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Forelimb amputation / Dog has't peed or poop
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Lima, Peru
Member Since:
1 November 2023
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11 December 2023 - 6:28 am
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Dear Tripawd Community,

I'm writing with a heavy heart to let you know about the loss of our little buddy, Iggy.

I'm still trying to understand what happened. Iggy was doing so well in his recovery—eating, doing his business, and having playful moments. We were just waiting for the wound to heal a bit more to get back to normal.

Sure, he spent a lot of time resting, but he'd get up for the things he loved: eating, playing, and welcoming me home from work.

Last Friday, I brought home pizza, his absolute favorite. We hadn't had it since the night before his surgery, and I thought it'd be a little celebration, marking 40 days since his operation.

There were no signs that he was about to leave us. He seemed happy and calm. Every night, I'd play some soothing music because he'd get a bit anxious before bed, and it always worked. But that night was different.

I woke up at 3:45 to the sound of him panting. I figured he was stressed or nervous, but he wasn't shaking like he did before. I played his favorite music and sat with him, but it didn't help. Around 4:30 AM, he vomited. I thought maybe it was just indigestion since he seemed to calm down for a bit afterward. But the panting came back. I took him outside, and he pooped. When he came back, he was weak and fell into his bed. I touched his ears—they were cold. He didn't want water. His mouth was cold, and his tongue was purple. I knew it was bad. I had waited too long and I'll blame myself for that forever. When I called the vet, he said he was on his way, but by 6:30 AM, when I got the car ready, my partner's scream told me it was too late. He was gone.

I've never had a dog before, and the pain is beyond words. We tried everything to keep him longer, but it didn't work. It hurts to think his last hours were tough, and we didn't realize how serious it was because the day before was completely normal.

I can't change anything now. With time, I hope I can forgive myself. I believe Iggy is happy wherever he is, running on all four legs.

I would like to thank everyone who read, wrote, and stood by me during this tough time. It didn't go the way I wanted, but maybe there's a reason beyond my understanding.

Thank you again.

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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11 December 2023 - 10:35 am
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Oh Liz, I'm so sorry! icon_cryI can't imagine what an awful shock this feels like to you and your partner. My heart aches for you both. I wish I could make it better. It's unreal how quickly something like this can happen.

It's hard not to second guess every choice, every moment of the last few days. Our animals rely on us so much! And  we are really good at beating ourselves up when something bad like this happens. Your feelings are totally normal, and yes in time your heart and your brain will come to an understanding. It takes a lot of processing and wondering, and grief, to get there though. So be good to yourselves. 

For now, may Iggy's spirit comfort you. Know that he did not suffer, he is free of the burden of a body that no longer served him. Iggy's spirit is now eternal lighting up the sky, surrounding you with love for all time. That will stay with you forever, and outshine the grief you feel now.

My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry.

Member Since:
4 December 2023
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11 December 2023 - 12:58 pm
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Liz - I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Iggy seemed like a wonderful companion. I know nothing can be said to ease the pain, but just know that you have support here when you need it. In the very short time I have been dealing with it I have realized how emotionally attached to these little ones we get. They mean the world to us and we never can prepare ourselves for a loss, especially one that comes so quickly. I have read through your posts and it seems like you did EVERYTHING you could for Iggy, and then some. My heart truly goes out to you. sp_hearticon2


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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11 December 2023 - 3:13 pm
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Completely  shocked and stunned.  Never in a million years was I expecting this.

Knowing there aren't any words, there is aomething  I want to address from my own personal  experience.   I hope it brings you some peace down the road.  There is NOTHING that could have been done.  While Ziggy was uncomfortable as his body was failing, he was NOT in horrific unbearable pain for hours on end.  There were no outrageous  signs to indicate this looked noting more like anything you thougt.  Sometimes  when the body starts shutting down that quickly with, fortunately,  no obvious non  stop never ending screams of pain it's not as horrible as we may think for the dog going through a shutdown .  OTHING could have been done!

This horrid disease had already plotted it's course and had gone s sneakily undetected.  FWIW, hermangisarcoma  is one of those types of cancers that goes completely  undetected and gives no signs until maybe not eating, or vomiting out of the blue and no one woild suspect  anything ....nothing.....just an upset tummy, or a bit off, etc.

As hard as this is, and it is so unbearably  hard, p,ease find peace in the fact that Iggy was home.  He passed on his terms, in his own environment  and with hoomans he loved.   He wasn't  rushed to the hospital,  he wasn't  getting poked and prodded. I really don't  mean to be dwelling on how he transitioned and I'm not sure this is helpful.   One more thing, once the blood pressure has dropped (cold ears. limbs, cold gums, etc) often it is almost impossible  to find a vein for the sedative  shot, this the ultimate shot of release is not always as peaceful as we would hope for.

I'm trying so hard to let you know, IF this had to happen,  and as horrible as it was for you to see......Iggy did things his way for a reason.  That reason  gave him the transition the way he home with you.

  You have NO regrets!  No guilt!  Iggy would not want you to feel anything  but peace in knowing you gave him sich good care and loved and spoiled him more these past 40 days than most dogs ever get in a lifetime!!

Iggy ran free and fit to The Rainbow Bridge with cheese pizza on his breath and a Happy wagging tail because  he got to know what true love felt like


Surrounding  you with out love

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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