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Edema in his belly, but not at his incision?
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Somewhere over the rainbow... probably swimming in a lake
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18 August 2012
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27 August 2012 - 12:00 pm
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Samdog is having a pretty good morning, but I noticed something new while changing his t-shirt earlier.

9 months ago, he had some surgery to remove a lipoma and he developed a fluid pocked behind the incision site.  I think they called it a seroma .  It wasn't a big deal and it resolved itself in time.  We were expecting the same from this surgery.

He has had minimal leakage and very little fluid buildup at the incision site.  However, this morning, I noticed his belly is really heavy with fluid and has developed a deep pink bruise.   Anyone else see edema that far away from the incision?   I was gonna call our vet and make sure we are fine, but y'all always put my heart at ease.  So, I figured I'd ask you all too.


Samdog was a 10 yr old Golden and retired SAR dog. We found a bone mass on 8/17/12, needle biopsy showed sarcoma 8/22/12, amputation on 8/23/12, post-amp biopsy confirmed osteosarcoma on 8/28/12. Sadly, we found lung mets on 11/27/12 and my Spirit Sam earned his wings on 12/2/12.

We didn't know where we were headed and we don't regret a single step along our path. It all happened too fast, but he left a legacy of love that we will always cherish. Good bye my heart.
You can find our story at

Rock Hill, SC
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28 November 2011
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27 August 2012 - 12:41 pm
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Zeus did develop a bright red/pink bruise all the way down his stomach - right in front of his penis.  I was also concerned because it was so far from the incision, so I called the vet.  They made me bring him in because they also thought that was an odd spot.  Turned out to be just a bruise/excess blood and gravity carried the blood to the lower part of his belly.  HOWEVER, Zeus had only a bruise and it did not seem to be fluid-filled.  You might want to run him to the vet for a peek, just to be sure.  Our vet didn't even charge me since all he did was look at it, press on it and then say "It's okay, you can go."

Zeus was a Husky mix diagnosed with Osteosarcoma at age 11.  A visible lung met and suspicious spot on his liver meant a poor prognosis-six weeks was our vet's best guess. We decided to fight for our boy and his right front leg was amputated on 12/1/11. We did six rounds of chemo, changed his diet and spoiled him completely rotten. We were blessed with 10 great months after diagnosis. Against the odds, the lung met remained a single met and grew very little over those months. A wonderful furbaby with the most gentle spirit, he fought with a strength that we never imagined he possessed. We have no regrets...

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27 August 2012 - 7:58 pm
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Sweetpea too had a bruise- like somebody had beat her and I thought she looked "puffy" and we took her in - the drains were coming out anywhere that day, they told me, that she was bloated, because she was in surgery a lot longer than they had anticipated, received a lot of IV fluids, cardiac meds and due to being under anesthesia so long- her gut had slowed down. It took prob. a week for her to get her girly figure back:)

On The Road

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27 August 2012 - 8:05 pm
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Sure sounds like a seroma but it couldn't hurt to mention it to your vet.

We were told by a vet that when a limb is removed, the fluid that used to circulate in and out of that lost limb has to go somewhere. It will usually take the easiest route out, i.e., the incision, but it's probably not that uncommon for it to move around. I'd mention it just to be sure.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Somewhere over the rainbow... probably swimming in a lake
Member Since:
18 August 2012
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28 August 2012 - 9:41 am
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Thanks guys, we did chat with the hospital and they said it was fine.   But they did give me a description of what to look for that would make it a problem. 

Fluid is fine.  Bruising is fine (even if ugly). But if the bruise become a deep purplish brown color, or the belly fluid is making the belly rigid...  let them know.  Sam's bruise is an ugly pink/red and the fluid feels like a 1/2 filled water balloon, so nothing to worry about for us.

It can only help to share that information in case someone has the same question and finds this thread later.

Samdog was a 10 yr old Golden and retired SAR dog. We found a bone mass on 8/17/12, needle biopsy showed sarcoma 8/22/12, amputation on 8/23/12, post-amp biopsy confirmed osteosarcoma on 8/28/12. Sadly, we found lung mets on 11/27/12 and my Spirit Sam earned his wings on 12/2/12.

We didn't know where we were headed and we don't regret a single step along our path. It all happened too fast, but he left a legacy of love that we will always cherish. Good bye my heart.
You can find our story at

On The Road

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28 August 2012 - 5:28 pm
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That is good information, thanks for sharing. We're glad that Sam's situation isn't dangerous!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Chicago, IL
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10 September 2012
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15 September 2012 - 9:40 am
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Thank you, Samdog.  We had Abby\'s left hind leg amputated Wednesday, and this morning we are noticing a swelling/edema under her belly, away from the incision.  Her mood and appetite seem normal, but we are concerned about the belly.  Put a call into the vet and am waiting to hear back, but this settles my worries in the meantime.  She's red and bruised today, poor girl, but not purple or brown - yay!

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1 November 2012
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9 November 2012 - 4:05 pm
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Zambor had a little swelling under the incision at the time he left the hospital. But now the swelling has become much bigger. His belly is still not hard, but I am worried. I do see some kind of bruising. A moment ago he showed a sign of pain, but I don't know if the edema is the reason. It is almost midnight here in Belgium, so I will not call the emergency line of the hospital tonight unless he is really in a lot of pain.
For the rest of the day he seemed OK although he wasn't as active as yesterday. He took all his medicine, he ate ok, he went for a pee twice, but he hasn't gone to the "big" toilet.
What should I do? Is it normal that it takes some time before they go to the "big" toilet after the operation?
Can someone help me and give me some advise. I will contact the vet hospital tomorrow morning.

On The Road

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9 November 2012 - 8:26 pm
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Hi Krizzy,

Wow I didn't know you are in Belgium! Never would have guessed.

Yes, many dogs have trouble going to the "big toilet" after surgery. The pain medication can cause constipation. As long as he is urinating you shouldn't be too worried. Try adding a small amount of olive oil, canned pumpkin pulp, steamed squash or even fiber flakes to his food to help move things along. Be sure to tell your vet what's going on.

As for the swelling, many times excessive fluid buildup (a seroma ) can travel to other places near the incision. After all, the fluid is trying to come out and will look for the path of least resistance. Is any coming out? If so, it should be more watery than bloody. Bruising is normal but not if it's dark brown. 

Here is a video about post-amputation side effects. I hope this eases your mind. Be sure to let your vet know what's going on but I'm going to be that it's nothing serious. Keep us posted OK?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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