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Anyone have experience with periosteal osteosarcoma?
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Member Since:
15 March 2023
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28 March 2023 - 5:22 pm
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Hi again, all, 

Elmer is doing pretty darn well with his forelimb amputation, with the seroma calming down and the incision healing well. I just got the full biopsy results, and it turns out the initial diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma was wrong and it is periosteal osteosarcoma, which apparently is rare. The oncologist is going to weigh in sometime in the next few days, but the surgeon said he doesn't see this a lot and was uncertain what the next steps would be, hence the need for the oncologist.  If any of you have any experience with perosteal osteosarcoma, I'd appreciate learning about it. Given the amputation, the margins were clean and also his scans were clean going into surgery. Curious to hear if others have insights on this uncommon cancer.



The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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29 March 2023 - 11:19 am
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Well, parosteal osteosarcoma in dogs really is rare. Sorry you and Elmer get to join that club too!

Since 2007, we've only seen these forum posts that mention parosteal osteosarcoma in dogs. There's a couple of good stories in there you'll want to check out.

It is a variant of osteosarcoma but much trickier to diagnose. That's awesome they were able to detect it, since now you guys can come up with a plan to treat it, probably a little differently than standard OSA.

Here are some articles you might want to check out:

Journal of the American Veterinary Association: What's Your Diagnosis?

Parosteal osteosarcomas are slow growing but can induce pain at the local site as eventually observed in the current case.3 Metastases can occur, but the prognosis for long-term survival is much better than for intraosseous osteosarcoma.3 Limb amputation is the first method of treatment to prevent or delay tumor metastasis and reduce morbidity. The long-term effects of chemotherapeutic agents are lacking but remain a consideration to prevent or delay tumor metastasis.

The radiographic features of parosteal osteosarcoma have been scarcely described in dogs. 

 Medscape: Parosteal Osteosarcoma

Parosteal osteosarcoma is slow-growing and late to metastasize; accordingly, it carries a better prognosis than other variants of osteosarcoma. It is generally a low-grade highly differentiated tumor but has the potential to turn into a high-grade poorly differentiated tumor, even though the incidence of such conversion is very low

Could be worse I guess. No cancer is fun but some are meaner than others. This one sounds like it has a little more hopeful prognosis. It's another version of OSA that human's also get. So hopefully the vets will be able to come up with a treatment similar to what humans receive. Keep us posted OK? 

Member Since:
15 March 2023
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29 March 2023 - 7:57 pm
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Dear Jerry, 

Thanks so much for your thorough reply. We are meeting the oncologist who has recommended chemo on Saturday and I will share more when i have it. In the meantime, Elmer is continuing to recover nicely.

Good wishes to all, 


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