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dogs feeling good
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5 November 2009 - 9:02 pm
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A few people mentioned that they haven't been posting because their dogs were doing well while so many other dogs were having problems. And they also said how sad it was to see so many dogs having trouble. I thought it might be nice to encourage people to share their little bits of good or routine news in a thread since we all like to hear that (nope, I'm not going to start a blog, Jerry, no way. And you ain't gonna see my pretty face on twitter or facebook either!)

Tazzie has always had an issue getting into food or garbage when I leave the house. I have to hide everything in high cabinets (he opens low cabinets even when they have child proof locks) or in a different room. I'm not sure where he found the trash today, but I came home at lunch to find a kitchen size garbage bag ripped to shreds in the living room, with the contents strewn about. He obviously had a feast – I don't want to know what was in it but he seems to be okay. He has stolen a few small things in the last month, like an empty cat food can from the sink. But since he started to feel sick before the surgery, he has not stolen anything quite so grand as today's big mess, and I know he has had lots of opportunities. Sometimes, a badly behaving dog can make you really happy (as long as they don't bloat of course!). But Shh. Don't tell Tazzie I said this!

A friend is coming all the way from Alberta just to see Tazzie this weekend. Two weeks ago, I was starting to worry that the decline had begun – shaking legs, stumbling, not quite himself. What a turnaround. The met lumps are still growing on his leg and abdomen, but that cancer world seems to be a completely different world than the one in which he is living right now. I think I'll stick by my recommendation of the power mushrooms. He is now on 2 per day and I cannot believe the change in the last 9 days. I sure hope some of the others – Emily and Jake – find some benefit from it.

Kirkland, WA
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2 June 2009
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5 November 2009 - 9:54 pm
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Dear Tazzie:

YOU'RE AMAZING!!!!!!!  I'm sure glad you don't know there's anything wrong with you, because then who would steal your mom's trash and make a huge mess?  Keep strong, young friend, and stay naughty (and not to mention adorable) 🙂

<3 Laura and Jackers

Wherever the Wind Takes Me, Dude

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5 November 2009 - 9:58 pm
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Tazzie, duuuude. We gotta pawty! And you gotta teach me that cabinet trick, or better yet teach these people to leave me alone some time. I'm all over that trash business.

Thanks for starting this topic. These forums are always an emotional roller coaster with so many pups having ups and downs. Sometimes the downs just get everyone down. But people need to vent, and others need to know what to expect. We're thinking of you Jake and Em!

No one should ever hesitate to post about their pup's ups. I for one, am way up. Great puppy spirits and all healed up from my rear leg amputation just a few months ago. You should see me run now, especially in the opposite direction when my peeps are trying to train me to come when called. Big Grin

Wyatt Ray Dawg . . . The Tripawds Leg-A-Cy Continues!

Read all about my adventures at my Tripawds Blog

Member Since:
19 September 2009
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5 November 2009 - 10:35 pm
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Tazzie – Wyatt – Jackers!!

Glad to hear that you are doing well.. And look at you Tazzie doing so well you are getting into trouble, way to go!! (shhh don't tell your Mom I said that ' class='wp-smiley' /> )

And me??? Well you know just running around chasing my kids, keeping mom and dad from worrying too much. Taking advantage of this new world I live in (I am the princess now). Hehehe the human kids are now jealous of me and all the presents mom brings me… ITS GREAT!! I am eating, jumping, playing ball, and showing these humans what it is like to live.. smiley2

Shilo diagnosed with osteosarcoma 9/4/2009, amputation 9/9/2009. ShiloAnne lost her battle 11/23/2009 where she regained her fourth leg and is patiently waiting for her parents to join her. We will always love you baby girl.

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13 July 2009
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5 November 2009 - 10:41 pm
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Tazzie has never been a jealous dog. But now when I pet another dog, he often grrrs, usually while someone else is petting him. He wouldn't ever do anything to the other dog, but he just wants all the pets for himself. I think this is the result of heavy coddling the last few months, which probably is not going to change any time soon. Anyone else see their dog developing jealous tendencies?

Wesley Chapel, FL
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13 September 2009
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6 November 2009 - 5:08 am
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Tazzie and all the others that are doing well... please keep posting good news!!! I am happy and rooting for all of you!!!

Plus, it still gives me a little hope for Jake...

