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Caring for a Three Legged Dog or Cat

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Sweet Dottie is Looking for Her Happy Ending!
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26 February 2024 - 5:15 pm
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My husband and I were driving in a rural area of Geogia last week and came across a dog who appeared to have a serious injury to her front paw. After picking her up and taking her to an emergency vet, we've learned more about her story through her microchip owner. She was hit by a car in August of 2023 and her owners did not tend to the injury. Several months later, they passed her along to another family, and this new owner also didn't address the injury. Her last family moved and did not take her with them. She has been using the injured leg as a crutch all this time, and there is raw tissue and visible bone on the top of the foot as a result. We've taken her to an orthopedic surgeon and, unfortunately, her leg can't be saved. She is not in pain, because all of the nerve function has been lost in this leg, but she will continue to injure the paw and open herself up to severe infections. We've got an amputation scheduled for her next week. Because of her young age, and the fact that she is already not using this leg, they anticipate that she'll have a very quick and easy recovery. We're going to see her through her surgery and recovery, but then we'd like to find her a wonderful home!

"Dottie" (although she hasn't learned this name yet) is an incredibly sweet and gentle girl. She gets along with men, women, dogs and cats. She is very calm and laid-back. She loves to go outside, but her very favorite outdoor activity is sunbathing in the grass. She is also very quiet - we've been fostering her for 1 week, and still haven't heard her bark! She enjoys short hikes but is equally happy to sit next to you on the couch and take a nap. She loves people and loves affection. She appears to be crate-trained and she's very food-motivated. She's always happy and wagging her tail 🙂 Other than her leg, she's very healthy. 

It's heartbreaking to think of what this sweet girl has had to endure throughout her early life, but we're excited to turn things around for her and find her a loving family! We are in Georgia, but we're also happy to arrange transport to any part of the country for the right person/family.


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27 February 2024 - 7:33 am
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What are the odds for you both being on the rural road and finding Dottie?! Yes, No coincidence. It would be most helpful if you could post a picture of Dottie. This is how adding photos to forum posts works. If you have issues, say we are all here to help. It makes me sick to my stomach what humans do, and it sure helps to know there are many good souls out there like YOU!!! Thanks for all you are doing to help Sweet Dottie recover and find her furever home!


Holly, Purrkins, and Saxton in the sky 💫


The Rainbow Bridge

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27 February 2024 - 8:05 am
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Ohhhh what a story! I agree, she was meant to find such compassionate people like you. Thank you for showing her that most humans are good, and going above and beyond to try to help her! 

The untreated paw sounds a lot like our Nellie, who was also using her banged up, broken leg as a crutch when she was found and turned into a shelter. That is mighty generous of you to handle Dottie's surgery costs and after care.

Got your photos! We will help get the word out! Thank you for being so awesome!

The Rainbow Bridge

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27 February 2024 - 3:10 pm
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Here's Dottie! Now I see why she has such a cute name smiley4 It's wild how Nellie had the same injury only on the opposite leg. Only hers healed in that way, with her foot flexed back. Dottie is going to be so much hoppier on 3!

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27 February 2024 - 6:45 pm
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Thank you both! Yes, I definitely think that Tucker had a hand in us coming across this girl. He knew she needed help and sent us on a mission to do just that. We're honored to take care of her and facilitate her transition to three legs in honor of Tucker and all of the other wonderful Tripawd community dogs. And that's quite a coincidence with Nellie! Hopefully, Dottie will follow in her footsteps and get along just fine post-surgery.

I'm excited to see her recovery begin next week. I'll keep you all posted on her journey! Thanks again for your support and assistance in finding her the perfect family 🙂


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22 February 2013
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27 February 2024 - 7:16 pm
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Tucker absolutely  was orchestrating  this whole scenario.....  nothing happenstance  at all about how this all unfolded!

We learned so much from Tucker's journey and here he is again enlightening  us about Dottie's journey. He continues to touch lives♥️

Talk about melting our hearts, these pictures of Dottie are just as sweet as can be.

