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Great Pyr sisters diagnosed with OS
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Dickson, TN
Member Since:
13 August 2011
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29 March 2013 - 8:09 pm
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22 Months ago, Ingrid was diagnosed with OS in her left back leg.  She is doing very well after amputation and is being studied by the Van Andel Institute who are doing a complete genome sequence. They have discovered she has a "marker  gene" that is now a known marker for OS.  This gene is believed to be the reason she has been able to fight OS.  They also have Uma's dna and I have contacted them to see if she too has this special gene.

Uma, her sister began to limp last week and now there is a bump on her right rear leg.  We have a vet appointment on Monday.  This is absolutely the same presentation Ingrid had 2 years ago.

Our girls were rescued, so we have no idea of their lineage. 

Do any of you have know  or experienced  siblings with OS?

Any dual tripawds in families?

Any advice and information would be most welcomed.


Thank you all,


On The Road

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24 September 2009
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29 March 2013 - 9:15 pm
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Carla, thanks for coming over here, I'm sorry this is the reason why. Please try not to imagine the worst. I know it's SO hard but until you know what you're dealing with, you'll drive yourself crazy with worry. Monday has gotta seem like a million years away, I can't blame you for being scared, I know I would be too.

If it's any comfort we've had lots of folks here suspect OSA in a sibling but found out later that the suspicious area was something less serious. We have all our paws and fingers crossed that this is the case for Uma too.

Stay strong and lean on us. Let us know how Monday goes OK?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

New York, NY
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3 December 2012
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29 March 2013 - 9:17 pm
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Hi Carla,


I have no experience with this whatsoever, but I just wanted to offer some support.  Come on over to chat if you need to vent at all.  I'm sure you are a ball of nerves and two days to wait  is tough.  We are here for you and sending you lots of good thoughts and strength.



Jill is a 9-year-old tuxedo kitty. She was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in June 2012 on her toe in her right hind leg. Her leg was amputated on 12/12/12 and she completed four rounds of chemo (2 of Carbo, 2 of Doxy) in April 2013. "Like" Jill's facebook page: https://www.fac.....tty?ref=hl Proud member of the WINTER WARRIORS!!!! Her blog can be read at xoxo

In your heart, where I belong.
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9 February 2011
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29 March 2013 - 9:18 pm
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Carla, I have no real expertise to offer but I can say that you of all people will be able to handle whatever life throws your way. Let's not write Uma's future just yet. We'll cross all fingers, toes and paws that it's not cancer or at least not OSA. I don't mean to sound cavalier--not at all. I just know that you will be on top of this because of your experience. You are capable and strong.

In the meantime we will all hope for the best. Please keep us posted and remember we will be here for you.


From abandoned puppy to Tripawd Warrior Dude, Dakota became one of the 2011 February Furballs due to STS. Our incredibly sweet friend lived with grace and dignity till he impulsively raced over the Bridge on 12-15-12.

Dakota's thoughtful and erudite blog is at

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16 October 2012
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29 March 2013 - 9:21 pm
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I am so sorry this is the reason why you had to come back to the site.  I know I was scared with Sassy's diagnosis.  I haven't ever heard of 2 siblings having OSA but possible.  I hope for everyone its not.  Keep us informed of the results on Monday.  You are in our prayers


Michelle & Sassy


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

New Haven, CT
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27 December 2012
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30 March 2013 - 10:45 am
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Yikes.  I'm sorry you *may* fight the battle twice.  At least you've got a wealth of knowledge and some tools/tips learned from the first go-around to help your next pup.  Let us know what happens at the next appt!  I'm thinking of the meantime, (((HUGS))) for you and your pups!

And, BTW - 22 months for Ingrid!  WHOA!  WOW!  You keep it up, girl!  You ARE an inspawration!

~ Katy

ACL tear in right hind leg 12/5/12 and scheduled ACL repair surgery 12/21/12. Pre-op xrays revealed osteosarcoma. Amputation 12/28/12.  Chemo (carboplatin) started Jan 10, 2013 and ended on April 5, for a total of 5 doses. He handled carbo like a champ!  No side effects.  We started metronomic therapy at his third chemo and have been also doing some holistic treatments.  He's a lively, playful 10 year old huskie-boarder collie and a very proud member of the Winter Warriors!  Our love. Our funny little guy!

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30 March 2013 - 10:49 am
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Hi Carla,

I really hope her sis doesn't have OSA but I'll tell you my experience. My Weim Maggie started limping one day and after awhile when she didn't get better I took her to the vet and had an xray done that showed a lesion on her humerus. I'm in the medical field (xray to be exact) and the lesion didn't look good to me. But my vet wanted to do a bone biopsy so we were all set to do that. Maggie's father lives in the same town as I do and I heard he recently died so I made some phone calls and found out he had osteosarcoma and died from it. The day of Maggie's bx I consulted with the vet and we both felt she had osteosarcoma too and to do the amputation instead of the bx. I feel very strongly there are some breed lines that do have that, I wish there was more research on it. Like I said I hope Uma's bump is just a bump. Good luck.



Member Since:
22 February 2013
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30 March 2013 - 11:48 am
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Uma and Ingrid---Just able to send you good wishes but have no knowledge to offer.

Ingrid, you are a champion and inspiration! And even if Um a gets the dreaded diagnosis, there is o reason to believe she won't be right along Ms. Ingrid carrying the gene of "beating the odds"!!

Holding you dearly in our thoughts, Sally Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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7 April 2013 - 4:49 pm
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Carla, I was thinking about you, Uma and Ingrid and wondering how things are going. We hope that no news is good news and that Uma got an all-clear. Drop us a line when you can OK?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Twin Cities, Minnesota
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6 March 2013
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7 April 2013 - 5:31 pm
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HI Carla...

I missed this post the first time around. I hope things are going okay for you--that is a rough go of it.

I don't know about my dog's siblings (he was one of 12, and there was a litter the same size right before his as well...all were adopted out, and I haven't had any contact with any of them in 10+ years)...BUT I do know that both of his parents (who were also adopted out) ended up with OSA. His mother was a GSD/Dobie cross, and she passed away around age 7-8 (IIRC); his father, a PB Akita, I don't know what happened to, as his owner moved away. (I got all this info from the foster mom)

So, Sam is a mixed breed, but since both his parents had it...the heritability of it doesn't surprise me.

"Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
-Douglas Adams, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

"May I recommend serenity to you? A life that is burdened with expectations is a heavy life. Its fruit is sorrow and disappointment. Learn to be one with the joy of the moment."
-Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul

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