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Nicholas, 8 year old Newfoundland goes in for surgery tonight (Newf, Newfie)
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9 January 2024 - 2:03 pm
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Time to check in!  Here is Nick looking for fun at the dog park.... Nick is doing fine, getting very agile and strong with these new muscles, loves life, protects us from coyotes and is a great snuggler. He's been going to a bar brunch every week where my husband is playing music, so he enjoys greeting his "guests" and getting one sausage in tiny pieces over two hours. Spoiled!

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Here is our boy standing in a puddle in freezing weather, very comfortable.


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When he was a teenager he used to do this and it was impossible to get him out, but now he comes happily, ears flapping.


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OSU took Nick off metronomic cytoxan for two weeks because his urinalysis showed increasing blood (possibly becoming cystitis). His recent urinalysis was clear, so they want to put him back on cytoxan again. That seems illogical to me without constant monitoring, so between that advice and the fact that this very social and patient dog is telling me he's tired of doctor's appointments, we are discontinuing chemo. We do have an appointment at BARC in March for a second booster. Based on how well Nick's doing now, that date seems quite possible, but I'm crossing my fingers!


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9 January 2024 - 2:19 pm
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Just want to jump through the screen and snuggle that big furry gentle Teddy bear! He is just so darn cute!

I really love the photos of him in the water.... the reflection... the way the ripples surround him..... very artistically done!   I get cold looking at the water but clearly this is Nicky's bliss.

There really is some peace of mind and being free of vet visits with poking and prodding. 

You know Nicholas better than anyone and I'm sure he has let you know that he would prefer spending time with you and  socializing with people who were not Veterinarians!  

I love that he goes to the bar with his dad to listen to him play music and get all sorts of snuggles from the patrons.  

He really is a happy boy and that is all that matters. Thanks for the update and for the wonderful pictures. He makes us all smile.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

New England
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10 January 2024 - 5:23 am
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Glad to hear Nick is doing so well!  It sounds like a good choice to discontinue chemo if he's telling you he's over it.  Nick deserves to enjoy the time he has.

The Rainbow Bridge

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10 January 2024 - 10:32 am
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Wow he's looking great! I love that he's out there doing his favorite things and enjoying his life.

Totally understand about not doing the metronomics . It's not shown to be as helpful as once thought so he's likely not missing out on any additional benefit. I would do the same.

Keep on hoppin' Nicky!

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12 January 2024 - 12:46 am
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He looks awesome!  Very happy to hear that he’s doing well! 

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24 January 2024 - 9:22 am
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Those are beautiful photos of him!  I love the ones of him in the water.  I would have those printed to canvas and hang up! 

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20 March 2024 - 10:17 am
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Nicholas was doing so well that I was beginning to hope against hope that he'd be in the tiny percent of dogs who survive osteosarcoma, and he might well have been.

However a week ago he missed the bottom step of an old concrete basement entrance, stumbled and fell heavily against the door frame, re-injuring his back. We had driven up to Seattle for his 9 month Yale vaccine booster, and had spend the afternoon in our son's back yard. He was going down to the refiinished basement to go to sleep when he fell. Nick got up but had trouble walking and by morning could not stand at all. At BARC they carried him in on a stretcher and gave him his shot but recommended we go straight to our vet that night.  So for a week he was in great pain, despite maximum pain meds. They thought a slipped disc and he's so strong and healthy, we hoped he would recover, but it got worse until he couldn't lift his head and whimpered, cried sometimes, and was getting almost no real sleep.

We kept beside him, night and day, all week, and friends came by to support him (He's always loved a party!). My soul, this Nicholas, our last dog. What an amazingly kind and intelligent being he was! I am honored to have known and be known by him. The vet he's had since puppyhood came yesterday and we let him go peacefully, knowing he would be with his mom, without pain, and watching over us.

We'll bury his body today, near us, but Nicholas's presence is so much stronger. Our family is missing him terribly. Friends and Tuman's music students too. Lots of tears. People whose names I do not recognize write in on our dog park Facebook page about how much they loved him, about the last time they hugged him. He made everyone he knew a better person through his integrity and his gentle love. 

Thank you for all the help and support you have given us both on this forum. It's a wonderful resource for all,  Suzanne


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20 March 2024 - 10:34 am
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Can't even express how shocked and stunned I am. And when I tell you I'm trying too hard to respond, that's true, so true. We all love Nicholas so much and it made our hearts smile every time you posted about him. We felt the loving Bond every time. I'm sorry, I just can't post anymore right now. No words, no words.


Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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20 March 2024 - 12:47 pm
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Ohhh nooooo! I am so so sorry! What a horrible turn of events, I can't even imagine how stunned you all are right now. We are shocked, and feeling so sad for you, your friends, and the whole community he touched.

