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Tripawds Convention Planning
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On The Road

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24 September 2009
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2 June 2010 - 10:22 pm
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There has been some discussion of hosting a Tripawds convention. Rene (aka: Jerry) has often mentioned the idea of regional Tripawd Olympics. Cometdog lives in Convention Central. Tripawds members could have a great time together while raising awareness about canine cancer and amputation for dogs while proving to the world that it's better to hop on three legs than to limp on four.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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2 June 2010 - 10:33 pm
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have a great time together while raising awareness about canine cancer and amputation for dogs


I thought we were going to get drunk?confused


BUT YES!  Let's discuss!  Someone has to for pick up Diane since she won't drive!

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

Pahrump, NV
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17 February 2010
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2 June 2010 - 11:37 pm
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We're all for it! Three legged dogs in the land of the one armed badit, how appropriate winker.  I don't live far, so I'd be willing to lend a hand in planning, etc. Sadie would be willing to eat any leftover food, and my other dog Athena loves beer (I don't let her have any because sh'e not 21 yet- not even in dog years!) Which reminds me, in dog beers I've only had one big-blink

Sadie is my 9yr old Rott/Shepherd mix. Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her right scapula 1/28/10. Our brave girl had her amputation 2/13/10 and her last chemotherapy on 6/6/10. Unfortunately, a tumor appeared in her back right leg and on 10/7/2010 Sadie's earthly journey came to an end.  On 10/24/2010 we adopted Ranger, a handsome Rott/Lab mix tripawd (got hit by a car) I think Sadie sent him to us.

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27 February 2010
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2 June 2010 - 11:39 pm
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Thanks for setting up the Forum, Rene ! 

And, yes, Comet -  I think it's likely some of you WILL get drunk !! Geez - do we really need a convention to get drunk? laugh

And, yes, someone will have to pick up Diane !! 

So - I wrote a post already - but it has disappeared into thin air - if it turns up under one of the other threads - I apologize ! 

About the convention: 

1) Location - Las Vegas ? 

2) When?

3) Dogs - bring dogs / or not ? 

4) Weekend format - ?

Friday afternoon / evening - arrivals / registration / social activity / wine and cheese type of affair

Saturday morning / breakfast / all day / trade show / sales - get product displays such as Ruff Wear, Pet Loader, etc., to come and setup displays - be prepared to sell product on site - and take orders

Saturday afternoon / keynote speaker - find someone like a well-known oncologist or a cutting edge researcher in canine cancers to give a keynote address

Saturday evening / dinner (or not) followed by free time / go to a Vegas show  / go gambling / whatever

Sunday / breakfast / brunch / wrap-up and depart

We should solicit a Major Corporate Sponsor. All registrants should get something (a grab bag or something) when they check in - something that identifies them as a member of this convention. 

We would need to solicit as many product vendors as possible - providers of supplements, herbalists, massage therapists, doggie-strollers, etc., to put up displays and sell product. 

We could offer services for dogs (if we decide to hold this somewhere where we are bringing our dogs) (just for the record - I won't be bringing Sophie - I don't think that either of us would survive her flying to Vegas) - such as a swimming pool with float coats, underwater tread mills, massage therapy, etc. 

Maybe we could even get a celebrity or two - surely there must be a celebrity or two who has a dog with cancer - or a tripawd to attend - to get some publicity for the event. 

What do you think? Any ideas? 



Sophie (1998 – 2010)

"Going Dog" def: living every day in the moment

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."


Pahrump, NV
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17 February 2010
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3 June 2010 - 12:26 am
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Sadie's oncologist Dr. Dennis Macy works about 1 week per month out of West Flamingo Animal Hospital in Vegas.  I know he lectures in a teaching capacity, but perhaps he'd be available.  Of course I don't know what he charges, etc, but he is very knowledgable.

Sadie is my 9yr old Rott/Shepherd mix. Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her right scapula 1/28/10. Our brave girl had her amputation 2/13/10 and her last chemotherapy on 6/6/10. Unfortunately, a tumor appeared in her back right leg and on 10/7/2010 Sadie's earthly journey came to an end.  On 10/24/2010 we adopted Ranger, a handsome Rott/Lab mix tripawd (got hit by a car) I think Sadie sent him to us.

