were in the same situation you are in; two lung mets. With metronomics and K9 Immunity , Jerry thrived another 7, almost 8 months living life to the max for a total of two years post diagnosis! Many other dogs here have had the same experience. You are definitely on the right track.

As far as Palladia, many people here have tried it and it's a safe bet to say that most found it had gastrointestinal side effects that made it not worth the treatment. Most, not all. You never know until you try, that's the million dollar question, will it work on Betsy?

When it comes to inhallation chemotherapy, I haven't heard of a lot of folks using it here, maybe one or two in all of our years. But it's also very experimental and quite labor intensive so maybe that's why. One member, Tika, tried it. I'll paste her story below. My suggestion is to see if you can contact Dr. Selting at University of Missouri and the vets at the university where she received it, maybe they can connect you with a vet in your area who is trying it. Since it's such a focused area of study I'm betting that those who are trying it on their patients probably all know each other. Vet oncology is a small world.

OK here is Tika's story:

Dr. Selting Explains Inhalation Chemotherapy for Osteosarcoma Metastasis

Please keep us posted. We all send lots of love & hugs across the pond and wishes for a long, healthy road ahead.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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21 February 2015 - 3:48 am
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Ah that is fab I shall try contacting her to see if she knows of anything. There doesn't seem to be any of the trials over here that are going on over there at the moment and its frustrating! I know a trial isn't necessarily going to work but there seems to be lots of promising ones in the US that could be an option if I was to opt against palladia and I just simply don't have it here :(

I know we don't know how long she has left but even 7 months is not long enough.

The vet referral I have found does something called 'intra cavity' chemotherapy, where they say they adminster the chemo directly to the affected area, so it sounds like the same sort of principle to inhalation therapy but a vet still has not got back to me from there so I am not sure the ins and outs of the procedure or if it is suitable for lung mets. Fingers crossed it might be an option.

Betsy is on home made diet (from dr dresslers book) K9 imunity, high levels of omega 3 and apocaps as well. It is frustrating I am doing all this for her and it doesn't seem to be enough, I really hoped and believed she would go a bit longer before the mets appeared. But yes she is very well and happy in herself so I suppose that is the most important thing

Thanks for your reply!


On The Road

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21 February 2015 - 9:31 am
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Hey Annie, I totally understand, no time is long enough to spend with our beloved pups. I felt the same way when were going through it with Jerry and it's only hindsight that allows me to be so grateful about it, it took time to see the gift we were given. Keep in mind that we had no idea how long Jerry had those mets; since we opted out of follow-up x-rays and chemo, we didn't x-ray for 17 montshs past his sugery, so he could have had those mets all along. I hope with all my heart that Betsy is abe to get lots and lots of time. Keep doing your best, you are doing GREAT and giving it all you've got. It's so clear how much you love her, and that's reflected in her joy. keep it up!

When you find out more abuot that type of chemo please post about it. I've heard something about it as well but can't point to any resources about the treatment. I hope you get to find out more soon. Sorry there are no trials for inhalation chemo where you live.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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22 February 2015 - 3:03 am
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Thank you! and yes I will post about it when I get through to them! Will try them again tomorrow! Got a painter coming tomorrow to take photos of her, going to get a painting of her done big-grin


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24 February 2015 - 7:48 am
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I would also be interested in what you find out so I can ask the Australian oncologists about it. 

Probably a good place to start in the UK would be the Animal Health Trust.  They have a pretty state of the art cancer centre there and the Head of Oncology is Dr Davide.

We have a trial in Australia to potentially stop the spread to the lungs of osteosarcoma. I am trying hard to get people with dogs affected into these trials.  I have a greyhound myself so osteosarcoma is in the back of my mind.   Its not the amputation that bothers me it is the spread to the lungs. The trial is running in conjunction with human hospitals in Brisbane and the mouse models looked good.

Australian Research - Dedicated to Canine Cancer Awareness



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24 February 2015 - 11:59 am
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Hey Annie and Betsy!!

Just catching up. You've already gotten great insight!

I know we say it over and over, but remember, Betsy doesn't give a rip about any ole xray or diagnosis! NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN BETSY's WORLD!!! She is feeling great and is enjoying living in the moment not worrying about a thing!! No dog has a time frame stamped on their butt! And besides, in doggy years six months equals 3 1/2 YEARS!!! Betsy is having a ball beloved and spoiled! My Happy Hannah and I had great quality time after her xray showed a met the size of a baseball! She and I left the vet's office that day and I vowed to not let anything rob us of our time together and to just stay in the present with her! And yeah, she got lots of steak and even ice cream and a few M&Ms. We were free of vet visits and just nejoyed the bliss of being together!!

We would love to see more pictures of Betsy! HINT!

Keep us posted on that amazing girl! Betsy is Betsy...not a statistic! Betsy has no intention of going anywhere anytime soon!way-cool

Hugs to you both...and a small dish of ice cream!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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26 February 2015 - 7:45 am
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Hi frodofromaus I tried the AHT nothing going on there that would be any help for Betsy :( the clinic finally rang me back last night but I missed it and when I called back (about 30 seconds later) the phones had been switched to voicemail for the evening! But the oncologist left a message to say he would ring me today so I should have some info about the intra-cavity chemo tonight hopefully!!

Hi Sally! She is fine in herself and not showing any signs as of yet so I suppose thats all that matters :) I wish I could add a photo I can't seem to be able to do it! Do you know how?


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26 February 2015 - 8:04 am
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Thanks for the update.  I hope they call  you back soon so you have all the info you need.  

Sorry I am of no use with the pic as I think it needs a link url?  Maybe someone else can help as it would be helpful for my new email client.  It has the same arrangement and I cant figure it out. - Dedicated to Canine Cancer Awareness


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5 March 2015 - 8:55 am
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Apparently the intra cavity chemo they offer is not suitable for lung mets :(

this is a picture of Betsy with her buddy Buttons on a walk (not sure if it will work or not!)

Annie and Betsy

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On The Road

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5 March 2015 - 2:07 pm
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Darn I'm so sorry! Did they have any recommendations for you for another type of treatment?

I love that photo! Two doggies having a blast. Beautiful!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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5 March 2015 - 9:22 pm
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And we have a adorable picture of happiness in the sunshine!! Buttons is a very handsome boy and Betsy looks absolutely gorgeous!

When yoh see this photo, you know all is well in Betsy's world and she sure isn't worrying about a thing! She's loving the spoiling and loving!!

Sooooo glad yoh were able to post a photo. Please keep them coming...we love pictures around here!!! Will be looking for more!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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