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Jackson has another cancer and his days are limited
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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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17 May 2014
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8 March 2015 - 11:05 am
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Dear Katy,

very hard to open the forum this Sunday and read about Jackson's diagnosis, but it was comforting to know that you were able to bring him back home and enjoy him to the fullest until nature decides it is time.  I've been through this twice, with two of my Golden girls.  Both passed painlessly and peacefully.  This was their last gift for mommy: sparing me from any heartbreaking decision.

Hug and kiss Jackson and thank him for being such a fighter - he is amazing. 

We are all here.

Daniela & Johnnie

Our awesome Golden Boy was diagnosed for OSA in April 2014 in the proximal humerus, front-leg amp on 05/20/2014. Finished chemo (Carbo6) on 07/10/2014. Ongoing treatment: acupuncture + K-9 Immunity Plus ( 3chews) and home-cooked no-grain diet.   Stopped Apocaps because of liver issues.   Liver issues: controlling altered enzymes with SAM-e and Milk Thistle.  October 17:  started having seizures.  Taking fenobarbital for seizures.  April 18: started prednisone.


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22 February 2013
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8 March 2015 - 2:27 pm
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We understand, we understand and we get it

Your strength will come from Jackson. You will stay on solod ground for him.

There's so ething you must do if at all.possible. That is to annihilate any thoughts that come to your mind in terms of "laat this" and "last thst". That is sheer torture and could keep you from enjoying the gift of the walk, or the gift of the snuggle like Jackson does! And oh how he loves them both! Jackson wants you present in the moment. You need not put any energy into what you will do in the future, your boy is with younow. As they say, thefuture will take care of itself. You know this and there is nothing easy about it, but you can do ot for Jackson.

You and Jackson are so loved by this family and no one understands the bond better than we do. We all just wish we could help and somehow make this easier...but we know better. We can only be here with you and for you.

With love

Sally and My Guiding Eternal Light Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

New Jersey
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27 December 2011
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8 March 2015 - 7:12 pm
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I am so, so sorry that this has happened-it stinks!!! I was so hoping it was something else. Jackson feels so loved, and he knows that you are always there for him-enjoy every second-I know you're giving him constant hugs and kisses-please give him some from Lily and me. We are here for you and sending you and Jackson huge hugs.


Joan and Lily

Our beautiful Lily was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her front leg on 12/14/11 at age 8 and had amp on 12/16/11. She completed 5 rounds of carbo. She was so brave and kicked cancer's butt daily! She lived life fully for 4 years, 3 months, and 15 days after her amp. My angel is a warrior princess. I miss her so much.

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15 December 2012
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8 March 2015 - 11:40 pm
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I am so very sorry to read this. I'm not on here often so I didn't even know he was sick. Then I thought it might be a different Jackson because the one I've been following is like a super dog. I know you will love him up and cherish every second you have with him. Hugs to you on this journey.

Penny, Hank, Blink and Angel Maggie

New Jersey
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25 May 2013
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9 March 2015 - 6:42 am
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We haven't been much lately but I was saddened to hear of the news of Jacksons health change. He has been such a strong inspiration for so many here. I'm sure it means the world that you were able to bring him home. May your time be filled with love and hugs and kisses.

In our hearts and thoughts,
Esther and her Angel Snoop

Southwestern Ontario, Canada
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22 November 2012
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9 March 2015 - 8:40 am
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Everybody has said what I would say....   I can't really add any more....

Everybody has cursed the words I am cursing... good thing some people can't hear me.. but I know you guys in your mind know what I am saying.. 

Everybody here knows exactly what you are feeling... how angry you are... how worried you are... how you wonder how you are going to manage this next step in this adventure without going postal....  I get it.. we get it... not everybody gets it... 

There is no good news here.. as we all know the outcome.. you know the outcome..  but the fact that Action Jackson is home.. and you are loving him up.. and spoiling him rotten... and crying into his fur at times... puts him into a happy place.. his pack is there.. and even though that cancer shit is happening in his body... that walk that you just came back from was probably one of the best walks he has had in his mind... that special treat you just made for him.. man oh man.. that was the best treat he has every had...  that massage and scratches behind the ear and on his belly felt so goooooood.. at that moment.. that was the best loving up he has ever had!