Los Angeles
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2 November 2009
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3 June 2010 - 7:59 am
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Ok...I'm in if we can drink winesmiley .   I live in LA so it wouldn't be difficult for me to get to Vegas.  I have some thoughts after going to the Westminster Dog Show in NY last Feb (my favorite part of going to NY!) .  It was interesting because I went to some side activities like a doggie fashion show (in a small conference room) where they had booths set up with sponsors like Natural Balance (giving out dog food samples), the company that makes the grassy fire hydrant pee thing that Tana was trying to sell to Diane?, pet supplies, clothing companies, etc.   Anyway, what was interesting was that there are several pet friendly hotels in NY (nice ones, too) where everyone is allowed to bring their dogs no matter what size.  The lobby of this one hotel where I was, was filled with dogs galore and their owners checking into their rooms.  It was quite a sight.   I'm sure Vegas has similar hotels that we could check out and see if we can bring our dogs if we want and set up pet friendly events or activities.

As for celebrities, when Mackenzie had her surgery, at her hospital, Renee Zellwegger (sp?) and her boyfriend were there and they actually petted Mackenzie (I haven't washed her head since thenlaugh ) but I'm sure there would be a willing celebrity out there - hey, I know Betty White - she loves dogs and heads up her own foundation.  Just kidding - I'm sure that would be hard to get her but maybe tapping into the celebrity dog lovers who are always speaking out on pets, etc. 

I also work with some PR agencies and maybe they would be willing to volunteer their  services for this cause and help us spread the word and gain awareness, contact some celebrities, etc.  And I know some freelance corporate event planners that might be willing to offer their services,  guidance, suggestions, etc. Just some other thoughts....but Tana, it sounds like you have been an event planner in a previous life so I think you are off to a great start!

Maybe we need to form a committee with whomever can volunteer, assign roles and divide and conquer! (In my past life I worked in the corporate world in marketing - sort of what I'm doing now but not in the corporate world.)

I'm very excited about this.....I hope we can make this happen.  Wouldn't that be fantastic!




My sweet golden Mackenzie.  She became my angel on Dec 29, 2010 at the age of 8 1/2  although she was always my angel from the time we brought her home.  She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in Sept 2009 and officially became a tripawd (front leg) on Nov 5, 2009.  She will be forever in my heart and now she's running free with all of our other tripawd heroes.  I love you Mackenzie!

Portage Lake, Maine
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8 December 2009
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3 June 2010 - 8:08 am
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Can someone send Maggie and I an airplane ticket so we can come!!!!!!!  wink

Tracy & Maggie

Maggie was amputated for soft tissue sarcoma 10-20-09

Maggie lost her battle with kidney disease on 8-24-13


Mesa, AZ
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27 April 2009
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3 June 2010 - 9:58 am
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Chuy and I are there!  Just let us know when and what hotel.  We'll be driving up in the SUV, so if someone in AZ needs a ride, let me know. 

It would be awesome to meet with everyone and hear what the experts have to say.  Maybe we can get Chuy's favorite dog trainer to come up and do a lecture on some of the behavioral issues, like post amp. aggression and such. We could ask his PT if he would be interested also.

Looking forward to it!

Eleanor & Chuy

Chuy, showing everyone that Tripawds do everything 3 times better than regular dogs!

Chuy's Short Stories

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22 December 2009
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3 June 2010 - 10:07 am
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sophie said:

Maybe we could even get a celebrity or two – surely there must be a celebrity or two who has a dog with cancer – or a tripawd to attend – to get some publicity for the event. 


I think Sandra Bullock has a couple dogs with missing legs … maybe a Bipawd and a Tripawd?  Not 100% sure, but it seems like I remember reading that somewhere.

Amputation on 11/10/09, due to Histiocytic Sarcoma in left elbow. Angel Harley earned his wings on 06/24/10.

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 June 2010 - 10:11 am
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sophie said:

Thanks for setting up the Forum, Rene ! 

