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7 year old Doberman with Osteosarcoma :(
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Member Since:
18 February 2014
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20 February 2014 - 1:32 pm
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Hello all-

I've been looking through this site for a few days now.  We just found out our 7 yr old Dobie has Cancer- front right shoulder.  As are most people, we are laboring over the decision for surgery or not.  We haven't had her lungs tested yet- Monday is our appt with the oncologist here.  We are located in Stuttgart, Germany, and this is impacting our decision a little.  Our regular vet here says that she would not pursue surgery, she would make her comfortable as long as possible. The vet we are seeing on Monday for a second opinion- never been there we will see what they say.  The Germans do things differently from the American side of the house, and we are just looking for any input that we can find that may help us make this rough decision.  Anything that you guys can push this way would really help me out.  I am amazed at all your pups- they are amazing.  I want to hug them all!!  thanks in advance!



On The Road

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24 September 2009
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20 February 2014 - 4:07 pm
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danarose said
looking for any input that we can find that may help us make this rough decision...

Be sure to bookmark Jerry's Required Reading List for lots of helpful links. Without Regret is another book that has helped many members cope with the difficult decisions you face. And the Tripawds e-books include lots of fast answers to the most common questions and concerns.

A second opinion is always a good idea! Most dobermans we have met here have done quite well. If your Dobie is otherwise healthy and fit she should recover quickly and adapt well to life on three legs.

Best wishes, please keep us posted!

PS: Welcome, your future forum posts will not require moderation.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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17 February 2014
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20 February 2014 - 4:29 pm
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Hi Dana,

I'm on the same journey.  Just had the oncology appointment today and our lab is scheduled for amputation on Monday.  Hang in there.  I can't speak to the long term, but I can say that you can get to a place of feeling like you're doing the right thing.  Keep researching--and reach out to chat with others who have tripawds.  My Charlie means the world to me, and I truly feel like we're doing the right thing for him.  Sending prayers your way.

Heather and Charlie

Charlie, our English yellow lab, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in February 2014. He became a tripawd on February 24th, with clear lymph nodes and lungs, but that didn't last long. After three doses of Carbo, in May 2014, x-rays showed lung mets. We briefly tried Palladia, which went well. Unfortunately, Charlie developed unexplained complications in his hind limbs. We said a reluctant farewell on June 11, 2014. Still miss our boy each and every day.


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22 February 2013
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20 February 2014 - 7:50 pm
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Hi Dana!

Your Dobie looks precious in .his picture! Such a cutie!

We all understand what turmoil you are going through. For me, this was a very, very difficult decision.....I even cancelled the scheduled surgery appointment at first. My Happy Hannah, a "plus size" Bull Mastiff, just celebrated her one year ampuversary and moving forward (knocking on wood)! It was THE best decision!! I can say that now, and I can also say that the first two to three weeks of recovery was incredibly rough! Almost everyone will tell you the first two weeks are no picnic. But once recovery taakes place and the sparkle comes back, it is absolutely glorious!

Make no mistake about it, it's major surgery and a despicable disease. Sometimes, even with great pre-test results, dogs do not make it very long after surgery...rare' but it happens.

For me, it was a risk I was willing to take as I would second guess myself forever if I didn't give her the best possible chance. Our time together is a gift. Every second is a sacred treasure and we aren't wasting one moment worrying about tomorrow. We live in the moment. We laugh, play, love, give tummy rubs and ear scratches, spoil, lay in the sun, lay in the cool shade...we just love the magic of our bond.

Obviously, almost everyone here is "pro amputation"...its a horrible "forced choice" but it is the best chance of extended QUALITY available. As much as we all want longevity, quality is what it's all about.

I realy, realy hope you have vets available that are familiar with th optiions ...including chemo as a possible follow-up.. Use this community as a resource. The links you can search here are invaluable.

You are not alone! Please jnow that! We understand!! We KNOW how much your pup means to you and we are here to support you in anyway possible..

Look forward to hearing yor update AND seeng more pictures of your preciois Dobie. What's your Dobie's name? Have you had him since a puppy?

Surrounding you with calm and clarity,

Sally snd Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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