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18 days post amp and will not eat :(
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12 May 2013 - 5:47 pm
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Libby is sooooo very beautiful. That lovely, gentle soul of hers just reaches out and touches our hearts:-)

Thank you for sharing tat picture. It's so full of her grace:-)

Don't stop ow Bob-------MORE PICTURES!!:-) :-) :-)

Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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13 May 2013 - 6:03 am
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What a sweetie! Thanks for sharing. And yes I agree with Sally and Happy Hannah, more pictures! :)

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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18 January 2013
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14 May 2013 - 10:54 am
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Here's one from last night.  Does anyone else have a Tripawd that puts his/her arm in strange positions like this :) ?


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Wherever the Wind Takes Me, Dude

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25 July 2009
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14 May 2013 - 2:03 pm
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You bet I sit funny! And so do my ears sometimes!

20110916w_wyatt03.jpgImage Enlarger

Wyatt Ray Dawg . . . The Tripawds Leg-A-Cy Continues!

Read all about my adventures at my Tripawds Blog


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14 May 2013 - 9:19 pm
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Oh wow!! Libby and Wyatt.....and I as this with love-----you both do weird things for the camra:-) :-)

Bob, I think you have a one of a kind photo there with Miss Libby:-) The alignment------the angles----it's really quite "artsy_----very creative position:-) :-)

Libby is such a lovely girl.....such a sweet, gentle face
Thanks for sharing that wonderful pnoto:-) :-)

Wyatt, you are soooopo handsome----such a striking face just oozing with intelligence:-)

I love how you coordinate tucking your paws under you while pulling your ears back:-) :-) That's sort of like rubbing your belly and patting your head at the same time!! Quite a talent young man:-) :-)

Thanks for the smiles you two-------Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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18 January 2013
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27 May 2013 - 9:14 pm
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Well it's been a bad week or so.  Libby started to really slow down...getting up, walking, everything got slower and looked more difficult.  I brought her in to the vet on Friday, and we put her on Deramaxx (and Tramadol) to see if that would help.  It has only gotten worse, she can barely get up, and I have just been carrying her outside the last day or two.  Her appetite has been decreasing the past couple of days as well.  Hoping to get in to the vet again tomorrow, maybe get some x-rays and probably get a steroid shot.  I don't want her to suffer, she's 12 1/2 now and I am so happy she has been around this long.  I've enjoyed the extra (most of it, anyway) almost 5 months we've had with Libby since the glad we did it.  Hoping for good results, but at the same time want to respect her dignity and not keep her suffering just for us.



On The Road

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27 May 2013 - 9:38 pm
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Oh I'm so sorry to hear this Bob, my heart breaks for your pack. I know you have her best interests in mind, you are an amazing dog dad to her. If anything will make her feel better, the steroid shot can do it. As we've been learning with Maggie, another senior gal, steroids have their place in medicine and they can be tremendously helpful at a time like this.

Please let us know what happens at the vet's tomorrow, we will be thinking of all of you but especially Libby, our hero.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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27 May 2013 - 10:17 pm
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Yes, please let us k ow what the vet said.....pretty sure he'll do blood work and that could let you k ow how kidneys, liver, etc. doing. It couLD be something real simple and a potent IV fluid cocktail with some vitamins...especially B12 could perk her up too.

My 14 yr. 4 mo. senior (4 legs!) got some extended quality time when put on prednisone, helping with his appetite thus perking him up too..........keeping the tail
wagging going for awhile too.

I know Libby cont use to live a life surrounded by your love and you spoiling her. She's not worried about a thing......just very content with you by her side.
Please let us hear from you and we are all sending sweet Libby lots of love.....such a beautiful girl.

Sending you supportive energy,
Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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1 February 2013
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27 May 2013 - 10:53 pm
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Sending our thoughts out to you and Libby.

Spirit Shooter was a Miniature Australian Shepherd who was diagnosed with a MCT and had a LF amp 1/28/13 at 13-1/2 years old. 

Shooter crossed the Bridge on 8/28/13, his 7 month ampuversary and two weeks from his 14th birthday.