Ahem, for the record... Rene is "Jerry", I (Jim) am "Admin". And this is a topic, in the Tripawds Announcements forum.

So, we are totally on board with the concept but some clarification is desperately needed. Are we talking about another Tripawds Party, like we have been hosting at dog parks in our travels across the U.S.? Or do "we" want to undertake planning of a major production? Once ideas like keynote speakers, seminars, and trade show vendors are on the table, such an event takes on whole new meaning. Very time consuming, very expensive meaning.

Rene and I are already maxed out just maintaining this online community, full time, without any sort of salary. A "convention" for canine cancer survivors and other amputee dogs is certainly warranted, but having produced enough trade shows in my previous life we're looking at tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to put on an event of the magnitude you describe... speaker recruitment, sponsor solicitation, vendor coordination, permits, insurance, registration, media relations, lodging, logistics, not to mention, location, location, location.

I am not shooting the idea down at all, just presenting a much needed reality check, and trying to define the scope of this "convention" – the first step in planning any such event. So, who is the "we" who will pull this thing together, and where will the time and money come from?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Mesa, AZ
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27 April 2009
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3 June 2010 - 10:18 am
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I agree with Jim.  It will cost alot to put something that big together. 

Another suggestion....why don't we all just converge on Jim & Rene's house in CO for a big Tripawd picnic and maybe get some media coverage?  That way, they don't have to travel for a change.  Let's just make sure we all bring our tents for camping on that beautiful land they have.  winker

Chuy, showing everyone that Tripawds do everything 3 times better than regular dogs!

Chuy's Short Stories

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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3 June 2010 - 11:23 am
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Wowsa!  You guys know your biz!  I've never been to a convention. But  I can certainly help out making phone calls and getting local info.   

Comet's not a party kind of gal.  Remember: no one gets to touch Comet, and talking to her is out of the question, too – she doesn't go for that either! Oh, and don't look at her either, she says!  And did I mention she doesn't like to be ignored either!?  


Gosh, I've been out of Las Vegas glamour life so long that I don't have any good contacts anymore. Maybe I can dust off my old memory bank and come up with stuff. 

Just throwing this out there -  should we get tentative RSVP's first so we have an idea of how many will come before planning?   

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

Edmonton, Alberta
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11 January 2010
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3 June 2010 - 11:48 am
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As exciting an idea as a "convention" is, Jim, you're right. Something of this formal magnitude would mean arranging for keynote speakers, lodging, gifts, permits, all the things you itemize, and would take incredible time and effort to organize, and a whole lot of money (and to cover all those expenses for media, solicitation, speakers, gifts, you'd be looking at significant registration fees for participants and that's on top of the $$ for travel and accommodations for out-of-town registrants).

Catie -

Birthday – November 4 2003

Amputation – January 13 2010

Crossed the Bridge – June 2 2011

 Catie Caitlin 

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 June 2010 - 12:08 pm
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cometdog said:

Wowsa!  You guys know your biz!  


Oh, only about 15+ years in event planning, marketing communications, and trade show production for expos ranging from local farmers' markets to NAB, Seybold and Siggraph in Vegas and Macworld Expo in San Fracisco, Boston, Tokyo and New York. But that was then, this is now… I am much less at risk of heart attack or binge drinking these days.

RSVPs are for parties. Conventions require mass marketing campaigns and advertising budgets. The first step is indeed, however, determining the scope of such an endeavor. If anyone cares to round up at least 10 potential $ponsors, 50 interested vendors, and 300 committed attendees, we can start calling it a "convention" and consider preparing the infrastructure. Until then, we are more than happy helping to promote another regional Tripawds Party!

PS: Thank you, Carmen! big-blink

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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3 June 2010 - 12:18 pm
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I was on the phone while composing my post and left the window open so I didn't see Jim's post before hitting reply.


Not to be a party pooper but, yeah,  I would think since Vegas isn't kid friendly, it's probably not dog friendly either!  And gosh, I don't want people to spend a lot of money especially since I wouldn't have to living here!   

I can have fun anywhere with or without fanfare!   I have made some really good friends here and I would love to meet them face to face (and then I can judge if I really like them! laughing.) 




Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

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