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Introducing Rumbles, Front amp Boxer
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New Jersey
Member Since:
4 June 2011
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4 June 2011 - 9:17 am
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Rumbles, my 10-year old Boxer had his right front leg amputated 4 weeks ago. He had a non-metastatic malignant tumor on his 'elbow' that our vet surgically removed once, but 6 months later it recurred with a vengence. So amputation became our only option. I spent the first week feeling that we made the wrong decision (even though euthanasia was unthinkable for an otherwise happy, healthy dog). I just couldn't believe that he was going to regain his "Rumbles-ness". He was so confused, depressed, and was having a hard time walking in the right direction. But after his pain meds were finished, I realized that the pills were the big problem (though necessary for his own comfort). The day after his last dose, he was attentive and active again. What a relief! Now he's managing the stairs, has developed an interesting shuffle, shuffle, hop back-up method, is learning to take rest stops on his daily (short) walks and most importantly, is once again following me everywhere I go.


I'm happy to have found this website. I've already read many posts and can see that I will learn so much from all of you and your amazing 3-legged animals! Thanks for sharing your stories.

4 June 2011 - 10:31 am
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Hi Rumbles and Mom,

Welcome to Tripawds

I hope you don't mind that I moved your post here to it's own topic- I didn't want Rumble's intro to get lost in the other forum!

It's good to hear he is doing well and back to his 'Rumbleness'.  Those pain meds do a number on our pups sometimes.

I'm looking forward to more pictures (we love pics!) and to hear more about your boy.


Karen and the pugapalooza


p.s. you future posts will not need to wait for moderation.

Leicester, NY
Member Since:
23 August 2010
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4 June 2011 - 10:47 am
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Welcome Rumbles! Glad to hear you are getting back to your new normal!

Daisy earned her wings on Oct 22, 2011 at 14 years old

She is now the official greeter at the rainbow bridge

Everyone is guaranteed a welcome sniff and Dalmatian smile

Greater Western Washington area
Member Since:
25 August 2010
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4 June 2011 - 11:15 am
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Hi Rumbles and family,

I love the name, and your avatar!  Welcome here, we look forward to reading of his adventures.


Elizabeth and Sammy

Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in the right front leg 8/23/10,

leg fractured 8/27/10,

leg amputated 8/30/10


I couldn't begin to say how special Sammy is to us.  Living and laughing with and loving this wonderful boy is priceless.

My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
Member Since:
28 November 2008
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4 June 2011 - 3:39 pm
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Tripawds is definitely THE place to learn and grow with your tripawd.Making that tough decision (and getting through the recovery) are truly the hard parts of life with a tripawd.

Welcome to you and Rumbles.

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

Scottsburg, IN
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5 February 2010
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4 June 2011 - 4:54 pm
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Rumbles, my man!  That avatar pic is so awesome!  I don't think anyone needs to ask your person exactly what "Rumbles-ness" means.  🙂

Just wanted to say hello.  I love all dogs, but boxers are so special to me.  I have three myself, including my Roxy who is a front-left leg amputee due to a Mast Cell Tumor. 

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and following your person around.  We really need our pups to follow us around and let us know we are loved by someone so special. 

Keep us posted on how you're doing.



On The Road

Member Since:
24 September 2009
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5 June 2011 - 12:03 pm
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tripawds have more fun three legged boxer t-shirts

Sounds like Rumbles is well on the road to full recovery! Before you know it, he'll be inspiring others Just like Roxy who inspired us to create the Tripawd Boxers Have More Fun shirts and and gifts!

Welcome, and thanks for joining! We look forward to following Rumbles' progress. Be sure to bookmark Jerry's Required Reading List for the most helpful blog posts and forum topics from the past few years.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
30 July 2010
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5 June 2011 - 6:44 pm
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Yay Rumbles!!! Another hoppy success story!!!  Congrats on his smooth road to recovery! Can't wait to see how he progresses!!!

-Chloe's mom

Chloe became a rear amp tripawd on 7-29-10. Another tumor was removed on front leg 2-20-14. Found 3rd tumor on neck 2-2015, but she's still kicking cancer's butt at age 14. Chloe's blog

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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6 June 2011 - 1:13 pm
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Awww! I'm so happy to hear Rumbles is his Rumbly self!  Reading these types of posts make us all so happy!

Love the avatar also!  I bet his is a ham and you guys will have so many adventures in the future.  So keep sharing them!

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

Plainfield, Illinois
Member Since:
14 May 2011
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10 June 2011 - 6:45 am
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I LOVE the picture of Rumbles!  Reminds me of my Boxer, Chili's brother from anutha mutha!  Welcome!

Diagnosed with OSA: 5/2/2011 Ampuversary: 5/11/2011 OSA returned in hip: 8/26/2011
Chili Dawg crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 8/30/2011 & is now pain free. He was my heart dog, and I miss him every day.

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