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30 May 2013 - 9:47 am
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Well we brought Libby to the vet on Tuesday afternoon, and her blood and x-rays looked good.  They only x-rayed the front leg and chest/lungs, but both looked good.  She got a steroid shot and has been doing okay the past day and a half.  Still not moving around great, but a little better.  I'm thinking she did something to injure one or both of her back legs.  I'm wishing we would have got x-rays of those while we were there.  They have always been a little shaky since the amputation, and not using them much lately (because it is probably difficult for her) isn't helping the muscle strength etc.  I've been carefully stretching them, but can't get her to do much walking.  Her appetite seems a little better too, she ate a full breakfast this morning.  I really wish there was a rehab/chiro facility near us that could do some professional physical therapy for her.  I've done some searches, but have not been successful thus far.  Thanks for the well wishes, will update this as we learn more.


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30 May 2013 - 10:33 am
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Thanks so much for the update! We have all fallen in love with your sweet, beautiful Libby.

It sounds .Ike things are going fairly well. That prednisone can do wonders sometimes. Is Libby still on a daily tablet dose age? That can also help if she has Amy inflammation causing her discomfort.....and "discomfort" is a whole lot better to deal with than bone cancer pain!!

I'm sure he checked up and down spine for any pinched nerve, muscle strain type thing.

And sometimes, becoming more and ore of a senior just makes you enjoy resting more than walking:-) :-)
I know she's thrilled to be lapping up all the attention and love and magnificent spoiling:-) :-)

Hang in there Bob...she's one luck girl to have you!!

I'm pretty sure I hear the crowd chanting "more pictures of Libby"!! No, it's of a's a ROAR!! Please Bob, please!:-) :-) The roar is deafining:-) :-) :-)

Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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30 May 2013 - 12:45 pm
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Aww I'm glad to hear things are good for Libby!

Remember, getting strong isn't always about walking. There are a lot of exercises you can do at home (see our new ebook for examples), and they're not all about uber-strength training workouts, many are just gentle movements to help her stay flexible and limber.

Three paws up to Libby and may she have lots and lots of great days ahead. Keep us posted!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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31 July 2013 - 9:06 pm
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What a journey, so glad we did the amputation.  It has given us an extra nearly 7 months with our sweet girl.  Sadly, it is time for us to say goodbye to our Libby.  We have scheduled an in-home appointment to put her to rest on Friday.  She can no longer get up, is having labored breathing at times, and we all just know it is time to let her go.  She declined very quickly over the past week or two.  What a trooper she has been!  Going in, I was hoping for at least 3 more good months with her, and she stayed with us for more than twice that.  Thank you to this community, for the help, support and kind words.  What a great resource.  We will definitely check in from time to time to help as we can from what we have experienced with our Libby.



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31 July 2013 - 9:16 pm
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Thinking of you during this difficult time. What a wonderful gift you gave Libby of extra time with her family. Hugs to all of you.

Luanne and Shooter

Spirit Shooter was a Miniature Australian Shepherd who was diagnosed with a MCT and had a LF amp 1/28/13 at 13-1/2 years old. 

Shooter crossed the Bridge on 8/28/13, his 7 month ampuversary and two weeks from his 14th birthday.


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31 July 2013 - 9:29 pm
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Ohhh Bob and family,

I'm so sorry to hear this. We are al family here and loss of a family member saddens us.

You have given your sweet Libby the best possible chance possible. You and she have created forever memories together---filled with more loving and spoiling any dog could hope for!

Al she kows is sne ks with you right now andis still enjoying every second. You are giving her the ultimate gift of selfless love. NOTHING can touch that wonderful spirit of hers! She is going out on ner lwn terms, surrounded by love in her own home.

We cry with you, our hearts break with you. But we also celebrate the incredible journey of a hero in every aspect of the word! Libby's life touched lives. Libby's life brought joy and laughter to so many. That's a legacy that lives forever.

Now go be with your pup! Do so ething that makes ner tail wag. Is it wagging? Did that make you smile? It made her smile! She's letting you kow all is well.

We are nere for you. We undersatnd. Please stay in touch when you can

Surrounding yoj with Libby's grace and love orever,

Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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