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Dog with primary spinal tumor
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12 December 2009 - 11:27 am
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Hallo everyone - have booked a vet to come to the house and put poor little Jake to sleep. Checked with his oncologist and she feels even if he did make it to Thurs. for the radiation treatment it would not be effective in relieving the pain. Not sure why, Maybe the tumour is now too developed? He is still in bed - hasn't moved since the last pain attack ended at 5am - awake but I hope too doped up to feel much.

Just a couple of last questions - I have given him another dose of morphine and Gabapentin as scheduled - but should I give him the Metacam which should be given with food? He still has four hours till the vet comes... and I want these last hours to be a peaceful as possible.

Thanks everyone - Jake's mom

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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12 December 2009 - 11:54 am
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We are so sorry to hear this news, especially since it is only your second post! Frown

Just yesterday, I started this topic about at home euthanasia with a link to tips about making the right decision. I hope it helps.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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12 December 2009 - 12:14 pm
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I would give the Metacam now and if you need to give more morphine you can do it every hour.  I am so sorry that your dog has pain!


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12 December 2009 - 3:56 pm
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I was so sorry to hear your post but totally support you in your decision.  I don't know anything about a primary spine OSA but unfortunately do have experience with spine mets.  The doctors said Emily was in a great deal of pain from her spinal mets and we made the same decision you did.  We loved her enough to let go just like you love Jake enough to give him the final gift you can give him.  I am so so sorry for you and Jake and know you will miss him.  You will be in my prayers.

Debra & Angel Emily

Debra & Emily, a five year old doberman mix, who was diagnosed with an osteosaecoma. She had a right rear leg amputation on May 19, 2009. On November 10, 2009 she earned her wings and regained her fourth leg.

Wesley Chapel, FL
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12 December 2009 - 6:57 pm
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I'm so, so sorry about your Jake... but once a spine tumor has taken over... there really isn't a whole lot left to do... only if it's in the beginning stages, would radiation and/or bisphosphonates help with the pain, but not ever cure it. I know that with my Jake, once the cancer spread to his spine... he was in extreme pain, and not even his pain killers helped at that point. Cancer is just so evil!!!

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Jake...

Angel Jake's Mom

Jake, 10yr old golden retriever (fractured his front right leg on 9/1, bone biopsy revealed osteosarcoma on 9/10, amputation on 9/17) and his family Marguerite, Jacques and Wolfie, 5yr old german shepherd and the newest addition to the family, Nala, a 7mth old Bengal mix kittie. Jake lost his battle on 11/9/2009, almost 8 weeks after his surgery. We will never forget our sweet golden angel… ….. CANCER SUCKS!

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13 December 2009 - 4:58 pm
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Messenger Tazzie here posting for Sarah and Jake:

I am pretty sure you want to hear a bit more about Jake from Calgary, who posted yesterday.

As you could tell from yesterday's post, Sarah had to say goodbye to Jake, a young Portuguese water dog. He was in too much pain with little possibility of improvement. It sounds as though he was lying comfortably for the last few hours, with close family or friends present, until the vet arrived yesterday afternoon. Poor Sarah only got the diagnosis on Thursday, although she has been looking into the source of his lameness for some time. With the primary tumor in the spine, she and Jake did not get the opportunity for a few more good weeks or months or even days the way most of us get. Sarah is a 'stiff upper lip' kind of Brit, but I know how crushed she must be to lose Jake, who was a young healthy pup until recently.

Sarah and Jake looked after Tazzie and me during our chemo this August, even taking care of Tazzie when I left town to visit my parents! Tazzie really came to life when we stayed at their house after lying very low for a few weeks after the amputation. Even though he was young, Jake was a gentle companion for Tazzie at that time.

It is a bit freakish that both Tazzie and Jake, dogs that have spent some time together, came down with OSA this year. It makes one wonder if it is something in the water or air or even contagious. Sarah fed Jake a raw food diet. As far as I know, Jake did not imbibe on Hershey kisses, pizza, licorice spice tea or unadulterated trash. (But he did manage to have some fun in life nonetheless.)

My heart goes out to Sarah who has been so good to Jake, to Tazzie and to many other lucky dogs!


Montréal , Canada
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31 July 2009
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13 December 2009 - 6:12 pm
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I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to Jake. Everything happened in such a short time! I wished you could have had the chance to enjoy his presence longer. Rest in peace sweet Jake.


Wesley Chapel, FL
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13 December 2009 - 7:30 pm
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So much sadness in such a short time... I'm so sorry for both you and Sarah. Crying I think that Tazzie and Jake are probably playing together in heaven now... RIP Tazzie and Jake...

Angel Jake's Mom

Jake, 10yr old golden retriever (fractured his front right leg on 9/1, bone biopsy revealed osteosarcoma on 9/10, amputation on 9/17) and his family Marguerite, Jacques and Wolfie, 5yr old german shepherd and the newest addition to the family, Nala, a 7mth old Bengal mix kittie. Jake lost his battle on 11/9/2009, almost 8 weeks after his surgery. We will never forget our sweet golden angel… ….. CANCER SUCKS!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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13 December 2009 - 11:32 pm
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We can't believe this happened so quickly, how very tragic and sad, our hearts go out to Jake and his family. They made an agonizing decision but one that we understand completely.

Earlier, we had received some responses about OSA in the spine, through the kind people in our Tripawds Facebook Page . Here are some comments we got directly related to this condition:

Heather P.
This is no comfort, but the spine is probably one of the worst places that osteosarcoma can occur- the problem is that the tumours will weaken bone structure and of course the spine is such a delicate area and any damage means complete paralysis could occur. I'd suggest though, as in any case, they talk to their vet.

Jen K:

My boy Crisco was diagnosed with this in September. It is very painful. Even with lots of pain meds, he quit eating a week later and we couldn't help him. 🙁 Wishing the owner a much better ending than we had.

Tazzie, we too often wonder why so many dogs come down with osteosarcoma. There are too many cases where the dog has eaten super healthy all of it's life, and still gets it, it just doesn't seem to make any sense, and we hope the super smart scientists at places like the Morris Animal Foundation will find a reason why and a cure, very soon.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Las Vegas, Nevada
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15 December 2009 - 2:06 pm
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So sorry to hear about Jake.  At least he didn't suffer too long.  My heart goes out to Jake's family.

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

17 December 2009 - 10:30 pm
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Haven't checked back here since Jake died - so only picked up these recent messages now. THANK YOU everyone for your kind words... and thank you Susan for letting people know what was happening when I was too upset to post anything.
I am going to write up a short account of my/Jake's experience that the tripawds team have kindly said they will put on the net, hoping that this will help others be more prepared than I was... and hoping that somehow this will make the whole sad thing less pointless.

On The Road

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17 December 2009 - 10:41 pm
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We look forward to it. And please know that Jake's life and struggle was not in vain. By being here and being brave enough to share your story, you will help countless others for many years.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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