Jake's Mom

Jake, 10yr old golden retriever (fractured his front right leg on 9/1, bone biopsy revealed osteosarcoma on 9/10, amputation on 9/17) and his family Marguerite, Jacques and Wolfie, 5yr old german shepherd and the newest addition to the family, Nala, a 7mth old Bengal mix kittie. Jake lost his battle on 11/9/2009, almost 8 weeks after his surgery. We will never forget our sweet golden angel… ….. CANCER SUCKS!

Mesa, AZ
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27 April 2009
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6 November 2009 - 6:06 am
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Chuy here!  I've been giving Mom & Dad a hard time the last few weeks.  Must be the stubborn streak in me, but I don't want to go in the house at night or in the morning when Dad leaves for work.  (5 a.m.Sleepy)  They make me do it, but I wait until they chase me around the yard first.  My sister Gretchen and I also play more often and when I chase her, I can get closer to catching her than ever before. 

I've also started to chase the kitties on occasion, like when I first moved in here.  There is one kitty I really like, his name is Stitch, he's a 16 lb. siamese  and he chases me right back!  Feisty little dude, but lots of fun for me.  I like to grab him by one of his legs, but Mom worries that I might hurt him so

she tells me to stop.

I've also decided that I'm going to jump up on folks to say hello.  I don't do it all the time, but if they have something in their hands (like a puppy or cookie) that I'm interested in, I'm up there!  Actually, Mom & Dad are kind of glad I do this cuz they never thought they would see me stand fully on that FHO leg again. 

Who says I gotta behave?  That's no fun at all!

Chuy, showing everyone that Tripawds do everything 3 times better than regular dogs!

Chuy's Short Stories

Wherever the Wind Takes Me, Dude

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25 July 2009
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6 November 2009 - 1:49 pm
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Hey Chuy, I'm having a good time being a brat around here too! My new name is "Punk." But my pawrents have found that by taking me for walks and short training sessions 3x a day (yes, three times!), it really helps calm all my nervous energy. I know, three times a day is pretty luxurious. I'm lucky to have pawrents who can do that. But even just 5 minutes 3x a day gives me something to do.

My Mom is a real believer in Sarah Wilson's My Smart Puppy training methods, and I really like them too. She makes games out of training instead of making it all serious business like a lot of other trainers do, and so far it works for me, usually.

Be nice to the kitty you crazy kid, one day she's going to swat you real good and their claws HURT!

Wyatt Ray Dawg . . . The Tripawds Leg-A-Cy Continues!

Read all about my adventures at my Tripawds Blog

Mesa, AZ
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27 April 2009
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6 November 2009 - 4:14 pm
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Hi Wyatt!  I've been through basic training, just don't feel like behaving right now.  Kinda like my time of the month as Mom calls it. Big Grin

I do get to go on walks in the mornings now, but we're still working on my stamina.  Chasing Gretchen around is a good way to burn off that energy too.  The folks still make me sit and be careful for my treats, but they keep those to a minimum....don't want to get fat now!

Chuy, showing everyone that Tripawds do everything 3 times better than regular dogs!

Chuy's Short Stories

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13 July 2009
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6 November 2009 - 7:20 pm
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Training, what is training?

Now I have a really good excuse to never learn to walk properly on-leash!

Member Since:
20 May 2009
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6 November 2009 - 8:04 pm
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Emily has started power mushrooms and I believe that Jake has, too.  I am confused on the dosage though.  My bottle says take 2-3 tablets 3 times a day.  Tazzie looks as big as Emily!  I hope I didn't read the bottle wrong.  I better check.

Debra & Emily

Debra & Emily, a five year old doberman mix, who was diagnosed with an osteosaecoma. She had a right rear leg amputation on May 19, 2009. On November 10, 2009 she earned her wings and regained her fourth leg.

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6 November 2009 - 8:17 pm
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Shilo says "Training??? I got my pawrents trained real well.... smiley4"

Debra - Funny you mentioned power mushrooms I am ordering them now. I think the website said 2-3 a day, and if I remember right (Tazzie correct me if I am wrong) Tazzie is just recently up to 2 a day.

I thought I would share a story too... We gave Shilo her normal plate of food at dinner time when we eat and she licked her plate right off the carpet onto the linoleum. After a few licks of it going across the kitchen floor. She picked up her plate and took it back to the carpet, laying it back down so she could eat it. The whole family was rollin', how smart!! icon_lol I so wish we would have had the camera....

Shilo diagnosed with osteosarcoma 9/4/2009, amputation 9/9/2009. ShiloAnne lost her battle 11/23/2009 where she regained her fourth leg and is patiently waiting for her parents to join her. We will always love you baby girl.

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