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Advice please, 14 year old miniature schnauzer
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The Rainbow Bridge

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10 August 2024 - 5:56 pm
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LOL you never need to apologize for the length of your post. That's why we have these forums. Trying to process a regular recovery takes a lot of thought, and when you throw in complications, well, you could write a whole book on it! I'm just so happy that Andy's mobility is doing so much better (and that he wee'd! Yay!).

Your vet is really awesome, I love that they took a culture and are being so mindful of the state of his infection, cleaning, caring for it, etc. The way things are going, in a couple of weeks that issue will hopefully be far behind you.

What a fun pack you have! Toby, Mia, and Andy have such adorable personalities, and must bring a lot of joy into your life! Your mom is so fortunate to have you leading the pack and helping everyone keep their spirits up through life's challenges. You are a bright spot in their day no doubt!

Oh regarding the recommended harness ... we do recommend the Ruffwear Front Range harness . I'm not sure if you can get it where you are, but there are plenty of knock-off imitations so if you can find any, that's what I'd recommend. Just make sure it has an area underneath that consists of a fabric panel for on the belly, not just straps. worst case you can also use a cloth grocery bag. See these s DIY Tripawd Dog Sling

I hope things continue going as well as they are! Update when you are able. smiley4


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10 August 2024 - 9:28 pm
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So much to celebrate.......Urinating is at the top of the list!!   Gaining better mobility is also worthy of a huge celebration!!👏👏👏


  Toby, Mia, and Andy have such adorable personalities, and must bring a lot of joy into your life! Your mom is so fortunate to have you leading the pack and helping everyone keep their spirits up through life's challenges. You are a bright spot in their day no doubt!

Coildnt agree more.We also want to congra YOU for staying the course and being such a strong advocate for your Andy, as well as a pawsitive energy for him AND your Mom.

Thanks for the progress report.....andit is progress!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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31 July 2024
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13 August 2024 - 8:03 am
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Your vet is really awesome, I love that they took a culture and are being so mindful of the state of his infection, cleaning, caring for it, etc. The way things are going, in a couple of weeks that issue will hopefully be far behind you.

After the vet we had prior- This one is really awesome! We've had different doctors, since it's a clinic and all- The first one was a overall vet, while this one is the orthopedist! They're all really sweet there. 

We had a checkup today and thankfully- since the original one- his wound closed a bit more! He's infection free now! And the wound looks much better now. So thankfully, the issue is now behind us! (I hope-) Andy's doing really well recovery wise, which is amazing. 

Although he no longer wants to drink from a bowl, so I have to get water in him forcefully. Hopefully that will change once he's able to be more active.

Oh regarding the recommended harness ...

We have also started seeing a physiotherapist? I think that's the name? She's going to do lasers for us so the wound heals better, and recommended some exercises aswell as a sling!

Now, we own a sling! Hopefully it might help him a bit- The harness thing is a bit problematic due to the fact that Andy decides what he likes, whether it's clothes or anything else. (he's always been on a collar as he doesn't..particularly enjoy harnesses) I sort of forgot that it was even an issue before! However, it might be better if we support his remaining back leg. However, thank you for the recommendation! 😀

Toby, Mia, and Andy have such adorable personalities, and must bring a lot of joy into your life!

They truly do! I have a few more things to share for fun!

Toby and Mia are a year apart from eachother and when Mia was a pup, people thought she was his kid! She of course isn't, but he's taken (and still does-) care of her like her parent! Which is extremely adorable. Come to think of it, I think Mia has more say than Toby or Andy in things. Because whenever Toby barks or tries to be a bit mean- all it takes is Mia barking at him and he stops! Also, Mia barks at us when we try to pick Andy up- She not only barks but, also jumps! 

I've also noticed recently that Toby and Mia seem to copy eachother, you'll either find them sleeping the same way or see one doing the same as the other normally does. It's as if they decided to play a game of mimicking! (I wonder who's winning...) 

My first pet is Andy, and he's always been calm, so it's quite interesting to see Toby and Mia have entirely different personalities, they all do.

Andy's always been cuddly, but now he's more of a sleepy head, which is the most adorable thing to see everyday. Mia beat him with the cuddly though, she's now the most cuddliest dog we own! She also constantly licks you- which Andy never does. Andy doesn't mind children, I mean- he's been stuck with me, so it would be strange if he didn't like any. Mia on the other hand- Absolutely despises children and dogs! They both hate water.

As for Toby- He's afraid of the dark and loud noises. He loves water alot, and only occasionally barks at either people that smell funky to him or at dogs that he doesn't know. Both he and Mia bark at birds, but they only really do when they're being walked together. (which we learned the hard way- we can't, because Toby protects Mia)

I do wonder how Mia will act when she's finally being walked with Andy again- Whether she'll be more protective or not. All I know is that he'll probably be more inclined to walk with her. He became younger when we paired them together for walks! He'd even play with her and they'd often run together. Unfortunately, since Mia is a danger to other dogs and is a specialist at traumatizing children- I can't really let her run around anymore. Same goes for Andy now.

I'll try to pair them together once it's possible again, maybe Mia might even help Andy around? I almost feel like she takes him as her puppy, even though he's far older than she is! I'm honestly glad I begged mom to let me have Mia, I can't imagine not having her around at all.

She was honestly- quite a surprise! She was a present to someone for christmas, but the person couldn't take care of her and posted a post on Facebook, so I begged mom to let me have her. She was a tiny ball back then, and grew into a worm! As for Toby- He chose mom, and mom took him in because she was grieving. I'm glad I have them all! Honestly- I'm glad I've had the chance of owning a lot of animals! It makes life much brighter. 

