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Update on Maggie
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Member Since:
25 March 2019
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2 February 2023 - 2:22 pm
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It's been a while since I posted anything. Maggie is getting ready to celebrate her 8th birthday this month. She still makes friends with everyone who comes by the house. She still doesn't like other dogs, but cats are another story. Her mobility is still good, and she loves to go for car rides. Her latest trip was to Lake Livingston for a long weekend. There were plenty of cats and squirrels that peaked her interest. Being a tripaw has not stopped her from being a dog. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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2 February 2023 - 4:38 pm
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Wow! This is a great pupdate! I'm so glad you checked in. Keep on livin large Maggie! May the coming year bring you lots of critter furmily to look after.

And if you'd like to share any photos of her pawty let us know, we are happy to help!


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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2 February 2023 - 7:05 pm
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Thrilled to read this pupdate in sweet Maggie!  Sich an insp for anyone doubting  of a dog can still ve happu on three.  Yes, and Maggie's  is a perfect example!

 Being a tripaw has not stopped her from being a dog. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET MAGGIE!!  Keep 'em coming! Hope you are fetting so e ove cream and cake. 🥳🍨🎂 We would loooove to see pictures  of the celebration!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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25 March 2019
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3 February 2023 - 8:45 am
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I'm still having issues posting photos. Any help and or advice will be greatly appreciated. I have reviewed the post on this site with no luck.


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22 February 2013
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3 February 2023 - 9:48 am
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I'm going to PM you with my email address.  Send me a couple pf photos and I would be more than happy to  post them on here for you.

Trust me, you are not alone in trying to figure out posting pictures.  I sent my photos to Jerry for months!  Anyway, she'll come along and explain the process, but in the meantime  I'll look for her photos in my email and transfer them here👍


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too-

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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3 February 2023 - 10:13 am
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Sally you are so sweet, thank you for your tech support!

We hope someday to make adding images easier, lots of people have challenges with the process.

Here is an explanation in case anyone is wondering:

Basically you need to:

- upload a photo somewhere like your own Tripawds blog, or a public image hosting site like
- then copy the image URL (or just tap the image and copy it if you're on a mobile device)
- return here, and paste the image into your forum post.

Hope that makes sense. Let us know if you'd like help!


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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4 February 2023 - 7:15 pm
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Get ready to go...."Awwwwwww"!  A very cute picture of this long-legged beauty.   Maggie has definitely  mastered the art of relaxing on HER recliner!  Nice of her to all her hooman to occupy  at least some of it.😎

  20230204_210411.jpgImage Enlarger

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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4 February 2023 - 9:44 pm
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Ohhhhhh smoochy face Maggie! Look at you my furiend, you have it MADE! Love seeing you, Miss Miracle Girl!

Thanks for posting Sally, you are a super duper techie. Appreciate the help.

Member Since:
25 March 2019
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26 April 2024 - 11:53 am
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It's hard to believe that another year has gone by. Maggie has experienced seizures and is currently on meds. She has been seizure free for the past three months. Recently, she started to have issues walking on her front leg. Since is she a front tripaw, we were concerned. The vet says that her elbow has some mild soreness. Maggie is taking pain meds to manage the mild discomfort. The next step would be a shot. She is able to stretch and flex the leg with minor discomfort. I am looking for a brace of some sort to give her elbow/leg some support. I saw one item in the store and am wondering of this might work. It was on page two. 

Hope all is well and thanks for any suggestions/ideas you have.

Maggie & Dave.

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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26 April 2024 - 12:29 pm
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Hi Maggie and Dave! Wow it's so good to hear from you! Sorry about all of her health challenges though, that is ruff. She's so resilient though! 

Remind me: did we ever mention rehab therapy to you? I'm guessing we did, but if she hasn't been evaluated by a therapist, now is the time to do it. They can really pinpoint that pain issue and find out the best way to treat it. Pain meds are the first and most important step. It sounds like your vet is recommending either Adequan or Librella for the next step? That's good! Still, there are multiple ways to control pain and help her enjoy life to the fullest.

Also, a therapist is the best person to prescribe a support device. The one you see in our store is for elbow hygromas, totally different issue. Please don't put anything on her until a therapist looks at her, or you could cause more trouble with an ill-fitting device. Remember, Tripawds Foundation can pay for the first rehab visit too. 

If I recall, you are in North Houston? I can find a therapist for you if you'd like! 

Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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26 April 2024 - 1:55 pm
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Hi Maggie and Dave!

I have to say, every time I see a post about 'Maggie' I get a little heart twinge and a smile!  My first Tripawd was also a black dog Maggie, although she lost a back leg....and was a 17 pound Pugsmiley4.

My current Tripawd is a little Pug Mix who lost her back leg to a car accident when she was 7 months old.  Elly is now 9.5 years old and feeling all those years on three.  I want to second the rehab vet idea.  I had not taken Elly because she had severe anxiety and vet visits were quite a trial for her.  Unfortunately she hurt her one hip a couple years ago and so I felt she really needed to go.  She got several weeks of treatment and we also got an at home exercise program as well as recommendations for supplements.  She did improve but was struggling again last fall, we went back to the rehab vet in November for her annual checkup and evaluations.  Exercises were modified, a new med was added and we also added chiropractic treatment.

I love my primary care vet but most of what the rehab vets have recommenced or prescribed are outside the scope of the care provided there.


Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls and Boy

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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