I wish him a peaceful passing... surrounded with love.. and he knows that as he tears up the grass and sends dirt flying as he races for the Bridge that he was well loved.. well taken care of.. and always in the hearts of those he left behind.. 

He knows there is a party waiting... and man oh man.. the activity is just buzzing up there as they prepare for it... Franklin is keeping his eye on the pig ear box.. he wants to make sure that there are still some left when Jackson arrive. Yet.. everyone keeps taking one.. and yet the box never goes down because there is an endless supply....  I think I can smell the milkbone cakes as well... there's enough for everpawdy to have a slice.. or two.. or three!!!  

Wishing you strength.... and smiles through the tears.... 

Christine.. with Franklin in her heart♥


Franklin, he was the Happiest Dog on Three Legs! Diagnosed 09/26/2012 with Osteosarcoma, amputated 12/4/2012.  Had a wonderful 5 1/2 months painfree until he ran for the Bridge on 5/15/2013.  Always in my heart, and always a guardian angel of my pack...   You can follow his Tripawd Adventures, before and after, in my blog, Frank'n'Farter!

Norene, TN
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21 October 2014
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9 March 2015 - 10:44 am
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Katy - keeping you and Jackson in my thoughts and prayers. {{{hugs}}}

Harmony became a Tripawd on 10/21/14 (MCT). She left us way too soon on 11/1/14.

"We miss you so much; our love, our heart, our Harmony."

- Pam, Ron and Melody, Meesha, Doublestuff and Mariah Carey

New Haven, CT
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27 December 2012
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12 March 2015 - 4:58 pm
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Jackson is still here!  It's been 5 full days since his chest was drained of 2L of fluid and he's been roughly 90% of the pup we're used to!  He was understandably wiped out Sat night and Sunday.  We had some special folks to Jackson come over for a HI and BYE on Sunday and he got SO excited that he played!  he played fetch with his squeeky ball!  Oh, man, I cried with tears of joy.  A beautiful sight.  Really.

Then Monday, Tues, Wed, and today (Thurs), he's been good.  He's been all wiggly-butt, kissy-face, Jackson.  He's sleeping plenty, but he's sleeping in all his fav places.  He's getting treats whenever he wants them.  He's loving these nasty lamb-lungs.  Ick.  He gets ice cream daily, Sally!  And yesterday being such a gorgeous day, I took him for a car ride (which he adores) so he could feel the spring air in his face and up his nose...on our way to real ice cream!  Here he is enjoying plain ice cream with bananas.  It was a real treat and one that I'm so glad we could do.  My parents come down for a HI and BYE tomorrow, which will be very hard for them.  They adore Jackson and he to them, too.  It'll be a special time filled with more love, support, and tears.

My job and coworkers are being great about this.  But it's really hard to keep all my appointments in pencil for the next few weeks.  Because we honestly don't know what day will be Jackson's last, it's hard for me to plan a meeting an hour or so away.  I certainly am uncomfortable with overnights.  I want Jackson around as long as he wants to be around, but the way of this cancer is worse than OSA.  It's day-by-day and it's awful.

~ Katy & Jackson


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ACL tear in right hind leg 12/5/12 and scheduled ACL repair surgery 12/21/12. Pre-op xrays revealed osteosarcoma. Amputation 12/28/12.  Chemo (carboplatin) started Jan 10, 2013 and ended on April 5, for a total of 5 doses. He handled carbo like a champ!  No side effects.  We started metronomic therapy at his third chemo and have been also doing some holistic treatments.  He's a lively, playful 10 year old huskie-boarder collie and a very proud member of the Winter Warriors!  Our love. Our funny little guy!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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12 March 2015 - 5:24 pm
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Oh Katy! This is the BEST NEWS EVER big-grinThank you for letting us know how it's going. I have to admit I hesitated just a sec when clicking on your post. But oy vey what a good update! These days are filled with so many ups and downs but it sure sounds like despite his challenges Jackson is really having some GREAT days and getting spoiled rotten.

Oh how we love your boy! And look at him chow down on that ice cream! I can see Happy Hannah just glowing with pride.

One never knows how long we have on this earth, cancer brings that all to the front of our minds, especially at this stage in the disease. It's such a difficult, mixed blessing on so many levels, but it really makes us aware of the precious nature of spending time with our beloved friends and family. Every second counts. You are doing a fabulous job at being a role model for being more dog.

