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My name is Kellie (11 yr old Lab with Osteosarcoma)
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Member Since:
30 March 2008
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30 March 2008 - 2:46 pm
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Hello my name is Kellie and like many of you I was just diagnosed with osteosarcoma on my front right leg.

kellie Dog before Osteosarcoma AmputationImage Enlarger

Right now my human parents (Isabel and Wayne) are trying to decide was is best for me and it looks like amputation and chemo are in my near future. I am a lab/german shepherd mix and am 11 yrs old. I am full of life and love to play with my two brothers (Lance - cocker spaniel) and Lucky (also a rescue terrier/chihuahua mix).

Reading about Jerry and all his friends has brought such joy to me and also to my "mom" as she has been going through some sad and difficult time since my diagnosis. Now we are all positive and have read more information that we can manage at the time thanks to your website Jerry. We wish you many years more and hopefully one day we will get to mean as you are a handsome devil....Will keep you posted with my surgery and treatment. Love to all and our prayers are also with all of you. Thanks again!!!


On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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30 March 2008 - 3:31 pm
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Thank you Kellie! And best wishes for a speedy recovery...

We are glad you found this website helpful, and look forward to hearing about your treatment and progress. Thank you for sharing your expeience with others here in the forums.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Kellie and Isabel (K
10 April 2008 - 11:01 pm
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Hello Everyone!  I just wanted to give you an update on what is going on with my life.  After my Dad (Wayne) found this website and showed it to my Mom (Isabel), there is nothing in here that she has not read.  She has done more research thanks to all the helpful health tips and the encouraging words from all of you.  She has started me on a raw food diet which I may say I LOVE!!!! and k-9 Immunity and has been getting me ready physically and mentally for next week when my journey begins.  I am schedule to have my right front leg amputated on Tuesday and afterwards I will start my rounds of chemo.  I feel great right now and still want to run and jump but needless to say my Mom does not let me just to make sure I don't break my leg or that something happens to make my journey a more difficult one.  I read all the inspiring stories of all of you who have already been or are going through your journeys and I feel confident that I will do well.  Please keep me in your prayers and say a special one for my Mom as I know this is being very hard on her (yes I am her baby girl).  Will keep you posted.  Licks to everyone! Kellie.

Manchester, UK
Member Since:
2 February 2008
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11 April 2008 - 5:22 pm
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Best of luck for Tuesday Kellie!  I had my front right amputated on 16th October 07 and then I had chemo (Carboplatin & Doxorubacin) and I finished with all that in January.  I'm sure that your Mummy & Daddy are very worried.  My parents didn't have time to worry (which was a good thing) because nobody knew I was poorly until I broke my leg on the 16th October and I had my surgery that same day.  My Mummy recommends that your Mummy gets lots of rest because the first few days after you come home can be a bit tiring (for everyone) but after that, it gets better and better!

I will look out for an update next week, when your Mummy gets time to write one so that we know how you're doing.


Darcy Deerhound, aged 6.


Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

***Darcy would love to be your friend on Facebook - just search for Darcy Deerhound***

On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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11 April 2008 - 7:02 pm
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Kellie and Isabel (K said:

She has started me on a raw food diet which I may say I LOVE!!!! and k-9 Immunity and has been getting me ready physically and mentally for next week when my journey begins.

You are so fortunate to have such a head start! Lucky dog you. I know, isn't it funny how humans don't know how much we love the raw food diet? The first time I ate a raw chicken wing, my Dad flipped out!

Good luck on Tuesday. We are very confident you'll do great. Tell your Mamma to be good to herself too, and relax. Dogs are so much more resilient than humans give us credit for!

We are thinking of you.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Kellie and Isabel (K
11 April 2008 - 8:43 pm
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Hi guys and gals!  I want to say that I had a wonderful day today.  My mom got to get off work early enough that she came home and took all of us out to enjoy the wonderful sunshine before the bad weather rolls in tonight.  The best part is that I got my first turkey neck and boy did I enjoy that treat.  She gave me and my two crazy brothers each our own piece and it was doggie heaven.  After that we walk for a little while and then we all sat to rest and enjoy the beautiful day....not hot, not cold just nice and breezy.  Still feeling great.  Hey Jerry I just want to tell you that the headstart on my mom getting me ready for next week is all thanks to you and this site.  Love you for that!  Hope everyone has a great weekend with their humans....lots of licks, Kellie

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