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Roo from Afghanistan
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Member Since:
12 February 2024
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13 February 2024 - 3:54 pm
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I live in San Juan county NM and own a tripaw - Roo - I adopted her from Nowzad, a British Ngo in Kabul (it was started by Pen Farthing  - a retired British Marine)- I have attached some photos - one is from Nowzad just after she had her surgery - a kind Kabul citizen advised Nowzad staff that she, a puppy at the time, was on the streets - Pen found her under a table - she had a front leg deformity - they nursed her back to health - she continued to drag her front leg - xrays showed she had an issue at the hip - Nowzad vets realized that leg amputation was the only option - when she was fully grown at age 1, they amputated her leg - She was then added to the list of adoptable dogs - I had already adopted a Nowzad dog in 2017 - As a result of Covid, we were delayed in adopting her - but by October 2020 we had a window for her to fly to LAX!

Nowzad named her Roo as she hops like a kangaroo when she walks, but her run is a nice even stride. The main health issue is to watch her weight as she only has three legs to support her weight. She is a wonderful, immigrant dog who loves to bark! I am so glad to have adopted her in view of everything that went sideways in Afghanistan - Nowzad is still operational in Kabul.

Ann Marie McCarthysmiley16

Member Since:
22 February 2013
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13 February 2024 - 5:35 pm
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Hi Ann Marie and Roo.  Your post has been approved and we welcome you to the Tripawd Family.

Roo's journey is such a heartwarming story.  It started out sadly for her, but now she clearly has found a loving  and caring home with you.  Thank you for adopting her and for adopting  the other Nowzand doggy. 

If you hae any questions on how to keep a tripawd fit and healthy let is know, okay?  Consulting  a Certified Rehabilitation Specialist will give you some great strategies for keeping  Roo's legs in tip top shape.  The Tripwads Foundation will pay for the first consult.

I didn see any photos pop up.  If you need any help posting photos, check out this link for adding images


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too 

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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13 February 2024 - 6:12 pm
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Hi Ann Marie! I'm so happy you decided to introduce Roo! What a survivor she is, and very lucky to find her way to you.

We can't wait to see the photos.

This is how adding images works in the Forums.

Basically you need to:

- upload a photo somewhere like your own Tripawds blog, or a public image hosting site like or
- then copy the image URL (or just tap the image and copy it if you're on a mobile device)
- return here, and paste the image into your forum post.

Hope that makes sense. Let us know if you'd like help!

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