Love you guys. Keep on rockin and give that boy extra smooches from us.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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26 January 2014
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12 March 2015 - 5:47 pm
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This is SO wonderful!!! I am so glad to hear Jackson is living it up, ice cream and car rides and more LOVE than he knows what to do with. HUGS

Mom to Tripawd Angels Jake (2001-2014) and Rosco (2012-2015) and Tripawd Tanner. “Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today; and I'll always remember it”  


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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17 May 2014
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12 March 2015 - 6:01 pm
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I can imagine what you're going through.  I'm out of town on a business trip and already feeling guilty because tonight I'm not going to put Johnnie to sleep, and am worried that hubby remembers to give his Apocaps before bed.

Katy: you are ready to graduate with honors in the "Be More Dog " program.  A great example to be followed by all of us moms and dads that are on this mission with our pups.

big hugs,

Daniela & Johnnie

Our awesome Golden Boy was diagnosed for OSA in April 2014 in the proximal humerus, front-leg amp on 05/20/2014. Finished chemo (Carbo6) on 07/10/2014. Ongoing treatment: acupuncture + K-9 Immunity Plus ( 3chews) and home-cooked no-grain diet.   Stopped Apocaps because of liver issues.   Liver issues: controlling altered enzymes with SAM-e and Milk Thistle.  October 17:  started having seizures.  Taking fenobarbital for seizures.  April 18: started prednisone.

Member Since:
16 October 2012
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12 March 2015 - 7:09 pm
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I am glad that Jackson is doing so well.  This journey is one in its own and this just basically sucks.  I am so glad that he got to play with everyone.  Every second counts.  Make sure to get lots & lots of pictures with you & your hubby in them. 



michelle & Angel Sassy


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

Los Angeles, CA
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13 June 2013
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12 March 2015 - 7:10 pm
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I so feel your pain and happyness and the roller coaster .... I remember those days ALL too well. Hemangiosarcoma is definitely a beast. But Jackson is loving life and has no clue and talk about SPOILED!!! :-) YAY

Hugs! Thank you for checking in.... I was wondering ...

Shelby Lynne; Jack Russell/Shiba Inu mix. Proud member of the April Angels of 2014.

October 15, 2000 to April 8, 2014

Our story: Broke rear leg in June 2013 - non-conclusive results for cancer so leg was plated and pinned. Enlarged spleen in September 2013 and had it removed and was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma and started chemotherapy. Became a Tripawd January 8th, 2014 and definitive Hemangiosarcoma diagnosis. Three major surgeries in 7 months and Shelby took them all like a champ only to lose her battle to cancer in her brain. We had 8 amazing extra months together and no regrets. #shelbystrong #loveofmylife

Westminster, MD
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31 August 2013
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12 March 2015 - 7:53 pm
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What a great post to read tonight! And yay, Jackson!! Let him live like there is no tomorrow, and enjoy every single second with him, which after reading your new post, I know to be true. All the yummy treats, and all the happy visits, it will do him so good.....Jackson, YOU will decide when and if you are ready to be done, and until then, have the ultimate of joy every moment of every day for as many days as possible...... !!

Sending {{{hugs}}} and love,
Bonnie, Angel Polly, and new crew


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22 February 2013
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12 March 2015 - 8:35 pm
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I was holsing my breat when I started scrolling down...HOLDING MY BREATH LITERALLY!!! I was scrolling slowly, afraid ro see the ppst. And then I saw it......

HE's. STILL. HERE!!!!! OMD!!!! HE'S STILL HERE!!!!!!!! Best words EVER!!!!!

These bonus days are a great gift...hard...but a great gift!!! You and Jackson are doing a STELLAR job of making each moment MAGICAL!! A forever treasured time that will ALWAYS stay with you!!!

AND yiu betcha Happy Hannah is THRILLED Jackson is getting ice cream!!!! I'm sure she'd perfer you forgo the bananas for sprinkles and chocolate syrup!!!!
BRILLIANT of spoiling! Just brilliant!

Congratulations ARE DOG!!!!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to update us. We care sooooooo much!!!

Let's all toast Jackson and Katy tonight with ice cream!!!



Sally and Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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