Nicky will always be a survivor, and a hero to the world. You both showed what is possible for a giant breed Tripawd, and positively affected people all over the globe, people you will never meet or hear from, but rest assured they have found or will find his story, and feel comforted knowing that if Nicholas can thrive on three legs, their dog may have a good chance at it too. 

We can't thank you enough for allowing us to be part of your journey together, and being so supportive of our community. You both became like family to us, and you always will be. You are welcome here anytime. And of course if you feel like sharing a Nicholas tribute, we would love to celebrate his life with you.

Lots and lots of love and hugs coming your way.

New England
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20 March 2024 - 3:00 pm
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I'm truly sorry to hear this. Nicholas was a great dog, who touched many lives. He was incredibly lucky to spend his life with your family. 

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21 March 2024 - 2:50 pm
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(4 weeks old)
Thank you so much for your kind words. I've just finished reading through our posts about Nicholas, and I realize that he did have a wonderful post diagnosis life, full of good times and friends new and old, new skills to learn, work to do. With your help, he survived cancer and made light (120lb!) work of amputation.  So thank you again for providing this forum and your support
All his awful pain of the last week was due to a careless 1925 building inspector who did not make the owners correct that narrow concrete bottom step. (and to me for not insisting on sleeping in our son's shed with the ramp). A random accident, not cancer, not amputation. I've been reading about herniated discs in dogs and I see that his vet was right.. neither Nick nor we would have wanted weeks and weeks of recovery from a back operation.
Now that people's reactions to his death keep coming, I'm remembering that Nicky was an instinctive healer. He had the gift of drawing out a person's pain and turning it to peace.  Just a few days ago, a friend whose son had recently died came by and Nicky welcomed him, then lay down close beside him and did not leave for more than an hour as our friend talked and talked. I've seen NIcky do this, time and again, always on his own initiative.
Nicky had a lot of common sense too and he must have decided that he would wait despite pain for everyone to say goodbye but after that enough was enough. I know his wonderful mom Annabelle was fiercely devoted to her puppies: Nicholas was a singleton,  "Annabelle's treasure" his breeder called him. I can only think that his mom has gathered them all around her, and that they are happy and safe. 
If that's OK, I'll just leave this forum here since you seem to keep the forums. It may give some ideas to a Newfoundland partner in the future: Newfies' priorities are a little different. Here Nicholas is right before he died, listening to us, without pain, ready for what's to come.
Nicholas March 19 2024

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22 March 2024 - 11:57 am
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Just still finding  it so darn hard to put into  to wo4ds how terribly  sorry I am AND how privileged   we all are to jave gotten to know this beautiful Soul.

Absolutely  "Annabelle's Treasure" and everyone 's treasure  conti nues to impact and inspire.  You have written so beautifully  jere and with sich love and devotion.   

FWIW, I adopted a hound named Hank(along with his tripawd BFF Cash) .  They had been in a shelter together for over a year.  After about seven or eight months or so, he also was diagnosed  with disc issue.  His walking cery quickly became more and  more compromised,  eventually  draggin his rear legs and Prednisone no long worked .  A surgery that may or may not work, plus months of strict  confinement so release was the best option for him.  Jist want to confirm uoi absolutely  dis the eight thing for Nicholas......just like yoj have every moment of every day.

Yes, Nicky  was indeed  an intuitive healer. The way you described how he bought comfort to your friend bought tears to my eyes. It just reflects on  so much of what his purpose here on Earth was about.

That puppy video  is clearly the cutest thing ever.  The start of a life that impacts everyone on such a pawsitive way.  We are sooooo grateful for Nicky.

He had your name written on his heart the day he was born. He got to experience love and joy and fulfillment of purpose in such a depth that only  Soul like Nicholas could experience with a Soul you.

With love and .light

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!


"We didn't realize we were making memories we just knew we were having fun ".........Winnie the Pooh

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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23 March 2024 - 10:01 am
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Your letter helped so much. Hank's story too.  I'm feeling disoriented without my dear boy.


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23 March 2024 - 10:48 am
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Disoriented is a good description. You just existing, not not fully aware of what's going on,.  You just know you are doing.....going through the motions of  just doing.......with no focus or connection to what you were doing.

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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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24 March 2024 - 4:51 pm
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I love that illustration Sally, thanks for sharing. It's so true. Our dogs are so much more than the hello and goodbye.

Suzanne, it's really tough to find our way once such a physical and emotional presence is gone from our lives. And under such difficult circumstances, too. I can't imagine all the what-ifs that are going through your mind.

I really do hope it brings you comfort knowing how well he did because you gave him a chance, and recalling what an impression he left on others. And he will for all time! By sharing his story here you are already helping people see what is possible when they get the bad news that a leg needs to go. If Nicky could do it, anyone could. The world is a better place for pet parents in this tough situation, thanks to you two.


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