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I'm Malu (4 yr old Lab-X and recent amputee -- back left leg)
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Member Since:
26 April 2008
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26 April 2008 - 9:45 pm
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Hello.  I am a recent tri-pawd and I know that my owner has found this site really helpful as she struggled to learn all she could about canine cancer and decide if she should go through with my amputation... 

 For about a year I was limping off and on - favoring my back left leg. the vets where I used to live (Hawaii) thought I strained a muscle at first, then told me I tore a ligament and needed an expensive TPLO surgery.  We ended up moving to Texas in January this year and I had the TPLO surgery the first part of Feb.  My recovery was going great and I even got to go to doggy therapy and walk in a water treadmill!

About 6 weeks out from surgery, my mommy noticed there was a lump in my foot that she found out was not related to my TPLO surgery.  A biopsy revealed it was a myxosarcoma that was very locally agressive and all the doctors she talked to (vets, surgeons, oncologists, radiologists) said amputation was the best was to get me back to my normal routine of taking long walks, chasing squirrels (we didn't have them in Hawaii so they're of particular interest to me!) and playing with my sister.

I just had my back left leg amputated Thursday and so far things are going pretty well.  Since I'm a lab mix - I love food and have not had a dimished appetite.  In fact while my Mom was eating her dinner I got up off my doggy bed and moved a little closer to see what she was eating... and secretly hoped she dropped something.  I am very tired and I still haven't figured out how to go number 2.  My mommy is a little concernced about this, but figures when I REALLY have to go, I'll figure it out.

 Thanks for letting me share my story and I'll try and write more when I'm not so darn sleepy.

On The Road

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26 April 2008 - 10:09 pm
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bowman714 said:

I know that my owner has found this site really helpful...

That means a lot to my people. Thanks!

Aloha and welcome to the mainland. And welcome to the forums. We're glad you joined the discussion, and look forward to updates. Tell your people to be patient, and don't worry about the whole number two thing. It's a balancing trick that won't take too much practice.

I didn't want to go for a day or so. When I really had too, I looked confused, but got it down pretty quick after stumbling just a bit. Now I still try to lift my leg to pee, but find it easier to lean against a bush or tree and pretend.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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30 March 2008
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27 April 2008 - 6:53 pm
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Welcome Malu, you and your pawrents are just going to love this group.  My mom keeps telling me it is much better than any of the human cancer support groups she checked out when she had cancer.  She only wishes she had seen this site.  I wish you lots of health and a fast recovery.  The #2 thing, like Jerry says, not to worry I go through the same thing and then when my pawrents are getting very worry out of the blue..plop I give them a gift.  So have patience it will happen....lots of licks


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28 April 2008 - 10:32 am
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Thanks for the encouragement!  I figured out the whole bathroom thing and my mommy couldn't stop cheering me on. I didn't realize I was doing such a magnificent thing... but she sure thought so.

 I thought I'd include a picture of me...

PhotobucketImage Enlarger


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15 April 2008
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28 April 2008 - 11:32 am
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Greetings Malu! I am glad that you figured out the whole #2 thing.  It took me 5 days to go at first and now I am back to clock work.  The #1 thing was even hard at first.  I would lift my back leg, forgetting that I had only 1 front leg remaining.  I have stumbled but I think that I have it down now!

My pawrents are excited to hear about your progress and wish you only the best! We agree with everyone above.  This website is amazing and we continue to thank Jerry and his pawrents for their tireless support.

Charlie Brown

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21 March 2008
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28 April 2008 - 2:39 pm
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Hey Malu!  What a handsome dog you are.

Member Since:
17 March 2008
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29 April 2008 - 12:17 pm
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It's so great of you to share your story Malu! This is a wonderful place to gather and share information and support as well. My Nellie is a recent rear tri-pawd as well. She did not ever have a prob with going potty, but I really knew she was on the "up" side of her recovery when she was on a walk and raised her left rear leg to pee on the neighbor's bush like she always did- she just did not have the right one to stand on!!! She looked confused for a minute but quickly got back up and squatted instead. She still does it every once in a while but catches herself before she falls!

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29 April 2008 - 2:03 pm
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Hi Malu,

Glad to hear you're doing so well. Keep up the good work and remember - when you gotta go, you gotta go!


Love, Lalla 


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29 April 2008 - 7:47 pm
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Whoo Hooo, chip chip hurray!!!  Congrats on doing the #2 business.  Go figure all these years they always got on our cases if we did #2 where we were not supposed to and now they cheer us on if we even do #2...go figure these humans.Wink  I am glad to hear that you are doing so well and keep you spirit up.  Love your photo..


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2 May 2008 - 11:19 pm
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Hey everyone,


My mom had to go out of town for business and I was soooo excited when she got home that I forgot I wasn't allowed to go upstairs and made it half way up the flight before she came out of her room and made me stop. Luckily there was a landing so I got a chance to rest - and have one of my favorite treats, frozen applesauce, before having to go back down.

 I am still REALLY tired - I think it's the drugs she's hiding in chicken (yes, I know she's putting Tramadol and Rimadyl in there) but other than that I don't have many complaints.  

She wanted me to mention that she got some good news from the vet surgeon the other day... the lymph nodes sent out for biopsy came back clear.  I'm not sure what that means exactly, but mom seems pretty happy about it. 

 I'm including a picture my granddad took of me while mom was away... I got to go outside and just chill out in the yard and it was so much fun.  I can't wait until I get some endurance back and can start playing again.


Hearty tail thumps to all of you! 

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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3 May 2008 - 2:17 am
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Oh Malu, that is GREAT news! Yeay!

You look like you're saying "awwww, come on, let me play play play" in that picture. It's hard being a good doggie and not overdoing it, isn't it? 

Soon enough my friend, you'll be running all over the place. Hang in there!


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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4 May 2008 - 2:35 pm
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Malu you good lookin you......I am so happy that you are starting to feel better!  You look great and you will see that in time you will be up to your old tricks.  Ummmhhhh frozen appleasauce.  Maybe my mom needs to try that one on me.  I love the frozen doggie icecream - frosty paws, have you ever had that one?  If not, my mom puts some of the lowfat plain yogurt in the freezer and gives it to us as treats....yummy yummy also.  Lots of licks....


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