Andy also doesn't care about cats- Mia finds them cute (probably) and would most likely be a bit rough with them- but would be friends. Toby on the other hand would rather eat them. They are however afraid of rodents? Somehow.. Unfrotunately that fear doesn't go to bunnies.

I feel like sometimes, I could go on for hours regarding my pets- It would be a book by then though icon_lol

We'll have another checkup next week, and this week on thursday we're going for another laser!

The Rainbow Bridge

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13 August 2024 - 10:28 pm
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Ok I'm glad I saved this to read until the end of my day, because I'm going to sleep with a big smile! smiley4Toby, Mia, and Andy are all so colorful and have so much attitude! You have way more entertainment around your home than I do, that's for sure!

You really manage all of their personalities so well, you've got all their little quirks dialed in. That says a lot about how well you speak dog smiley16You sure could write a book about it, and you should.

While thinking about walking Mia and Andy, have you thought about a dog stroller so that Andy can keep up? That way he can ride, and go along for all the fun. Strollers are especially great for folks who have more than one dog in the family.

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31 July 2024
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19 August 2024 - 11:23 am
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Hi once again! Got a few more updates today.

Andy's wound is closing up nicely and is much smaller now! He's also a bit more active at times and now travels around the room a bit!

Mia started copying Andy now, so she sleeps the same way he does which is extremely hilarious!

have you thought about a dog stroller

We own one! We bought it due to travelling as neither me or my mom own a car and he couldn't keep up before due to feeling unwell before the procedure. We had thought about taking the stroller for walks, but I'm sort of worried about Mia tipping it over since she tends to bark too much and jumps during barking. On top of that- we have a park not even 5 minutes away from my street, so I can manage carrying him, although with Mia it's a bit difficult to. I sort of forgot that Mia in general just dislikes other dogs to a huge extent that it's impossible to take her and him together, now it is anyway. I might give it a try eventually, some things need a bit of figuring out before I completely write it off haha!

Got a few more updates today.

Oh, I also decided to leave one update last-

Andy walked once on his own so far, atleast until today! This happened a few minutes ago actually-

I wasn't holding him this time around, but having my hands as backup incase he was falling or going off balance, and he managed to walk on his own somewhat! What really surprised me more was the fact that he stood on his own entirely, no hands required! I'm so proud of him, I was worried with the fact that his back leg is clearly weaker, but he not only learned how to walk properly, but I now know that he can stand on his own!

Regarding rugs- my brother has an older one that he agreed to let us borrow, but he lives out of city and currently can't come by. Which is alright! As we're not supposed to let him be as active for now, not until the wound completely closes.

Andy's recovery is thankfully going better and better, that's one of the best things I can even hope for considering the fact that my summer break is ending soon- So atleast I feel a bit at ease with leaving him to mom.

As for all the silliness around my home- They're all the best furry family members we could have. I can't imagine not having any of them around! I'm also glad that my and my siblings' endless begging for a dog ended with us having Andy- Because he's the sole reason why I even like animals that much! I guess growing up with a dog really makes you think of them as siblings haha! I'm also happy with the fact that I had the chance having many other animals, I learned more and still keep learning more. It's probably the closest I'll ever get to being like a vet, without actually being a vet and simply knowing how to take care of all kinds of animals!

I like that I know how animals treat eachother, because while Mia and Toby don't play together anymore- Toby still looks after her regardless, and so does she! Mia is also my partner in crime because she watches over Andy, Toby, and mom when I'm in my room, or when me and mom are not home. She's my eyes and watches carefully, whether its sleeping near and sniffing the others to make sure they're good or not.

I also noticed that when Andy had an infection, Mia would sniff at the wound. At first I thought it was nothing, since she sniffed it when we brought him home- But once our suspicion was confirmed, it clicked. She actually smelled that Andy wasn't well! Which reminds me of the few times Toby would attack Andy, I wonder if he smelled something was wrong aswell? I won't know though, since he calmed down but it might be that. Would make more sense considering the fact that both Mia and Toby are part lab and they both immediately know when something's wrong, whether it's me or mom. Andy doesn't react to it as much as those two do, so I'm guessing that's what labs have. I find these things really intriguing, aswell as the way that Andy learned where to put his leg as if it clicked one day, it's like..I wonder what they're thinking, type of thing.


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19 August 2024 - 3:34 pm
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Have thoroughly enjoyed getting  to kmow all your "siblings" and partner in crime Nurse Mia😎  You know each one on a Soul level and respect who they are collectively  and individually.   

It does sound like Mia, and Toby too, "sensed" something was "off" with Andy.  Dogs are soooo in tune with energy at a level we can only begin to understand. 


Walking AND standing on his own!!!    Yes walking  "somewhat" is.HUGE PROGRESS!!!

Andy, we are soooo proud of you AND your hoomans who clearly adore you!!!   Extra treats for everybody and chocolate candy for the hoomans!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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20 August 2024 - 3:13 pm
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YAY ANDY! smiley_clapThis is all very big progress! 

Did you happen to see today's Tripawd Tuesday about Piper the senior doggie and mini Schnauzer? THere's some inspawration for youl.

I love that you are so intuitive and observant with your dogs. You would make a great vet! Why not give it a whirl, sounds like you're still in school? But if that's not in your plans, you can still be a vet groupie like me! I geek out on all that stuff.

I wonder what they're thinking, type of thing.

Have you seen this? You will probably love it!


Very cool news that life is returning to normal for the pack. Andy is making excellent progress on the road to recovery!

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