Thank  you soooo much for giving this sweet girl love and care she needs and deserves.  You are her Angel here on earth.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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28 February 2024 - 6:36 am
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No doubt, Tucker's paws are all over this.
OMD, she is adorable, and we love the name choice perfect!!!😍

Very interesting she has the same injury as Nellie but a different leg.


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30 November 2023
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29 February 2024 - 4:20 pm
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Oh my! I couldn’t read the whole story because I struggle to hear of dogs being left to hurt, so I went straight to the comments and was happy to read that she was cared for by humans with a heart. She looks so sweet. 

2 March 2024 - 7:07 am
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Heard about Sweet Dottie this morning and would love to get more info about her. We've been looking to add another tri-pawd back in our lives (our sweet Maeve crossed the rainbow bridge last summer)

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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2 March 2024 - 8:58 pm
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Aislyn, is it OK if I pass along your email to Dottie's people? Since you aren't a registered user you won't be able to use our private messaging system and get in touch with them. But I can forward your into to her with your permission here. No need to post email address, I have it in your profile.

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3 March 2024 - 1:51 pm
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Hi Aislyn! We’ve gotten to know Dottie’s personality more over the past week and she’s truly a sweetheart. She’s a bit silly and really makes us laugh. She loves to collect objects from around our house and carry them to her bed. It’s something different every day - a slipper, a coaster, or a sock. She carries them very gently, almost reverently, and doesn’t chew them up; she seems to like to admire them 🙂 She enjoys playing, but she also enjoys relaxing (and prefers that for most of the day). One of her favorite activities is sunbathing in the grass although she’s also very happy to be inside on her bed. She’s an A+ lounger!

I’m guessing she hasn’t had much human affection in her life and she absolutely adores pets and belly rubs and cuddling. Overall, she’s just an “easy” dog. She’ll happily fit into whatever activity we’re doing and easily entertains herself when needed. I’d previously mentioned that she was crate trained - I’m not sure if she was actually trained, or if that’s just her easy-going personality, but she’ll gladly get in the crate when told to do so. 

My email address is..........(Jerry, please just let me know if you’d prefer members not to post this for some reason). I’d love to share more photos and videos if you shoot me an email. I can also tell you a bit more and answer any specific questions. Her surgery is scheduled for Wednesday and we’re feeling optimistic that she’ll finally get this much-needed help!


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3 March 2024 - 3:31 pm
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Love reading how Dottie's personality  is unfolding under your loving care.  Thank you for helping her to be such a great dog Soul💖

I've deleted  your email address but Private messages  (PM) it to Jerry.  Per Jerry,   It's just not a good idea to publicize here in case some rotten hackers are other whacko has access to it. 

Hopefully you and Aislyn can connect.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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4 March 2024 - 7:38 pm
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tuckersmom said

My email address is..........(Jerry, please just let me know if you’d prefer members not to post this for some reason).


Ditto Sally's comment! It's all about your protection against evil spammers and hackers, that's why we have Private Messaging enabled for members.

I'm sending you both an email now to connect you two that way. Check your email for spam if you don't see my note.

Good luck this week with surgery! Let us know how it goes.

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4 January 2024
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5 March 2024 - 5:50 am
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Thanks, Sally and Jerry!

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11 April 2024 - 9:48 am
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Just wanted to give everyone an update on Dottie! She is doing so, so well post-surgery. It has now been just over a month, and you would think she was born with 3 legs! She gets around really well and doesn't let this hold her back from anything in the slightest. It's amazing to see. Even her physical therapist was blown away. Now that she is no longer in pain and dealing with her infection, her personality has really blossomed. This girl loves to play! She loves other dogs so much and would love to be in a home with another dog who would enjoy a few wrestling sessions every day. Unfortunately, we realized that this meant that the potential adopter we found here was not a good match. So, we're back to looking for a forever home for this very deserving girl. She's a real sweetheart and is very "easy". Dottie is one of the quietest dogs we've ever known and is a champion lounger (in between her occasional play sessions!). Despite her rough start in life, she has blossomed into quite the love bug. Here are a few more pics smiley4

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